Friday, 30 January 2009


"...Don't expect us to remand all of them
without first conducting an investigation,"
-Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar, 'We have to investigate first' , NST

One more "brownie point" for Khalid!!
Very "educational" - Never knew that the police were so "judicious" in remanding murder suspects ....

The "foot in mouth syndrome" epidemic which has plagued many an Umno/BN warlord appears to be spreading real fast - and he's probably been been terminally infected with it ever since the arrest of the peaceful vigil participants on 911!!!
The disease must be spreading to his higher centres and appears to have muddled his "faculties" - hence his numerous poor judgements & "faux-pas" since.

This is the most "Hairan Al-Amazing bin Pelik Al-Bodoh" quote coming from a copper!
That too, in cases that have been classified as MURDER 'ONE' (alright .... maybe it's two)!!! - by none other than out very own Attorney General!!
Can you imagine having criminals running around un-remanded while "investigations" are being carried out?
Okay .... they may not be running around - just "reassigned to desk jobs" - I'm sure the Malaysian public, Amnesty International and the International community will be so "proud" of PDRM for their righteousness, efficiency and transparency in their relentless pursuit of law enforcement .....

We all know that the Police forces collect information to be used in a public court to get people convicted. Security services gather information that does not necessarily lead to people being prosecuted and in many cases needs to remain confidential.
However, in a case which is of public interest, and MURDER at that, isn't a remand order at least in order?

Let us all be sure of one thing- no amount of increase in the Police force will enforce law & order, if there is a lack of ethics and justice within force (in carrying out their duties). It breeds nothing but resentment among the people whom they have sworn to protect, and robs the force of the respect that is due to them. As such, they unwittingly become the enemy of the society.
It breeds terrorism, when they who are entrusted to protect have lost the respect and confidence they need.

Paul Bremer, a foolish American top civilian administrator of post-war Iraq, once said,
"There are 40,000 Iraqi police on duty around the country. If they detect an attack about to happen, the police are the ones who are supposed to stop it"
By shutting down a tiny newspaper, Bremer created an enemy instead of buying the loyalty of Iraqis and turned Sadr, a little-respected junior cleric with a limited following, into an overnight hero to restive Shias, and a new American villain.
We all know what followed ....
A similar situation unfolded in Southern Thailand after the quelling of what was supposedly a "Muslim uprising" - that became the beginning of the end for Thaksin ....
It would be a little out of line for me to suggest anything pertaining to the Umno/BN regime (in light of the events which have unfolded in Malaysia of late), and as such, I shall refrain from speculation.

When you have police officers who abuse citizens,
you erode public confidence in law enforcement.
That makes the job of good police officers unsafe.
-Mary Frances Berry
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan - I believe, Khalid has been a little "stressed out" for some time now (incidentally, since 911), and may need a "holiday".
Hope you do the right thing, Sir.

"The toilets at a local police station have been stolen.
Police say they have nothing to go on.
-Ronnie Barker

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

RRA? Come on - Gimme a break!!

** The Govt never intended to introduce an RRA in the first place.
It was simply posturing for posterity and politicking.
It was an idea which would have hit a brick wall right from the start - as it runs against the great "discriminatory
social contract spirit" of the Umno/BN regime, which practices "legalized extortion" and subtle forms of "dhimmitude".
For those who might've been hoodwinked into believing the apparent intentions of the Umno/BN regime (and are disappointed), I suggest that they wake up they sweet dreams,
and smell the "septic tank under the carpet" - the NEP legacy ......

We don't need and never did need the RRA
- what we need is an Anti-Discrimination Act!!
The following is an article by James Chin in Malaysian Insider - which states the obvious:-

Go on, insult your neighbour!

JAN 28 — Were you surprised that the Cabinet scrapped the proposed Race Relations Act (RRA)? According to Bernama, the minister said the idea was dropped because "we don't have to unite the various races through the enforcement of laws, on the contrary, the community should be educated not only at the adult stage but at a much younger age. This will be more effective".

He further added: "There is no element of force in our efforts to inculcate unity, the spirit of solidarity should be nurtured among the young people. There must be willingness in the feeling of love for others instead of using force."

Now I don't know about you but I'm guessing that the reason why the RRA was dropped is probably the same reason why Malaysia cannot ratify (or sign) the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. This convention is one of the oldest UN conventions presented to the UN general assembly in 1966.

Under article two, it states:

1. Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognised in the present Covenant, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

2. Where not already provided for by existing legislative or other measures, each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take the necessary steps, in accordance with its constitutional processes and with the provisions of the present Covenant, to adopt such laws or other measures as may be necessary to give effect to the rights recognised in the present Covenant.

3. Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes:

(a) To ensure that any person whose rights or freedoms as herein recognised are violated shall have an effective remedy, notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity;

(b) To ensure that any person claiming such a remedy shall have his right thereto determined by competent judicial, administrative or legislative authorities, or by any other competent authority provided for by the legal system of the State, and to develop the possibilities of judicial remedy;

(c) To ensure that the competent authorities shall enforce such remedies when granted."

Now, in Malaysia, we have the infamous NEP and affirmative action policies plus other regulations which come into conflict with this international convention. Some of these policies may be judged to be racial discrimination. Malaysians do not enjoy the full political rights granted under this convention so that is the reason why the government cannot sign it.

Connected to this international convention is the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) another United Nations convention. The Convention commits its members to the elimination of racial discrimination and the promotion of understanding among all races. The convention was adopted by in 1965, and entered into force on Jan 4, 1969. As of June 2, 2008, the Convention has been signed by 173 countries but not Malaysia.

The convention states that:

"Considering that the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 20 November 1963 (General Assembly resolution 1904 (XVIII)) solemnly affirms the necessity of speedily eliminating racial discrimination throughout the world in all its forms and manifestations and of securing understanding of and respect for the dignity of the human person,

Convinced that any doctrine of superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere,

Reaffirming that discrimination between human beings on the grounds of race, colour or ethnic origin is an obstacle to friendly and peaceful relations among nations and is capable of disturbing peace and security among peoples and the harmony of persons living side by side even within one and the same State,

Convinced that the existence of racial barriers is repugnant to the ideals of any human society,

Alarmed by manifestations of racial discrimination still in evidence in some areas of the world and by governmental policies based on racial superiority or hatred, such as policies of apartheid, segregation or separation,

Resolved to adopt all necessary measures for speedily eliminating racial discrimination in all its forms and manifestations, and to prevent and combat racist doctrines and practices in order to promote understanding between races and to build an international community free from all forms of racial segregation and racial discrimination"

Need I say more? Since we have not signed any of these convention it’s perfectly okay in Malaysia to insult your neighbour using their ethnic status. Hence there are plenty of racial jokes here that you can repeat; from calling other Malaysians "pendatang" to "Go back to India" to "Go back to China" to "when you see a snake and … who do you kill first?" Who cares about the Sedition Act since it is applied selectively.

It’s also okay to have laws and regulations that divide the population into two halves and you can have 1st class Malaysians, 2nd class Malaysians and so on. You can also divide the country according to the various religions and so on.

In fact you can discriminate in all areas of life and we Malaysians do it all the time. Discrimination is now part and parcel of Malaysian culture so much so that we even write jokes about it.

Thus, for those middle-class pretenders who are fighting for RRA to be adopted in Malaysia, I can only wish you good luck. If the government has no intention of signing international conventions on discrimination and social and political rights, I doubt it will accept RRA.

Friday, 23 January 2009

21 charged with illegal assembly - All Malaysians next?

images from
(The Star) A total of 21 people, including a Member of Parliament (MP), two state assemblymen and a Catholic priest, were charged in the Magistrates Court here with taking part in an illegal assembly and failing to disperse when ordered to do so.

Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua, Selangor executive council member Ronnie Liu, Kampong Tunku state assemblyman Lau Weng San, Reverend Father Paulino Francesco Miranda of the Church of Divine Mercy and the rest all pleaded not guilty.

They were arrested on Nov 9 last year under Section 27 of the Police Act for allegedly taking part in an illegal assembly after several warnings to disperse were ignored.

The gathering was a candlelight vigil held at the Petaling Jaya City Council building here on Oct 9 last year to protest the Internal Security Act, among others.

It was organised by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections, also known as Bersih.

They face a maximum fine of RM10,000 or a jail term of not more than one year for each charge or both.

Magistrate Rozina Ayob allowed bail of RM1,500 each on one surety and fixed March 10 to mention the case for trial.


Meanwhile, in another development, the PDRM has yet to allow/ refused/ disallowed a second Autopsy in the case of the death of Kuhan. Khalid had apparently said that the report of the autopsy said that death was due to "lung infection"!!

Hmm ... I wonder what organism is so intelligent & potent in a Police station to "selectively infect" only on those in custody - this must be a very special kind of MRSA which attacks so suddenly that it is impossible for those around him to provide medical care.
It probably attacks so suddenly after the person drinks water and causes some sort "breathing difficulty"... maybe it's the variety that throws boiling water on victims ...
My guess is the victim suffered from Acute Pulmonary Oedema/ Cardiac asthma due to "unknown" causes. (The reason I suspect this is given in the previous post - after all, this "infecting organism" must be too intelligent to "infect" the head/brain or the presentation would have been quite different....).

