Friday, 31 August 2007

Ethnic Envy and The NEP - a reply

cruzeiro wrote:

cucutokteja wrote:
Are they the Malays - no and if not the Malays who are suppossed to have most of the extras and yet they are not, who then are the owners of most of the houses, condos, apartments, shops in the super complexes etc?

Dear friend,
I do not presume to have the statistics to prove my observation - but yours is definitely quite perverse.

Your observation is myopic at best.

Nobody said that the Malays own all the prime real estate - but they definitely could have, had the economy been better planned.

You seem to have asked the wrong question, my friend .... you should've asked why is your observation as such, when for almost 40yrs, the Malays have apparently been given the benefits with total disregard for merit!

What the NEP has produced and is still churning out, is nothing more than certified mediocrity and failures, with more excuses to perpetuate elitism under the guise of affirmative policy.
What NEP has produced is nothing more than a generation of "bumiputeras” who are paralysed in their will to live with freedom and independence.

They are so psychologically paralysed, that they depend on politicians (ie govt aid and civil service) for their rice bowl – and so have willingly given up their rights to the politicians.

As far as I know there has been no man that has become rich via "makan gaji", unless he is corrupt.

So, I now wish to ask you, cucutokteja -
Who are the real beneficiaries of NEP? I'll tell you - It is none other that the pirates of the constitution, who rob the million/ billion dollar enterprises by law.

The heartless exploitation of the people for political capital is evident from education, job and business opportunities which aren't based on merit, but color, creed and "affiliations/ influence". Aid isn't given to the deserving (unless for posterity), but to the influential.

What the man on the street has to face is "indirect taxes" via increased costs of production in all industries, as a result of these wasteful "affirmative action" policies that translates into higher production costs.

As a result of all these actions, what it produced is nothing more than envy among all - all feel "deprived" in one way or other.

But it doesn't seem to matter much to the Malays (in fact, many are foolishly happy, even when they too stand to lose indirectly), as long as it is the Chinese or Indian that gets screwed by a Malay – and it serves to inflate the “ketuanan Melayu” ego, nothing more (except it does create another rich and corrupt bureaucrat who'll own businesses via proxies).

Dear friend, have you heard of the predicament of businessmen in a certain industry who were given a deadline to "obtain" a "bumiputra" shareholder with 30% equity in the company?
This guy was lamenting his fate, while having a drink with me ...................

These are guys who built the businesses with their bare hands over 20 years, and are today forced to give away their holding at par value to a "big shot", or their licences may be "reconsidered"!

Now could you tell me, how in heaven's name, does the Malay/ bumiputra as a people, benefit from such an action?

Yes, they do own bungalows, and send their children overseas for education, and there is no way that you can stop the industrious from being successful in life. They who have the hunger to succeed, will do backbreaking labour if it has to be so, unlike the slothful who complain of the handicaps they have endeared themselves to.

If that is what you or other Malays envy, cucutokteja, what's stopping the Malays from working just as hard?

I know of quite a number who have made it on their own, and I for one, am happy for them. I wouldn't envy them - not for a minute, even though I'm not as fortunate - for envy is a sin from which many other evils are born.

By all means, support the deserving Malays to come up in life – I have no problems with that (In fact, I feel it is very much warranted). But do it right, by not encouraging mediocrity and corruption and don't deprive another of his bread and butter – that is the sentiment that you see expressed in the web, which you don't seem to appreciate.

Do it right – by preventing the abuse of funds via a life of luxury, until they have earned their keep. One could fill volumes with names of “businessmen” who live a life of luxury on loans/ contracts given in the name of NEP. I do know of such people personally – golf club memberships, jet-set lifestyles, mercedes/ bmw etc. - next thing you know, they are declared bankrupt, and are selling ayam panggang in the pasar malam!

These actions are wasteful and everybody pays a price for it, even if you don't realize it.

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Arabic Day

Today I wish to indulge myself in all thing Arabic, so as not to seem biased against them - Hey Man - there cool things about arabs ....... Like, like, ....... like ......
Ah yes - crude oil, the desert sands, Islam, IEDs, suicide bombers, the veil, falafel, kebab, belly dancing, yeah man ..... and many more.
And today I'm enjoying Arab culture on YouTube - and I dont care if you think they are uncivilized scum of scum!
So here goes ......

Funny Arab Guy

Next, we have belly dancing (Rated PG18)
Arabic belly dance from Lebanon

Here's some very "touching" music, about the sad predicament of an arab
Hey There Khalilah

Let's move on to more pleasant stuff, huh?
A-R-A-B Rap

Now just to round it up, we got -
Some funny arab rap

That's all for today .... I'll write no .... publish what I wrote soon enuff!

Kau Ilhamku

Thursday, 23 August 2007

The doctor and his patient

And the scene opens:

The scene is an ordinary doctor’s office. Rather drab, with old yellowing posters.

The doctor is listening to his own heartbeat with his stethoscope while absentmindedly depressing his tongue with a tongue depressor. There is a knock on the door.

Doctor (surprised): Come in, come in.

A middle-aged man with a paunch and a very bad comb-over enters. There is a sickly pallor to his skin and his clothes have seen better days.

Doctor: Ah, Mr Essiah? Mr Malachi Essiah? Here for the test results, eh?

Malachi (coughs): Good morning, doctor. Yes I am, and please call me Mal.

Doctor: Yes, yes, jolly good, jolly good. Please sit down, Mal.

The Doctor shuffles some papers looking for Mal’s test reports. Eventually, he finds them.

Doctor: Righto, here we are.

Let’s see, let’s see. (He reads the report.) Hmmmmmm.

Malachi: Is something the matter, Doctor? Am I all right?

Doctor: Hmmmmm.

Time passes.

Malachi: Doctor, you are worrying me.

Doctor: Huh? What? Oh sorry, I was trying to decipher what’s written here. Bloody doctors can’t write.

Malachi: But you are a doctor.

Doctor: I am? Oh yes, I am. Of course, of course. Yes, I am. Well, Mal, it doesn’t look good, I must say. You’re 49 years old and ?

Malachi: 50 next week.

Doctor: Really? Well, then, an early “Happy birthday to you!”

As I was saying, you are going on 50 and you’ve made a right royal mess of things, haven’t you?

It says here that everything is out of whack. I take it you are a man of means.

Malachi (proudly): Oh yes. I have made much money in my time. My business has been growing and growing.

Doctor: So has your waistline, from the looks of things. And your cholesterol level. And your blood pressure.

