Monday, 7 December 2009

But Bravo!! No Denials Here .... At Last.

Nazri calls Dr M a racist for defending BTN

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 7 — Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz called Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad a “bloody racist” for defending the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) courses, and reasserted the Cabinet’s earlier decision to overhaul the programme.

He also slammed Umno’s Utusan Malaysia newspaper, saying its “denial syndrome” was making him laugh.

The minister in the prime minister’s department also repeated his stand “everybody knows what the BTN is,” so there was nothing to hide.

“You must be a Malaysian whether you’re a minister or not. You must walk your talk. Don’t just because when you were PM, you wanted everyone to support you, you’re Malaysian and the moment you’re no longer PM, that’s it, only talk about the Malays so I cannot accept his comment. When you read his blog it is bloody racist.

“I strongly feel the BTN courses must be in line with the 1 Malaysia slogan by the PM,” he said.

Dr Mahathir had said yesterday that there was no need to revamp BTN’s training modules in the current form and that it was suitable for instilling the patriotic spirit among Malaysians.

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To know more of on why Nazri-Taxi was apparently pissed with the senile old racist man's opinion, click Dr M says criticisms against BTN an ‘exaggeration’.

**Let's just fasten our seat-belts, and hold back the standing ovation for now, folks - this may just be a prelude to something nasty which they have up their sleeves. After all, Nazri of all people, isn't really known for being honest or advocating pluralism, In fact, he's taken to "talking cock" like ducks to water - and has taken it to great heights, I might add. Donno about you - but I for one, would rather err on the side of caution.
Only time will tell if he will flip-flop on this statement, or resort to "redefining" it- after all it is the trademark of those in UMNO, who work with deceit as their
Let's see where he goes from here ....

Denial Again ...

“Teoh Beng Hock’s case is nothing. It is a very small case.” – Ahmad Said’s guilty mind speaking~ LKS

The outgoing Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Chief Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said gravely damaged his own case that he was not stepping down early because of political pressure.

Denying that the mysterious death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock at the MACC headquarters at Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam on July 16, 2009 had attributed to his early retirement, Ahmad said:

“Teoh Beng Hock’s case is nothing. It is a very small case. We have handled much bigger cases.’’

This is generally received by Malaysians as Ahmad Said’s guilty mind speaking, admitting that the MACC cannot exonerate itself or exculpate responsibility for Teoh’s death whatever the outcome of the ongoing inquest to Teoh’s death.

Ahmad’s statement is heartless and grossly insensitive, rubbing salt into the wounds in the hearts of all decent and justice-loving Malaysia.

How can the head of an independent and professional anti-corruption agency dismiss Teoh’s mysterious and shocking death as “a very small case” and of no consequence?

How many lives must be lost in MACC precincts before they become major issues?

Ahmad’s insensitive and offensive statement about Teoh’s death as a “very small case” is only exceeded by his earlier distasteful statement implying that Teoh had committed suicide, saying that “if people investigated could not withstand the pressure and jumped from the building, there was nothing that MACC could do”.

Ahmad’s statement is also patently untrue, as there can be no denial that Teoh’s mysterious death and MACC’s culpability had been the single biggest factor in bringing Malaysia’s ranking in the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2009 by a few notches – with Malaysia falling nine places to 56th position from 47th last year and an unprecedented drop of 0.4 CPI score from 5.0 last year to 4.6 this year.

Before he steps down as MACC Chief Commissioner, can Ahmad spell out the reasons why Malaysia’s ranking and score in the TI CPI 2009 had suffered such a grave double plunge, and to let Malaysians know the role played by Teoh’s mysterious death at MACC headquarters for the loss of national and international confidence in the independence, professionalism and integrity of MACC?

In fact, Ahmad has provided Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed who is to take over as the new MACC chief the opportunity to show whether Malaysians can expect a real difference in the MACC culture, benchmark and modus operandi with a change of MACC leadership – whether Abu Kassim endorses or dissociates himself from Ahmad’s outrageous statement that Teoh’s death is “a very small case” just as whether Abu Kassim will dissociate himself from another of Ahmad’s outrageous attitude that “as far as MACC is concerned, there is no difference between corruption involving a few ringgit and corruption involving a few hundred millions of ringgit”.