Khalid denied that police had anything to hide and argued there was no provision in the law for them to order the second post-mortem.
“Even if we allow the second post mortem, what if they (family) are still not satisfied, there will be no end to the matter.”

What "Hamid Albar" logic (as expected) from this "defender of children & protector of peace"!!!
Incidentally, it isn't for him to speculate on the eventuality, is it?
There have been numerous precedents wherein a second autopsy was done to ascertain the cause of death - Why then does he refuse?
This is probably a first, where request for autopsy is concerned, and anyone would smell a rat!!
The family should probably refrain from cremating the body until an independent Pathologist/Coroner conducts the Autopsy.
Fore more, click on the above link.
Below is the Video of the above case ....


Police Brutality, Shootings and Deaths in Custody

Photos of the funeral procession yesterday

The Malaysian DJ Blogger is Married–January 23,2009

A Fellow Blogger got Married today - Din Merican, to Dr. Kamsiah.

To the newly Married couple - Congrats, & God Bless you!

MAS - Why Wasn't The Victim Given 1st/ Business Class B4 Take-off, & The Bigot Arrested on Touchdown?

(From MalaysiaKini)
A Sample of MH - Malaysian Hospitality??

Horror flight MH161: Bigoted passenger was M'sian
John Low | Jan 22, 09 4:10pm

We refer to the letter

Horror flight on board MH161.

Malaysia Airlines regrets and views the matters raised by Mrs Radhika Iyer-O'Sullivan very seriously and we initiated an immediate investigation into the matter.

The results of our investigations show that the passenger who was given a seat next to Mrs Iyer-O'Sullivan was not allowed into Karachi in view of insufficient travel documents on arrival.

From an immigration standpoint, if a passenger fails to provide adequate documents, they can be turned away by the arrival country though airlines will still to treat the person as a passenger.

As such, he was not assigned to a separate seating area.

It is truly unfortunate that a Malaysian chose to behave in this manner, particularly on a flight filled with multi-ethnic passengers. In checking with our in-flight supervisor and crew, they themselves, too, were shocked by his behaviour.

The in-flight supervisor made a judgment call to provide Mrs Iyer-O'Sullivan with an alternative seat, instead of one for that passenger, because they needed to remove her from that environment.

This was aimed at ensuring that the crew could keep a closer eye on her, and to prevent any reoccurrence of the earlier incident.

Throughout the flight, our cabin crew kept a close watch on both passengers. During the constant rounds, the cabin crew was glad to note that Mrs Iyer-O'Sullivan was resting and they assumed that the rest of the journey went well.

On arrival, the male passenger was only allowed to leave the airplane after all the other passengers had disembarked. Our ground staff were on hand to meet him when the cabin crew handed over his travel documents.

We truly regret the incident and have offered Mrs Iyer-O'Sullivan service recovery beyond the norm. We are currently in discussions with her to reach a mutually agreeable solution.

The writer is manager, Customer Response, Malaysia Airlines.

Note to You Mr. Manager:-
You say you "provided service recovery beyond the norm"???
What kind of a Hare-brained answer is that??!!
Shame on You, Mr. Manager from MAS!!

If I were Mrs. Sullivan's family, I would sue the pants off you for willful negligence, emotional trauma and endangering the victim's life!!

You better come clean on this MAS - shame on you!!

Thursday, 22 January 2009

From Malaysia With Love .... First C4, now it's- "Water"!!!

Hear, Hear - News From Bolehland!!

Kugan a/l Ananthan dead in coustody:
Balai Polis Subang Jaya


On Wednesday, 21 January 2009, the family of KUGAN A/L ANANTHAN lodged a police report at IPD Subang Jaya, (Section 8) with S.JAYATHAS Police Watch Malaysia, Lawyer N.Surendran, Kapar MP YB.Manikavasagam and Makkal SAKTHI.


'Probe case of man who died in police custody'
Charles Ramendran (TheSun)
PETALING JAYA (Jan 22, 2009): Opposition MPs and other political leaders gathered outside the Subang Jaya district police headquarters yesterday calling for a thorough probe into the death of a 22-year-old car theft suspect in police custody on Tuesday.

About 100 people including the family members of the dead man Kugan Ananthan, Kapar MP S. Manikavasagam, Puchong MP Gobind Singh, Teluk Intan MP. M. Manoharan, Keadilan’s Selangor Youth leader Khairul Anuar Ahmad Zainuddin, MIC Youth Leader T. Mohan and Police Watch and Human Rights committee head S. Jayathas arrived at the headquarters at 3.30pm to lodge a report. The supporters carried banners which bore the pictures of Kugan’s body taken at Serdang Hospital.

The photos showed bruises, swells, cuts and abrasions all over the body and froth oozing from the mouth and nose.