Seems you’ve been putting money before everything else, eh? The only thing that hasn’t grown is your hair.

Mal glares at him.

Doctor: Sorry, it’s a little joke.

Mal keeps on glaring.

Doctor: Yes, well. Errr ... moving along. You have gout. That is a rich man’s disease, you know. Too much red meat. And your arteries are pretty clogged up. Also, it would appear ? hmmmm ... tell me, do you have trouble pooping?

Malachi: Pooping?

Doctor: Yes, you know, pooping. To poop. To pass poop.

Malachi: Oh. Yes, now that you mention it ... it can be a bit of a ... a bit of a ?

Doctor: Strain?

Malachi: Yes, yes ... strain.

Doctor: Not surprising, Mal, since you are all blocked up: constipated, as they say in medical journals.

You have crap in you that must date back years. You can’t go around carrying that kind of baggage with you, Mal.

You must let go. Wash it out. I hear a coffee enema might do the trick.

Malachi: A what?

Doctor: A coffee enema, you shove a tube up your whatsit, pump in the coffee and it all flows out.

You’ll be clean as a whistle and feel much better for it.

Malachi: That sounds uncomfortable.

Doctor: If you don’t cleanse your gut of poop, sir, I can guarantee that such discomforts will be the least of your worries.

Malachi looks at the floor. He is obviously upset.

Doctor: Look here, old fellow. There is still hope, you know. Don’t be so crestfallen.

Right now your main concern should be your heart.

You have been mistreating it and it shows.

Your heartbeat is irregular and your stress test shows you can’t walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath.

Malachi: What should I do?

Doctor: This calls for a total change in lifestyle and attitude.

Change your diet to something healthier. Eat good things.

Purge your body of the corruption that years of high living without any consideration to yourself have brought.

Malachi: But, Doctor, I am not all bad, you know. I take good care of my liver. I drink a very expensive tonic that takes care of my liver.

Lots of money I have spent on it.

My cousin brother’s wife’s uncle’s second son direct sells it to me. It’s a very good company, Conway.

Doctor: Hmmm, well, I must admit your liver is not in any danger of collapsing but really it is still showing the same wear and tear of any 50-year-old liver. The tonic has done very little except keep your liver in the state it has always been.

Besides, you must take care of your entire body.

You can’t just say I’ll take care of one bit and leave the others.

If you do that, everything will shut down and even the parts you take care of will be dead.

Malachi is quiet. The Doctor gets up to stand next to him.

He puts his hand on Malachi’s shoulder, which is brushed off rudely.

Malachi: You know what, Doctor. I don’t believe you. I feel fine.

Doctor: Look, you are deluding yourself. You are not fine. You are on the verge of collapse.

Malachi: That’s what you say, but I am going to get a second opinion.

I think you are biased and you have a hidden agenda. Maybe you want me to buy your medicine, huh?

Doctor: I want no such thing. You are my patient; I am here only to care for you.

Malachi: Hah! That’s what you say only. Well, I think you are an alarmist fraud. I am going to go to my son-in-law’s doctor. He will tell me I am fine.

The Doctor sighs resignedly.

Doctor: Very well then. I can’t force you to listen to me. Whatever happens, I hope you will take care of yourself. I’ll be here if you need me.

Malachi gets up to leave. He adjusts his waistband and flattens his comb-over. As he leaves, the Doctor calls out.

Doctor: Mal. Would you like a vitamin C tablet? It’s sweet.

Malachi: I am not a child, doctor. I am going to be 50 years old.

Doctor: (To himself: You could have fooled me). (To Mal) Oh yes, of course you are. Happy Birthday, Mal.

  • Dr Azmi Sharom is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya.
  • Wednesday, 22 August 2007

    What has come of “Us”?

    What has come of “Us”? - This is a question that keeps on being asked of late.

    To dissect and study, and then to answer, one has first got to be willing to accept the facts, even if it goes against what we were taught to believe.

    No amount of discussion and dialectics would result in anything positive should we be so rooted in our conviction, that we are willing to look the other way in the face of truth.

    First and foremost, what is this fear that we have, that we are willing to live in denial?


    Faced with the possibility of dispossession, one would do anything to protect what he/ she has – even if it means to lie, cheat, steal, betray or kill – in the name of God if necessary. It is in human nature to strive for survival, and all else takes a back seat when faced with this predicament.

    As things are, it is the insecurity in a certain group of people that has led to the “Bogeyman Syndrome” that afflicts the nation that was once a melting pot of cultures.

    The champions of "the” group never fails to remind the “underprivileged” of their apparently noble struggles to enrich them, via an agenda of unblushing, unapologetic greed and robbery.

    It is a sentiment that is easily identifiable. It is a sentiment that never fails to win the sympathy of the unthinking masses. We are thus condemned to listen to shameless rhetoric that hides an agenda of greed ad infinitum, ad nauseaum. Any effort to correct the malady that afflicts the nation as a whole is shamelessly politicized and condemned as subversive and anti-establishment, so as to perpetuate the “siege mentality” that has served the nation so well for half a century.

    It appears the those with “vested interest” in the apparent economic prosperity of the nation cannot do without holding on to the siege mentality, that should have been diluted over the years. Instead of reassuring the people of the prosperity, they have chosen to inflame the passions of the young ones, so as to spite his brother.

    Economic benefits once considered a privilege, is today demanded as a "birthright” - a right to acquire by law, the wealth and riches, that was built on the human spirit of enterprise, excellence, progress and survival.

    My fellow Malaysians, today, we live in a nation that has its socio-economic woes swept under the carpet "frivolousness", with the cloud of the infamous May 13, 1969 hanging over our head. All policies made today, goes back to that fateful day – it is a fact that unapologetic politicians take pains to remind us of.

    We are a nation that lives on a notion that provides for a "siege mentality".

    The saddest part of it all is, those who today work with the co-conspirators of the event, shamelessly applaud the results that it has achieved in terms of social integration – apparently a testament to the cooperation among various RACES.

    Racial profiling of an individual has become something of a necessity, that empowers one while it emasculates the other politically- a house of cards without which, the regime would crumble.

    However, the scenario quickly reverses itself when one looks at it from an economic standpoint. It has emasculated the political master and empowered economically, those apparently subservient politically. Those who have been repressed and disadvantaged as a result of corrupt policies, have triumphed over the political masters, in their effort to face the challenges on their own – whatever the methods may have been. This has resulted in further ethnic hegemony which is in turn, used to perpetuate the never ending cycle of conflict in our beautiful nation.

    The national bogeyman who was once the Communists, has magically been transformed into the intellectual and economic predator. As if that wasn't enough, the propaganda machinery that's groping in the dark, seeks out for more bogeymen in every aspect of life – entertainment, leisure, sport, education, religion, politics etc.,etc., etc. - so as to intimidate the progressives. For every shortcoming, there is a perfect bogeyman.

    Nothing is spared in the endeavour of the politicians, towards achieving their goal of segregation through ethnic profiling – not gender, not education, not religion, not social standing or contribution, nor even truth. Nothing is held sacred anymore in the eyes of the politicians – not knowledge, not marriage, not family and most pathetically, not even God.

    There is no apology offered for this evil "branding” of humans, and no offense is to be taken. In fact, they who do this, brag about the successes that they "achieved” as a result of this system of selective deprivation, subjugation and mental slavery.

    The apparent beneficiaries of this policy of "empowerment”, have unwittingly enslaved themselves as a result of debt and gratitude "owed" to the leaders – without whose ethnic hegemony, they are told, would be stripped of their political & economic might by the ever predatory bogeyman waiting around the corner. It is this blind dependence on the powers that be and the voluntary mental slavery in fear of dispossession, which breeds the evil that so permeates our society today – nothing more, nothing less.

    So the question remains – in whose interest would it be to enact racial profiling, ethnic hegemony, religious supremacy, and the economical indebtedness and malaise that afflicts the nation?

    It is none other than the political proponents of the “pride and joy” of all Malaysians - New Economic Policy. Yes – Malaysians are doomed to a future of economic and mental slavery under the thumbs of their “political masters”, so long as the NEP survives in any form or guise.

    No nation that disregards the noble values that contribute to progress, has ever achieved successful nationhood. Malaysians appear to believe otherwise, and wish to prove history wrong. So be it.

    For what it is worth – Happy Merdeka!

    Tuesday, 21 August 2007

    Music Essay

    As you go on, what you would hear would be an essay on thoughts that were expressed in the form of music that I liked over the years.
    Music itself was something that I often got lost in ..... it had a strange way of expressing thoughts and feelings, although I cannot play or sing a note/ key correctly to this day.
    It was for this reason that I had chosen to give up listening to music, to concentrate on work.

    I start it with a beautiful song by Sting:-


    Desert Rose

    You Sang To Me

    Feeling a little "jiwang" today - Just couldn't do well with words.
    Looked around, but couldn't find it .....
    So here goes my musical essay for the day ............................................


    I had a very strange and vivid dream last week, and it brought back a lot of thoughts about the past.
    The thoughts it brought back were quite difficult for me to put in words - I tried to write, but it somehow didn't quite fit.
    Tried to write poetry - nothing came to mind.
    So I settled for music, which expressed things pretty well ......

    The best way to become acquainted with a subject is to write a book about it.
    Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)



    Something Stupid

    Flying Without Wings

    Oh Boy - This one still gives me goose-pimples for a very special reason.

    Strangers In The Night

    Unchained Melody

    Always on My Mind

    Reminiscing ....

    This song, My Way definitely makes me all so "soggy" - I can still remember the first time I heard this song .....
    There were many things I had done in the fire and haste of youth - things that could've been done better.
    However, strangely, I don't have a regret at all as it has made me a tougher person (despite the occasional emotional outbursts).
    Yes, things were tough when I was in the "in search of ...." mode - it's a path, something I would never encourage others to take. It can change you and your perception of things around you forever. There were times that I thought that I could go further in my explorations and to push the limits of my endurance - thank god I didn't! It might've just pushed me over the edge!
    In a sense it is foolhardy, as there are no answers to certain things in life - at times one needs to learn to humble oneself and accept that not all things are meant to be known. We just have to live and let live. We have to do do our job and do it the best we can ... and everything will fall into place.
    The rest, I'd choose to leave it to God.

    Sunday, 19 August 2007

    19/08: A child’s guide to the global financial crisis

    John Berthelsen
    Asia Sentinel

    You know dad is in trouble, and that mom is crying, and that the order for the Oyster 100 has had to be cancelled, and that the Bentley Arnage convertible is out, and that Graciela and Baby are on their way back to Manila and we’re just left with Candy to help out, and that you probably aren’t going to Choate after all, and it might be hard to figure everything out. But it’s not.

    Here’s how it works. Think about gumdrops. They are no different than sub-prime home mortgages, and they illustrate how such a tiny segment of the housing market in the US could cause so much trouble for the world economy.

    You used to be able to buy two gumdrops for a penny but now the price has gone up. They are a penny each. You want a gumdrop, but you don’t have a penny. But I will loan you one because I know you want the gumdrop. I am not asking you if you have a way to pay off the gumdrop because I think you will pay it off, or I did before your dad got into trouble. I don’t need to. But let’s figure out if I can get some collateral. Collateral is a big word for something I can grab if you can’t pay. That would be the gumdrop.

    But collateral doesn’t really matter. I know you signed a paper with your little six-year old hand that you would pay back the penny. Your father is rich, or was until the current unpleasantness, and I think you’re good for it anyhow. So just like your father at the hedge fund, I have an IOU that represents the gumdrop. We can call it a mortgage.

    But surprise. As soon as you gave me your little signature, I sold the paper to an 8th grader.

    The kid who bought it from me has a great idea. He takes the gumdrop mortgage, and collects lots of them. Then he puts them into a fund that everybody can buy. A smart investment banker figured out in the 1980s that you could take lots of little IOUs, called mortgages, and bundle them together into bonds. These are called derivatives because they are financial instruments derived from the original mortgage. Then whoever buys them slices and dices them into different components.

    The kid who bought your gumdrop IOU from me is like that.

    So what kind of derivatives can we derive from your gumdrop? Well, the kid who bought the gumdrop IOU split it into a whole bunch of new financial instruments. They are called collateralized debt obligations. He sells securities on the gelatine in the gumdrop for 1 cent. He sells securities in the dye in the gumdrop for 1 cent. He sells securities in the sugar for 1 cent. He sells securities in the aroma for 1 cent. He sells securities in the appearance of the gumdrop for 1 cent. He sells securities in the squeezability of the gumdrop for 1 cent. Your gumdrop, which you bought for one cent (although it’s really only worth half a cent because of speculation and inflation) is now worth 6 cents.