“It is the most brutal and horrific case of police brutality I have ever seen. It appears that not an inch of his body had been spared. I urge the federal police to immediately probe the death of this young man. His family is seeking justice and those responsible must face the law,” said lawyer N. Surenthiran, who is representing Kugan’s family.

Three police reports were lodged by the deceased’s family, Manikavasagam and Khairul calling for the incident to be probed.

Manikavasagam said there are two witnesses to the assault on Kugan who are willing to come forward to reveal what they saw.

“It was the first time he had ever been detained by police and he came out dead. We were never told where he was being held. We looked for him everywhere since his arrest on Jan 15 but the police only informed us on Tuesday that he had died,” said Kugan’s mother, N. Indra.

She said her son did not suffer from asthma as claimed by police.

Just a personal opinion on the above asthma assertion......
judging from the frothy discharge from the mouth,
bloody discharge from nose,
the assertion that he had breathing difficulties
and fluid in his lungs - my guess is,
the victim probably died of "Acute Pulmonary Oedema"/ "Cardiac Asthma".

So, "technically speaking, the Police authorities may have been correct in saying that he died of "asthma"
- though in this case, it was "Cardiac", and not the regular "Bronchial" asthma

One can only wonder what could have precipitated such a condition,
in a previously healthy 22 year old man ....


Now, let's just compare the above with the report in TheStarOnline

Published: Thursday January 22, 2009 MYT 12:22:00 PM
Updated: Thursday January 22, 2009 MYT 12:48:24 PM

Dead detainee: Cops to question two deputy ministers PETALING JAYA: Selangor police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said police would record the statements of two deputy ministers in connection with the morgue incident in which the body of A. Kugan, who died in detention, was tampered with. .....

Kugan, who was detained on Jan 15 on suspicion of being involved in stealing luxury cars in Sungai Chua, Kajang, and was brought to the Taipan police station on Tuesday where he suddenly collapsed and died while being questioned.

He had asked for a glass of water and threw up after drinking, then collapsed. The policemen present immediately summoned a doctor from a nearby clinic to examine Kugan, who was pronounced dead minutes later.


All I can say is, that the water in Subang Jaya is truly potent stuff!
I wonder who was the "Bomoh" who did the "baca-baca" before giving Kugan the water.....
..... maybe I'll ask my Bomoh about these "miraculous Subang Jaya water" things.

But then again, surely Khalid can do a better job than my bomoh, right?

Who wouldn't have confidence in "somebody's" words - after all, he's the one who "protects children" by providing them shelter from rain & shine (or was it by denying them that? Sorry- their statements get me a little mixed up at times). He Protects PJ residents & Malaysians at large, by getting peaceful citizens & priests arrested for taking part in peaceful gatherings, deemed illegal for not supporting a police state.
Anyway, Who wouldn't have faith in someone who denies photographic/movie evidence, right?

Did anyone notice the very strange silence of the BBC/ BN MPs? Interesting isn't it?
Is it becos death doesn't move BN MPs anymore - whether it is due to C4, National Service, "Water", Helicopters or whatever?
Some may even be brought conclude there is a "lager agenda" at work - that it is the intentional desire to create discontent & rebellion, so as bring about "agitation" and imposition of repression!!
But I'm sure BN wouldn't do such things, right?
There are there to defend the rakyat! Just ask Najib or Samy Velu - they'll tell you that with a straight face.
Nobody will dispute this, right?

Psst Mr. Bomoh- there may be some people who should be given "Subang Jaya water"?
Then we don't need the noisy C4 anymore, maah ...

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Ya Allah! Ya Rabbi! Don't Take the MSM Propaganda Ride - Here's The Real Deal On the "Word"...

"Emancipate yourselves from Mental Slavery;
- none, but ourselves can free our mind...."
-Bob Marley, Redemption Song


The comments (by me) below were taken from the discussion on "Herald Continues To Use Allah Word", which were meant to clear the confusion created by the propaganda machinery of the state in the issue of the "Herald" demanding the right to use Allah in their Malay print of their weekly (and that of in the Bible too). It addresses those who believe that the Catholic Church is "being childish", or are making a big deal out of "nothing", or if the word "ALLAH" is REALLY the issue here.

Allow me to begin by saying that this ""Allah" issue, while being painted as being a "sensitive issue" of Christians encroaching on Islamic territory by the MSM propaganda, the truth is far from it.
The truth here is that it concerns the fundamental rights of each and every citizen regardless of colour, creed or affiliation.

What many don't seem to realize that the banning of the use of Allah would give the authorities the right to ban the import of Bibles published in Indonesia, as that is the word used extensively in the Bahasa Indonesia Bibles to refer to "God" (or is it Lord - I get confused). This also gives the authorities to flout the constitutional guarantee of the freedom of worship. The ability of the authorities to dictate terms to churches legitimizes the politicians' interference in "church" and religious affairs - and would set a precedence in trampling upon the constitutional right of each & every citizen to manage their own religious affairs.
As such it isn't simply a "Christian/ Catholic" affair - it involves the right of every citizen.