    But that’s just the start. Each of the buyers of the gumdrop securities breaks them into component parts and sells them on to other kids. The kid who buys the gelatine security breaks it down into its separate chemical components and sells each of the chemical component securities for one cent each. That creates five new securities each worth a cent. The kid who buys the dye security takes a prism of the color and breaks it down into each of its component colors. The possibilities are nearly endless. Colors can be separated split into endless variations using color separators. Magenta and cyan are components of red. Yellow and cyan can produce green. Each one can represent a new security.

    The kid who buys the sugar security got a great deal. Sugar is a disaccharide that breaks down into glucose and fructose. It breaks down after that into something called C12H22011, with the systemic name of D-fructofuranosyl or D-glucopyranoside. Each one of those is broken down again. Over and over. It’s fun! Each of the people who breaks these down into individual securities says the security is backed by your one-cent gumdrop mortgage – the collateralized debt obligation.

    In your dad’s world, this is called “creating new financial instruments.” By now, the total market value of the securities built on the value of your one-cent gumdrop is somewhere around 50 times that. But in a bull market, when everybody gets concerned that their snouts aren’t deep enough into the money trough, they start to panic and buy more, forcing the price up even higher. So your half-cent gumdrop now represents maybe US$1.

    Way down at the bottom is you. The whole thing is built on your gumdrop, but I remember that you haven’t paid me the penny you owe me, maybe because you’re scared to ask dad, who is very grouchy these days. So I’d like the gumdrop back. Unfortunately, you ate it.

    There was another man who was a lot like that investment banker who figured out how to securitize mortgages. His name was Carlo Ponzi. But that’s another story.

    Friday, 17 August 2007

    UMNO song - LOL

    Look at what they got!!


    I really don't understand what the big fuss is all about - so what if Meng Chee rapped along with Negara Ku ...... he never threatened anyone, nor did he trample on the constitution, nor did he rip-off the rakyats' millions.

    Oh, I forgot - we need a new bogeyman to whack, so as to drum up patriotism on Merdeka Day!

    RPK wrote something about this nonsense that's been going on .... this was what I wrote:

    cruzeiro wrote:

    For you to say that Melayu bodoh over this issue is a little unfair.

    C'mon - even the "others" are playing along, if not silent on this issue.
    The ones who wish to voice out, don't get the media attention.

    It is the hype created by a select few who are scrambling for issues, to whack a new bogeyman thru the media.

    I thot that the stock market, or the RTD would be prime news, but Meng Chee and some politicians got some cheap publicity.

    As you say, this is a non-issue compared to the ills & "monsters" that have been highlighted, and yet silenced by them.

    "We need a new monstrous bogeyman every now and then to revive sagging spirits, nationalism/ racism, beat the drums of war and rally the masses".

    Too bad - this time around, the "monstrous bogeyman" is just a kuchi-rat.


    There was this writer who was whacking RPK for his "attitude" too ....

    aspa wrote:

    Since you have already barred Sajida and Adam,I have to use aspa to come in to show what you have to exposed that; 'This is the Government elected by the majority. This is how the elected Government govern for the BEST benefits to the majority. This is how they decide who to be ISA and not to be ISA. Their main RESPONSIBILITY to the majority who vote them is PEACE.They are paid by the majority and they have to decide what is best for the majority.That is what freedom is all about. Freedom to talk and freedom not to listen.(to your hate site)'

    17/08 19:53:51

    aspa wrote:

    You criticised the Government.

    You are also acting as a Government in your own hate site.

    You do not practise freedom of speech whereas in this section, you called it 'No holds barred'.

    You are also temperamental. You whacked when you are moody. The same you did in "Throwing the cat in the flock of pigeons".

    You are actually mirroring your negative ownself, Pete.

    17/08 19:59:15

    aspa wrote:

    You assume a lot in your writings.

    I hope I have proven these to you.

    You have command a steady flow of followers. This is dangerous because they will believe what you write even though what you write may not be true.

    17/08 20:01:52

    aspa wrote:

    Like I said before, take the challenge and run for election.

    See whether you can practise Good Governance.

    17/08 20:03:20

    cruzeiro wrote:

    Dear aspa,
    The real test for Freedom, Democracy and Justice is not how it treats the majority and the accolades it receives, but how it treats the minority and dissent.

    17/08 20:04:20

    aspa wrote:

    Talk is cheap, Pete.

    The consequences you have created in the mind of the readers can lead to the destruction of others!

    17/08 20:04:29

    aspa wrote:

    A lovely country like this need not be pictured as rotten as what you had written.

    This is the Merdeka month. You have successful create discord in the mind of your readers to celebrate our half century of independence.

    17/08 20:06:49

    aspa wrote:

    To prove you are better than the CURRENT leaders in Malaysia, I urge you to run for election.

    Then, you, that's right, YOU, implement what you have to lead this COUNTRY.

    Are you willing to have the courage to take the challenge?

    17/08 20:09:45

    orangmsia wrote:

    Dear RPK,
    "This country is fucked up. The government is fucked up. Umno is fucked up. The opposition is fucked up."

    Even more fuckep up when the people still vote for BN & they win big in the coming 12th general election

    17/08 20:11:27

    yew loon wrote:


    ASPA= Sadija


    Trying to challenge RPK.

    17/08 20:13:14

    Transformer wrote:

    I agree with you Aspa, on 1 thing. Yes, RPK has commanded a steady flow of followers through his writings, exposing all the rotten actions by the leaders who has been elected to serve the RAKYAT. But what they did is they rape the wealth of the country for their family and cronies. Truth hurts. But I couldt agree with you that RPK has discord our minds. We have brains here. We can think. Some commenters here may be emotional and i for one do not agree with them when they critics the Malays and Islam. They should should be more careful.

    But RPK has actually set the foundation right for us and creat a check a balance for the government to build a better Malaysia. Cant you accept that?

    17/08 20:16:06

    cruzeiro wrote:

    Cool it!
    Why don't you start writing what you wish, and send it to RPK - I'm certain he'll publish it.
    As for standing for elections, you may challenge anybody to do so on any platform.
    Remember aspa - standing for elections and voting does not determine democracy - it is the counting of the votes and delienation of constituencies that determines it.
    If the EC is truly fair, you are justified in your call - otherwise, maybe some other time, huh.

    17/08 20:17:51

    Graham Stone wrote:

    ASPA - Sadija - BF96 are not the same people even though the appear to be UMNO "Cybertroopers) they have different ISP numbers!!!!!!

    Sadija =
    ASPA =
    BF96 =

    All these UMNO - ISP numbers can be traced!!!!!!!!!!

    17/08 20:24:54

    Transformer wrote:

    RPK is not dangerous. He brings light to many of us, who love this country and want her to be lead properly, by uncorrupt and capable leaders. These are the main issues here. I am sure you admit that AAB is not a strong leader and that we can be proud of. As what one of the commenter ask Sadija, just name ONE thing that we can be proud of the PM? NOTHING! He is a loser, weak and dont deserve to lead this lovely country. Can the government do something and go back to basic, serve the RAKYAT and not fight with them?

    17/08 20:27:39

    Malaysiaputra wrote:

    aspa wrote:
    To prove you are better than the CURRENT leaders in Malaysia, I urge you to run for election.

    Then, you, that's right, YOU, implement what you have to lead this COUNTRY.

    Are you willing to have the courage to take the challenge?
    Aspa, a good coach can spot the weaknesses of the players but need not necessary be good at playing.

    To me, RPK is like a good coach pointing out the weaknessess in the administration .What is bad has to be corrected otherwise it will lead to greater rot.

    17/08 20:30:14

    cruzeiro wrote:

    Yes aspa - you're also right that RPK's articles are hard hitting.
    Some people get off on writing - so what.
    Just becos he's not giving you a standing ovation doesn't mean that he intends to create discord lah.
    He doesn't expect everyone to agree to all he says - many have disagreed with his opinions too, y'know.
    And not everyone likes his style of writing peppered with 4letter words - yes, I agree that it's rude. But it's his home .....

    17/08 20:30:16

    SBennit wrote:

    Raja Petra wrote:
    By the way Adam. You and Sijada share the same e-mail:

    LOL!! .....this is what is called Idiot Tulin.

    RPK as the owner/administrator of MT, he can check your e-mail address whenever he wants to. Also, if you are writing from organizations like Jabatan Kastam Di Raja Malaysia, it can easily be detected-remember MT has a sitemeter.
    To further zero down on the actual computer is also not all that difficult if you have the right connections in Telekom.

    Just as an exercise, someone who I thought needed to be taught a lesson. I lured him to a website (one which I administered). Got some details, contacted my contact who gave me a phone number and address. When I spoke to the person, he got so shocked that he started speaking in Thai or Greek, i dont know....I got scared that he would get a stroke or something. So I apologized and hung up.

    17/08 20:31:29

    Mama Juwie wrote:


    You can't blame bloggers from relying to what Raja Petra is saying. You are insulting the intelligence of the bloggers herein by alleging that the followers of Raja Petra are obsessed with his stories and would believe everything that he says. We are not blind, deaf or dumb. We know what is fictional and what is truth, and truth usually hurts to some.

    We are not here because we have to. We are here because we want to. It is the freedom of information that Raja Petra is offering us that invites many readers to stay as regulars. The free flow discussion of this blog may be foreign to your conditioned lifestyle, but you should respect the ability of other readers who are ready and willing to be criticized by you as much as they would want you to listen to their silenced minority views.

    This channel is not to spread hatred. It is more of an outlet as well as an avenue to engage people who have ideas and issues. If you feel that we are here because we have no job or other better things to do, then you are wrong.

    17/08 20:33:48

    Malaysiaputra wrote:

    aspa wrote:
    You criticised the Government.......
    The same you did in "Throwing the cat in the flock of pigeons".

    You are actually mirroring your negative ownself,


    Aspa would you then say the same to TDM ?

    17/08 20:34:15

    harminder81 wrote:

    Dear aspa,

    Since you accuse us the "steady flow of followers" to believe RPK and its dangerous, please prove RPK is wrong and investigate where he didn't "assume" and where proof was provided by RPK. And we will make our mind based on the facts provided.

    I would like to be your "follower" too. Until then, it could be dangerous to believe in what you write too.

    Funny that you use the term "may", are u a believer in RPK?

    17/08 20:40:40

    Graham Stone wrote:

    The Raja Petra, is a man of wisdom! and is "standing fast" in the battle for freedom and democracy for all races!

    Dont shoot the messenger!!!!!!

    Dear PM - MT post

    The following is TDM's letter which was sent to TAR (circa 5.13) the consequences of which we all know. It was published in MT yesterday.


    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Dear Prime Minister,

    You have become so powerful, both by virtue of your office and by popular acclaim, that UMNO has become subservient to you. UMNO is being held together, not because the members share your ideas on politics, but through a system of patronage and disguised coercion based on Government rather than party authority.

    A feeling of power normally grips those who wield patronage, a feeling that they can mould and shape people and opinions any way they please. The leaders of UMNO, the senior partners of the Alliance Government, have succumbed to this disease and, believing that they no longer need to heed the opinions of their supporters, they disregard them at every turn.

    Laws have been hurriedly passed without prior consultation with the representatives who have had to "sell" these laws to the people. Tax innovations have been made and discarded with complete disregard for the disrupting effect on the public. In the main, Parliamentary sittings are regarded as a pleasant formality which afford members an opportunity to be heard and quoted, but which have absolutely no effect on the course of the Government. The sittings are a concession to a superfluous democratic practice. Off and on, this strength is used to change the constitution. The manner, the frequency, and the trivial reasons for altering the constitution have reduced this supreme law of the nation to a useless scrap of paper.

    Your Ministers and the Cabinet are vested with this decision-making authority. It is obvious that only the most capable and experienced should be made Ministers and be in the Cabinet. But independent Malaysia has chosen to treat membership of the Cabinet as a reward for loyalty to party chiefs and acceptability to the Prime Minister. Once appointed, no amount of dereliction of duty could affect the position of a Minister. On the other hand, even if the Minister performs well, failure to remain on good terms with the Prime Minister means removal from the Ministry.

    Your Government of mediocre people is bereft of ideas, is unable to understand the limits of their authority, and is generally unable to rule. All the while, however, your Government is busy on devices to perpetuate itself. These devices are so transparent and so lacking in subtlety that they achieve just the opposite effect.

    May I remind you, Merdeka has brought power and wealth to the new Malay elite. Politics is found to be the panacea. It provides a shortcut to everything. It makes possible the attainment of positions of immense power. These Malays are in a position to acquire riches.