Should the Muslims wish have their religious rights determined by the authorities , that is their right to dispense with. It may be the reason why the Ahmadiyyahs in Selayang are today under threat of persecution. Maybe it is the same with the case of Al-Arqam - I cannot be certain. However, since Muslims do not wish for opinions from non-Muslims, I shal refrain from commenting on these two "issues".

Earlier this month, the Police attempted to stop "pournami pooja" done for the ISA detainees under the Police Act, as it was probably deemed a "threat to national security". For all we know, tomorrow, they may declare that all churches, temples, other forms of worship has to be in line with government dictated terms - just like in China!
Maybe - just maybe, it is the "China model" of control of houses of worship which our Govt aspires for (which might explain the "close ties" that the "intel" share), in their attempt to cling on to power.

As of now in Malaysia, it is only places of worship that the Government does not have total over. With their ability to dictate terms to religious establishments, their dominance on all aspects of life in Malaysia becomes absolute. They will then dictate to one and all, what we can and cannot do within our places of worship - and our religious institutions loose all autonomy.

To those who have lingering doubts, - don't let yourselves be taken for a ride by the propaganda "nose-rings" called MSM.

It concerns all of us - it is the litmus test of the conscience of our nation,
and consequently, if Malaysians would allow selfishness & Fascist tyranny to triumph over humanity.
Make no mistake about it, and never for a moment think otherwise!

Let us stand together in this issue, and as the Fascists persecute our brother citizens -those courageous ones arrested in PJ for the peaceful anti-ISA vigil - in their attempt to silence the people into submission and Fear - because they fear your freedom!
Let us together stand up together for our rights, just as those persecuted, stood up for ours - and put the fear of God into the hearts of tyrants.
Let together, sing a song of freedom.

So, I give you now a little of Marley's Redemption song (modified a little):-

"How long shall they silence our patriots,
While we stand aside and look?
Won't you help to sing,
These songs of freedom?
Won't you have to sing
These songs of freedom?"

God Bless You.

Anyway, here goes - The following were my comments on Malaysia Today, in an attempt to lend clarity to the real issue behind the "Word":-
written by cruzeiro, January 20, 2009 18:45:28

Do you think this is only about the Catholic church where this matter is concerned?
Hardly, RP - it's about your rights as well! It about the rights of every single Malaysian regardless of color or creed, as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution.
It is ignorance such as yours that makes the United Malaysian Nazi Organization thrive and strip Malaysians of their rights - slowly but surely.

Despite being (supposedly) a Catholic/Christian, I too do not entirely agree with its usage where "correctness" is concerned - however, that is besides the point. It is the right to use the word that is the issue here.
You confuse the "political correctness" of word "Allah", with your "right" to use the word! The former is debatable, while the latter is non-negotiable.

The fact remains that no politician holds the patent to the word, and it is your right to use the word, or any other to refer to your God (if you believe in one).
In fact, you could even call him "Jack", and there is nothing that anyone can do to take that right away from you.

Get one thing straight RP - Your right to freedom worship without interference of the authorities is guaranteed in the Federal Constitution, just as your freedom to peaceful assembly.
Just as the freedom of assembly for the citizens has been stripped with the various acts passed by the legislature through guile & deceit (and maybe even threats/intimidation), this right is also sought to be stripped from you. It is how they encroach and trample upon you, sooner or later!

If & when all is lost, it is people like you (don't worry - I was in that boat once) who start crying foul, oblivious to the fact that it was your own blissful ignorance and gullibility to Nazi propaganda, that was the main factor in encouraging politicians to strip you of your rights!

Once you give up that right RP, there's no telling what you'll have to do to get it back - just take a look at how they try to break up every gathering which they do not approve of, even if the participants are peaceful.
Read the Police Act on top of the ISA, and you'll know what I mean - you are apparently a criminal whether you like it or not, and you live "free" only because they allow you to, and not becos it is your right to be free.

That is what power is all about - they criminalize you, so that you live at their mercy.
Think hard, before you accuse others of childishness when people fight for your rights!

written by cruzeiro, January 20, 2009 21:50:50

The Guru Granth Sahib uses the word Allah to refer to God!
Who are you to say it is wrong and that the word belongs to Muslims and Arabs? Are you aware that Arab christians use the word - of course you are. And mind you, Christianity was in Arabia long before the advent of Islam.
So, since when has this word been unique to Islam? Never.

Now, if a non-Arab Muslim can preach and publish Islamic literature in any other language using the word Allah, can you give me one good reason why anybody else cannot do the same when preaching theirs?

Hell man - I can take a Japanese word and make it English! What makes you say that I cannot take an Arab/ Sanskrit/ Punjabi word to make it Malay?
And FYI, Allah is also a derivative of "El", "Eli" and what not - hence it isn't "arabic" in origin!

This is not about religion, race, or language - don't let yourself get misled.
It isn't about the Herald, the Catholic Church or whatever - that's just the "wayang".
It's more than that, friend - It's about the desire of certain quarters who wish to exercise control over you. The non-Muslim houses of worship are one of the last institutions that have attained a certain degree of autonomy in managing their affairs- and they wish to take that away from you.

They have soiled the Judiciary, the civil service, the parliament, the royalty, the police, the education, the economy, and even society as a whole.
They now seek to twist your mind & soil your conscience, so that you do not believe that it affects you, when another gets persecuted.
Should they get away with doing this, there's no telling what they will do next, to persecute the citizens - this is the last straw.

Do you remember how they recently tried to stop "pournami pooja" at the temple in Kerling lately? This is about them trying to encroach into your house of worship - this being the sole institution that they don't have authority over.

They want to paint the issue as being a sensitive issue, so that they can control even houses of worship that aren't of Islam - which is protected by the Federal Constitution. They will play up more issues as having sensitive repercussions so as to encroach further into constitutionally forbidden territories
It is about Freedom of religion - Article 11!!

Nobody cares if the pagan referred to the moon god, or the kitchen god, or the toilet god, using whatever word!
If to me it means what I like to refer to what I like, it is my choice - what makes the adjudicator of what I believe is right? Like I said, I can call my God Jack, "mawi" or "RP", and it is within my right to do so.
Moreover, last I checked the constitution, it says that it is none of your business.

It is not about the political correctness of the word, RP - it is about your Constitutional Right to practice your faith as you see fit, without the interference of state/politicians!
Allah issue is just where they "test" the waters.


Monday, 19 January 2009

Casting Pearls Before Swine, or Just another Wayang Coolie?

But we poison our society when we remove its theological underpinnings.
We court corruption when we leave society devoid of belief.

-Jeff Miller
"In this region only Papua New Guinea is more unequal. We have the most unequal income distribution in Southeast Asia .................. This is of a piece with the vital economic confidence needed to unleash credit, investment and consumption, and get everyone working. We need to restore confidence in Malaysia."
Tengku Razaleigh's speech at ASLI Conference Jan 15, 2009

Sounds Good. Probably would look good, too. However to me, it sounds more like Ku Li's political posturing – ala his “Ketuanan Melayu”defense some time back.
Plenty of words, with little substance – like a lover's sweet nothings.

Although much of what he says is true and it is more than economic development, one could be forgiven if one thought that Ku Li appears to be evading the real issue. After all, words are cheap, and may not quite be worth the spittle.
Indeed - the devil does quote scriptures ...

That is what these “profound” speech is all about – just a rehash of the same old wise words, to lend some credibility to an immoral leadership, in a crumbling regime which is intellectually bankrupt and epitomized by deceit & corruption.
He makes a show of the the apparent "awareness" that he provides on behalf of Umno. These "golden nuggets" were mouthed, while Najib was launching "corruption lotteries" on the east coast, where according to NIEI's declaration, there was prevalent , Institutionalization of Electoral Bribery: Political Bribery and Political Promise of Bribery amounting to RM 1 Billion

The real issue here isn't so much “building Malaysia” and as to how one can improve on "governance"/ confidence by creating more “wayang kulit”, or fend off the impending economic disaster and what not.

The crux of the matter here, is nothing more than whether the “bumiputra” created for political expediency is willing to destroy the corrupt “infrastructure” that it has built around itself. What we see here in Ku Li's speech is the absence of comments on the culture of greed & corruption that permeates the very institution that he is part of.
There is little introspection (on the level of integrity in the corridors of power and civil service), with plenty of high-flung ideas and plans. By the looks of it, they are far from willing to forego what they perceive as their “right” to plunder, and what Ku Li proposes is nothing more than the frothy self-righteous political correctness which Umno/Bn is so used to playing out to hoodwink the general public.

The fundamental flaw in the Umno/BN philosophy is its idea of "ethics/morality". To minions in this unholy alliance, they have only one value - greed. This is compounded by the sloth they exhibit, in addition the the other five deadly sins.
When these "values" of the Umno/BN regime is promoted by the BTN thruough the indoctrination of the civil service, any amount of lip service & preaching by Ku Li amounts to nothing more than hypocrisy!