    At first, this might seem grossly unfair. These few Malays - for they are still only a very few - have waxed riches not because of themselves, but because of the policy of a Government supported by a huge majority of poor Malays. It would seem that the efforts of the poor Malays have gone to enrich a select few of their own people. The poor Malays themselves have not gained one iota. With the existence of the few rich Malays, at least the poor Malays can say that their fate is not entirely to serve the rich non-Malays. From their point of view of racial ego, and this ego is still strong, the unseemly existence of Malay tycoons is essential.

    The various races in Malaysia are differentiated not merely by ethnic origin, but also by many other characteristics. These characteristics are important. How these characteristics develop is another matter, but when races compete in a given field, these characteristics play an extremely important role. The Jews, for example are not merely hook-nosed, but understand money instinctively.

    The possession of these characteristics means little until different races come into contact with each other. Jewish stinginess and financial wizardry gained them the commercial control of Europe and provoked an anti-Semitism, which waxed and waned throughout Europe through the ages.

    The first thing that comes to mind is that the vast majority of Malays are feudalistic and wish to remain so. A revolution, which starts off by preaching the destruction of the established monarchical order, will therefore fail. It will not win the support of the majority of orthodox Malays. In any case, the monarch has done no real harm to the Malays or to anyone else. The maintenance of the system is no doubt costly, but being separated from power, the ruler cannot constitute a tyranny. Besides, a Malaysia without rulers would mean the complete eclipse of the Malays. It is the rulers who have in the past furnished and continued to present the Malay character of Malaysia. Remove them, and the last vestige of traditional Malaysia would disappear. It is essential therefore that the monarchy remains.

    To take on an adversary when it seems to be beyond one's capacity is courageous. To calculate and assess one's chances first is to exhibit cowardice. Time and again this inability or unwillingness to measure the odds against them has led to defeat and disaster for the Malays. The courageous or brave Malay is usually foolhardy, and because he is likely to do things without thinking of the consequences, the average Malay treats him with fear and respect. The ordinary man knows that it is not worthwhile to incur his displeasure and that it is safer to let him have his own way. The ordinary man therefore represents the other extreme when principle is easily set aside for the sake of safety.

    Even feudalism can be beneficial if it facilitates changes. The political Rajas of today can, therefore, institute change if they themselves are willing to change. Such a change would spread rapidly. If the indications are that there should be a change in the value system and ethical code, then the leaders can lead the way with the certainty that they will be followed by the masses. In a feudal society, if the leaders fail, then there is little hope for the masses.

    Mahathir Mohamad

    In a Press Statement released by UMNO's Secretary General, Senu Abdul Rahman, reported by the Utusan Melayu on 6 June 1969, he said:

    "Mahathir Mohamad ceases to be a member of the UMNO Supreme Council with effect from today, 12 July 1969.

    This decision was taken following the wide distribution to the public of Mahathir's letter (above) to Tunku Abdul Rahman, President of UMNO Malaysia.

    Letters containing important matters should first be discussed by UMNO's Supreme Council, especially in view of the present situation in the country.

    The action taken by Mahathir is seen to be in breach of the party's etiquette and is capable of damaging party solidarity and the government which the party supports."


    The impression I got was that RPK is suggesting that TDM may get expelled once again ..............

    Anyway, this is what I wrote:-

    cruzeiro wrote:

    fireduck wrote:
    Only problem was that he had 22 yrs of absolute power to change things - drastically - but he didn't.
    He thought people would change with "progress" - he was a man in a hurry, and was more concerned about efficiency and expediency.

    That is what led to his rule being perceived as a dictatorship.

    A "dictatorship" is about control. Without a smart man for a "dictator", the "dictatorship" would lead to regression into corruption and chaos.

    It's just too bad that he didn't realize that real progress does not come with money alone, but also a vibrant democracy, without the centralization of "power".

    He was a visionary, but he had overlooked the issue of succession - if only he (or our current leaders) could do something to correct it now with the benefit of hindsight .....
    17/08 11:40:33

    Thursday, 16 August 2007

    CruzinThot 4 2day

    He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat.
    -William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "Much Ado about Nothing", Act 1 scene 1

    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

    - Steven Weinberg

    We do not own, nor are we owned by history - response

    The above article was posted on Malaysia Today at the following link:-
    15/08: We do not own, nor are we owned by history
    Here is a response from a reader which I thought was good.

    Dear Farish,
    Although I agree with you "generally", I must say that there is some good to knowing one's heritage.
    Whether we like it or not, "Man is a social Animal" - and as such, we have this inherent need for "identity". Lack of it may lead to confusion or poor assimilation to society.
    Let us differentiate between pride, prejudice and chauvinism. While the latter two are dangerous, let us not look down on the former.
    Knowing, and taking pride in one's heritage is good, as it gives one a sense of identity, especially in the "growing up years". It reminds us not to take things for granted, and it also reminds us of our potential in life. As such, it inspires us to perform in the face of challenges, trials and tribulation.
    No doubt, one can do without it - but at the end of the day, we are all human, and some of us respond better to myths about heroes and past achievements/ civilizations. It has a morale boosting effect on the children, the "less enlightened" and more "intellectually challenged" due due the "awe effect".
    Moreover, it provides one with ability to associate oneself and identify oneself with a certain group of people and enable one to create an intangible bond that makes it easier to build trust.
    Last but not least, although many academicians deny it, "race" is a product of evolution thru centuries/ millennia, and each race has its own peculiar characteristics. The ability to recognize and preserve the positive, while relinquishing the negative is what has brought about the progress of humanity.
    So, let us take pride in the positive values and achievements - even if it didn't "belong to us". Let us embrace all achievements of humanity so as to promote the spirit of brotherhood, while preserving "our" heritage.
    Let us not get swept away with this global "wave of progress". After all, the future is not for us to see - we never know when "Babylon" or "Rome" would fall.

    Saturday, 11 August 2007

    Petronas Merdeka Ad

    This is an extremely significant statement by petronas on the state of the Nation.

    Friday, 10 August 2007


    International Moment Of ZEN

    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe. –Albert Einstein

    That is the saving grace of humor, if you fail no one is laughing at you

    - A. Whitney Brown
    Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die.
    -Mel Brooks (1926 - )

    Here are some "Moslem" jokes:-

    With his bushy black beard and skullcap, Azhar Usman strides on to the stage with a raucous "Assalam Aleikum."

    "For those who don't know what that means, I'll explain it to you," he declares. "It means: 'I'm gonna kill you.'"

    This is a piece from Tissa Hami:

    One of her jokes deals with the fact that in mosques, women always pray in the back, behind the men. Americans see this as a sign of the oppression of Muslim women, Hami says, but really, "We just like the view." She pauses. "We're praying for a piece of that."

    But the best of 'em were these:-
    When you're in orbit, Which way is Mecca?

    Malaysia's National Space Agency is trying to determine how its astronaut candidates will practice Islam in space. Three of its four astronaut candidates are Muslim, and two will be selected for a future Russian space flight.

    Once in their orbiting spacecraft, they will circle the Earth once every 90 minutes. Traditionally, Muslims pray five times per day, at times connected to the position of the Sun in the sky. This will make prayer observance a challenge if they accept a "day" as being just 90 minutes long.

    Foxnews - Arab Professor Wants More Muslims in Space, Excerpt:
    Muslims who travel to space must tackle religious challenges such as performing prayers at zero gravity and ensuring their meals fulfill Islamic dietary conditions, said Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad, a United Arab Emirates-based university professor in Islamic studies.

    "We are all very hopeful that the efforts by the Malaysian government will inspire other Muslim countries to inaugurate space initiatives," Ahmad said on the sidelines of a conference in Kuala Lumpur to discuss Islamic perspectives on space expeditions.

    For the full article, click थिस

    Now this is what I call a real Moslem Joke:

    So Abdul comes up to me and I notice stitches on both his wrists. So I say to him, "Alright, man! Brother Abdul, I see you won your appeal!"

    The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
    -Horace Walpole (1717 - 1797)

    Al-Disclaimer: All material published here does not belong to me - they have all been copied shamelessly. What the heck anyway.

    Monday, 6 August 2007

    Jalur Gemilang or Stars and Stripes?

    It is normal practice for our leaders to portray images of our "freedom fighters" come Merdeka Day celebrations every year.
    I'm almost humbled reading about their exaggerated sacrifices "demi agama, bangsa dan negara" ..... or so the story goes.
    However, when I look beyond the need for national heroes, all the apparent "sacrifices" seem quite hollow and stinks a little.
    What sacrifices may I ask, these Meno lackeys made for an independence that was virtually guaranteed by Roosevelt? The only sacrifice I can assume they made, was to subdue their greed for the impending wealth or windfall that came along as fruits of their "labor".
    If at all anybody knew what freedom fighting was all about, it was Dato Onn Jaafar who went to India, and the much maligned people who literally fought with guns against the British.
    And during that time, all these usurpers who took over the mantle of leadership from Dato' Onn, collaborated with the "white Masta".
    Dato' Onn was an ardent admirer of the Indian struggle for Freedom. People like Gandhi, Nehru, Shubash Chandra Bose etc, etc, were his Idols. So much so, according to some reports, he was there on Independence Day. He was a man of honor, who didn't let his religious affiliation affect his judgement, and sway him to the Pakistani theives.
    I have no doubt in my mind that he would've led a movement for independence, even if it wasn't served to him on a silver platter.
    The UMNO that he had formed with the sole purpose of opposing the Malayan Union, was suddenly transformed into a racist party bent on grabbing power. If it wasn't for Dato' Onn and the British, Malaya would have been just another "banana republic", with the repatriation of all foreign labor that made it a gold mine.
    Dato Onn is strangely forgotten in the celebrations every year - at best, he's just a footnote, where Tunku and Razak are giants.
    In my opinion, if not for Dato Onn, we wouldn't be where we are today. So, Dato Onn and not Tunku, was the real Bapa Malaysia. Unfortunately, he died a sad man, his ideals, forgotten. It is sad that his progeny chose to toe the line that UMNO drew.
    Having made it clear that the so-called freedom fighters never fought for anything except their selfish interests, who then fought for Malaysia and all other nations of the mighty British Empire?
    None other than those who bled on the beaches of Normandy - yes, The Americans! It was a precondition that Roosevelt made to Churchill in return for the active participation in WW II, without which we may be under the brutal regime of the Axis powers. It was the New World Order that was envisioned by the Americans.
    Should we then pledge our allegiance, at least in the global political game to the USA? It doesn't really matter if they had other things in mind
    How many Malays, Chinese or Indians died for Independence? Just a handful compared to the hundreds of thousands in India over a century.
    Nevertheless, the people of Malaysia then, made a choice in choosing the leadership, albeit without foresight- a choice that may not be ideal, but was fairly successful, considering the circumstances. It was a choice that we have to accept, and hope for the future.
    Due credit needs to be given to the past leaders for this fact.
    For our past leaders' efforts, despite their imperfections - one has to acknowledge their contributions.
    Let us not forget that this is our country - and that is what it will be, whether we like it or not.
    As we separate the wheat from the chaff, let us all be proud of our beautiful nation, Malaysia.
    Come what may, even if USA is the most powerful nation, I would with all my heart, pick the Jalur Gemilang over the Stars and Stripes.

    Happy Birthday, Malaysia!

    Saturday, 4 August 2007

    Friday, 3 August 2007

    Of Disclaimers, Political Correctness and Daddy's New Rules.

    I was watching the stand-up comedians on You Tube a few days back and Russel Peters was truly hilarious – his jokes about Whites, Indians, Koreans, Vietnamese and Chinese were fantastic. If he had performed in Malaysia, he might just have been charged for "incitement" or whatever, going by the trend.

    Then again, there are the debates about religion ....

    There is a multitude of clips on YouTube that speaks for and against every single thing about every single religion/ idea that claims to have a monopoly of the " whole truth" (whatever that is!).

    Well, one thing's for sure – there are no riots, murder, lawsuits, mayhem, or whatever in world or the net, the bcos of YouTube. They are definitely not labeled as a danger to society – in fact, it has become the focus of debates, ranging from utterly idiotic to highly intelligent and philosophical. It is left to the thinking public to think and decide, with the multitude of ideas accessible to them. There is Freedom to think, without undue interference as long as you can respect the "golden rule".

    And yet, I do not see any "disorder" or "chaos". (Not so sure if the "fundamentalist/ extremist" Muslim or Christian leaders are aware of these things on YouTube - I dunno, they may scream for blood as usual, had they been aware).

    It appears that the people at the forefront of civilization realize that there is no need to be petty and defensive, if you are right.

    Laws are meant to protect the rakyat from those pedophiles, rapists, thugs, murderers and theives who cause misery, with the boldly voiced out threats that they pose to the rakyat. In some places though, the Law is meant to protect the lawmakers. (Hmmm....... something to ponder on indeed).