Let me give you an example - public service sectors are "corporatized", apparently to improve services. Upon corporatization, clauses are inserted into agreements which render the government the guarantor, while being helpless in deciding on management. These "corporations" now become goldmines for politicians to siphon off "profits" and show losses, so that the taxpayer bears costs.

A simple, case in point is that of a certain "corporation" - this corporation has happened to be able to reduce "operating costs" to the tune of 500%- 1000% in a certain service it provided. The current suppliers who have enabled that much "savings" however have not been paid after more than 5 months, when the bills are to be settled in 2months, as per agreement!!
Now comes the best part of this story - all the earlier "suppliers" who made exorbitant charges in the pst were promptly paid!!!
Why does this happen? My guess is that those who are entrusted to make the payments demanded kickbacks from the approved payments.

It is against the backdrop of "successful entrepreneurs" such as these (whom people like Ku Li would want to preserve, to showcase the "success" of the NEP) that these wise words are mouthed by this political has been.
This is the "business" ethics which the "bumiputra" elite has been taught, under the (Umno/BN's)NEP, by none other than agencies like BTN since the time of Mahathir. They have been indoctrinated to believe that it is their God-given right to rob the people of the right to a world-class public service. This kind of "highway robbery" is deemed "halal" through various rationalization processes and the outward religiosity they exhibit (through the repression, suppression and victimisation of "those deemed unworthy").

In short, the prime "value" promoted by the Umno/BN elite, is nothing more than Hypocrisy. If anyone had any iota of sincerity in them, they'd see the futility in dining with robbers, so as to preach and reform them.

“According to the World Bank, Malaysia’s share of GDP contributed by services was 46.2% in 1987. How much did you think it was twenty years later in 2007? 46.4%.
How much do you think the real wages of our workers grew between 1994 and 2007? By 2.6% in the domestic sector and by 2.8% in the export sector.” - So Ku Li says.

This is of course a thinly veiled swipe at Mahathir's "economic masterplan", after their much publicized fallout.

However, that Ku Li has knowingly gone back on his principles to rejoin the Umno Baru, despite being publicly “whipped” & humiliated by Mahathir (sorry guys- not in the “whodude” or “KissArse” sense here, okay), says a lot about him. One can only guess the price of his “loyalty”, as once mentioned by Mahathir.

Ku Li is now simply another has been trying to show the "compassionate" face of pirates in regime lead by robber barons. In doing so, he makes himself just another "coolie" to these heartless plunderers He'd probably do better, should he walk the path trodden by the likes of Zaid Ibrahim, instead dishing out these “sweet nothings” to the general public, while lying in bed with Umno.

He would also do well to admit and remind Umno that the NEP has been a failure, in that it has created pirates who plunder the nations wealth through legalized robbery, and mediocre education. The people have been bribed into submission to corruption, and are oblivious to the fact that they have shortchanged in the process - it is what Ku Li proposes to perpetuate with his beautiful words and "wayang Kuli".

At least Mahathir knew when his time in Umno was officially over .....


It is not the young people that degenerate;
they are not spoiled till those of mature age are already sunk into corruption.

-Charles de Montesquieu

Saturday, 17 January 2009

The Police State - The Citizen's Nose Ring

“Every legal power must have legal limits, otherwise there is dictatorship.
The Courts are the only defence of the liberty of the subject against departmental aggression. In these days when government departments and public authorities have such great powers and influence, this is a most important safeguard for the citizen;
so that the courts can see that these great powers and influence are exercised in accordance with law.”

- Raja Azlan Shah, (Pengarah Tanah & Galian, WP v Sri Lempah Enterprise Sdn Bhd [1978] 1 LNS 143)


With the campaigning in KT over, (victorious or otherwise) it would probably be best that we focus back to the ills of the nation as a whole. But I'm pretty certain that Pas should win hands down - unless of course, BN "works its magic" again with the help of other "magicians" like PRDM, EC, and their "running dogs".
**Update: (Malaysia Kini)9.10pm: According EC official tally: PAS (32,393 votes), BN (29,969), Independent (191) with two more boxes to be tallied. The majority so far is 2,424.

Terengganu can now show their middle to the Fat Lady,
and tell her that she isn't wanted in KT!
Viva Pakatan Rakyat!!
With tomorrow being Sunday - the day of the Fellowship/Vigil at the MBPJ grounds - I'm reminded of the police action last Sunday. I clearly remember how all of us participants at the fellowship were being surrounded by the Police while being told through a hailer that we were participation in a "perhimpunan haram", and that we were given 5 minutes to disperse, or we will be dispersed "dengan kekerasan" (this part was said with a softer voice- almost a mumble!).

While we may have a beautiful Federal Constitution which Shad Faruqi might call "Document of Destiny", it definitely doesn't chart our destiny.
Malaysia's destiny however, has been/ is / will be "cleverly" charted by the following "Acts" which were enacted in through the Parliament - either due to "circumstantial necessity", "deception" or plain "brute force". These "Acts" which became "law", may be regarded by many as "Unconstitutional" at best.