    There was a time things were much simpler in Malaysia .......

    A joke was just a joke. An opinion was just an opinion. A viewpoint was just a viewpoint. Differences were respected and accepted.

    No more - we are today, a "proud people" (in line with our "amazing bin hairan achievements" under the "guidance" of certain illustrious leaders), whichever social group we belong to. What was once (long ago) deemed to be a harmless comment, joke or opinion, may today be considered tasteless, harmful or seditious or even considered as "racist", anti-this or that!

    When did we start taking ourselves so seriously? Are we so insecure, that we need "big daddy" to make rules so that "we know what is right or wrong"? Have we lost that capacity to think and decide for ourselves? Aren't old enough to do away with the "rotan", stop squabbling about who is the best child and gets the biggest pie?

    I recollect an incident/ argument/ debate that I had with Raja Petra, in the comments section - the article was about the ISA ....

    Somehow, things got a little "heated", and I disagreed with RPK on a certain point, and decided to "bail-out" (as I saw no point in me further expressing my opinion). Of course, RPK wasn't too pleased, thinking that I had "merajuk", which made me reply explaining myself.

    In the "debate", I had taken no offense. But I needed to "have a break" ("have a kit-kat" - as I usually say it) to accept the difference in opinion, and agree to disagree, though .........

    However, I received a call from a friend, saying that "he was with me", and that RPK was extremely rude. Despite the fact that I wanted to speak about the issue that was debated, this friend of mine was so totally fixated on the fact that RPK had addressed me as "Thamby"!! He went on and on about it, like RPK was the devil himself! In the end, I just changed the topic and found some reason to hang up.

    The same occurred in another discussion, when a commenter had mentioned this very incident, as a means to "discredit" me in some form.

    Hell ( ... I wanted to say WTF!) man, I call some of my friends things far worse than that, for issues far less "sensitive"! Why this obsession with political correctness?

    Now - what's so "insulting" about "thamby"? Since when did it come to be perceived as a slur? I just don't get it! I mean, okay - so he did use a Tamil word for kid brother (and I'm no Tamilian in the first place) to address me while banging away on the keyboards, in the heat of the moment - so what? There are even Malay Leaders with such a word for a name for
    gottsakes! It wasn't like it was a derogatory term or something ....

    Alright, I agree that sometimes, "it is not what you do, but how you do it" that matters - but come on ..... I wouldn't jump on something as petty as this. In fact, I know that RPK has "endured" far worse slurs to his person than this, in the spirit of tolerance for the sake of a vibrant discussion. I do realize also that he gives just as hard as he takes.

    RPK, please note that no "buttering" is intended here, [okay, I confess - I'm a cheapskate and would appreciate the MT sticker at a discount or FOC! ;-)]. I only wish that all readers and commenters understand the spirit with which articles and discussions are carried out in Malaysia Today.

    It must be noted though, that "No Holds Barred" blog is definitely not for the faint-hearted (YouTube too, I should add). This was something I realized long ago, and I had sent a letter to RPK touching on the language of the commenters. In reply, I was told that, that's how we debate - we apparently haven't "matured" yet. In fact I think, RPK appreciates the openness if it isn't too gross(my apologies if I'm wrong - anyway "grossness" is relative to your upbringing, education, thinking, beliefs, culture and maybe "class").

    How true. Guilty as charged – we are so full of 4letter words, when we "articulate" are feelings and ideas so well – it is a truly global blogging phenomenon.

    Hey, what do you know – we are now truly Glokal, in an era of Globalisation!

    However, I'd hate to see our parliamentarians adopting the same culture in our august house. As much as I can stretch my imagination, it is truly beyond me, how a noted columnist lately, had equated our Parliament to the Blogs.

    Now, that's an insult to bloggers ..... I wonder if he was actually trying to flatter them. What have they done to earn such an honor? I'll try to figure it out, and save it for another time.

    A recent "disclaimer" that was put up in Malaysia Today was indeed hilarious - yeah man, why would you wanna come into my house, and tell me how to behave myself within the confines of my privacy? When I disagreed, I just made myself scarce where the topic was concerned.

    If there was something that I perceived to be insulting, extreme or whatever you call it, I either tried to make a point thru writing comments, or just "bail-out" if I feel that it is pointless. Some readers/ commenters are extremely "passionate" about certain issues, that they could "go on and on in circles" about certain topics. Some would expose their "perceived opponents" by tracing the IP address, to reveal personal info. Some would take it a notch higher, and call for a duel or threaten to send goons. Then again, there are some who would up the ante and threaten with legal action or lodge police reports!

    Take a break, guys ..... have a Kit-Kat. If you can't take the heat, just turn it off and .... voila! – no need for daddy to make new rules of conduct!

    Have a heart, guys ..... Daddy's growing old, gets erratic, emotional and inconsistent with decision making. He often doesn't know what's going on when he makes those rules that you cry for. Haven't you noticed?

    Let's just spare him the trouble, huh ...... let him rest or sleep or take a holiday.


    Opinion/ ideas mentioned above isn't meant to offend anybody in particular.
    The writer is willing to retract anything deemed seditious, provocative or
    To those offended by anything (please inform me), I apologise.

    Thursday, 2 August 2007

    They would've been charged in Malaysia!

    I was just wondering - what if these guys wanted to do a show in Malaysia?
    They would definitely be charged with racial intolerance or "incitement".

    God help us, man .... where is our sense of "tolerance".
    Have we lost our sense of humor?
    Have we forgotten how to laugh at ourselves for our idiosyncracies or idiocy(as the case may be)?
    Do we have to scream for mummy or daddy who are the authority, to make new rules/ laws so that little pee wee's "sensitivities" isn't offended?
    Are we a nation of cry babies?
    One thing for sure- "SOMEBODY" is out there making police reports becos he can't tolerate what he perceives as insults ....... it's a shame that some people label these guys as "big brother"!

    Wednesday, 1 August 2007

    American Pie

    Don McLean - American Pie

    "Buy Buy" American Pie - Pun Intended!

    There is another post with American Pie video ( check 19/01/07 post)- it illustrates the meaning of this lovely number - oh, man this number really gets me all so nostalgic ..... really reminds me of the "good ol' days".

    Somehow, I feel all cultures should have song like this, which can paint a picture of an era, speak of culture, disappointments and achievements to "crystalize" the spirit of a generation.

    It is sad that this sort of music is quite rare these days.