"It is a little-known fact that Malaysians still live under four emergency proclamations – the 1964 Proclamation as a result of the confrontation with Indonesia, the 1966 Sarawak Proclamation following a constitutional standoff there, the 1969 nationwide Proclamation after the May 13 riots and the 1977 Kelantan Proclamation following a political crisis there. The Malaysian Bar has called for the repeal of these proclamations. As a result of the proclamations, a raft of legislation were enacted giving untrammelled powers to the executive to legalise preventive and arbitrary detention, regulate trade unions and evict urban settlers...... Preventive detention laws such as the Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA), the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969 (EO) and the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act 1985 (DDA) continue to be used against suspects. Recommendations for reform and/or repeal of the said laws by Suhakam, BN component parties, the Malaysian Bar and civil society have fallen on deaf ears. Torture, inhuman and degrading treatment continue to be inflicted on detainees. The recent story of former ISA detainee Sanjeev Kumar Krishnan is a case in point. His allegations of being forced to drink urine and being subjected to sexual acts have yet to be properly investigated. Sanjeev is now confined to a wheel-chair."- Edmund Bon, Fight for rights far from over

These are the very laws that ensure the perpetuation of corruption and the enslavement of the citizen to an "almighty political aristocracy" - and of course the continued rule of the Umno/BN regime. It has in effect rendered the people "powerless" to run their own lives. With these laws in place, we the people are in effect, at the mercy of the "goodwill" of these "Gods" in the corridors of power.

The sad fact remains that a vast majority of Malaysians still don't seem to realize the implications of these laws. As a matter of fact, many tend to rationalize the "necessity" of the following laws, based on the "fear tactics/ dramas" enacted by "certain quarters" who have access to "resources". To these people, being automatons who go about their "daily duties", defines their humanity - which renders them no better than the buffallo with a nose-ring.
Having had the "nose-ring" on a leash all their lives, they actually tend to fear "the chaos" that might result, should this "ring" be lost.
There is a paradox created here - "these people" give up every single right that they have to the "powers that be", so that their rights are "protected" and "preserved"!! This is the so-called "social contract" that they have been defending all the while - not the Federal Constitution which guarantees them freedom as human being.

These defenders of the "social contract", demand that we have a Police State!
Mahathir (who has always been in the "inner circle" since the early days), of course didn't anticipate tasting a little of his own medicine (he once wielded during Ops Lalang) soon after he stepped down, when he criticised Pak Lah/ Jo Baharum.
The powers that be, can now rest assured that they can proceed with their heartless exploitation and piracy, without restraint and with impunity.

The truth is, as a result of 50 years of indoctrination (more so since 513), many Malaysians FEAR the freedom which the Federal Constitution accords them. The government of the day calls this "achievement" in creating a generation of voiceless and faithless (and judging by the rhetoric of the Umno/BN "leadership" - some say, mindless) automatons, "Education"! Mahathir called it Wawasan 2020, while Pak Lah calls it cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang. The "leaders have succeeded in making the people believe that their docility, resignation & compliance makes them "good citizens"!!

Today they (the supporters of the "social contract") cannot fathom living in freedom, and are so faithless, that they don't trust themselves with freedom - and demand the leash by with they are shackled. They demand that they be given a noose to hang by, for the rope they hand the "leaders" (by paying taxes- but of course, the privileged don't!).

For those who doubt the truth in what I say, it would be advisable that you go through the following - these are the shackles that render your voice irrelevant. These are the shackles that render you criminal, and at the mercy of "gods who walk the corridors of power".
No right thinking man who believes in a true God or at least Humanity would agree to the following laws (linked), unless there is a war/emergency/chaos. In the following, I have highlingted/ expanded a little on elements of the Police Act which most aren't really aware of given the "glamour" accorded to the ISA (links to what I published on ISA are below, under "Related Posts").
2. Police Act
(Act 344 POLICE ACT 1967)-
27. Power to regulate assemblies, meetings and processions
27A. Power to stop certain activities which take place other than in a public
27B. Use of force in dispersing or arresting persons pursuant to section 27
or 27A27C. Consent to prosecute offences under section 27 or 27A
3. OSA

Act 344 POLICE ACT 1967
Power to regulate assemblies, meetings and processions
27. (1) Any Officer in Charge of a Police District or any police
officer duly authorized in writing by him may direct, in such
manner as he may deem fit, the conduct in public places in such
Police District of all assemblies, meetings and processions, whether
of persons or of vehicles and may prescribe the route by, and the
time at, which such assemblies or meetings may be held or such
procession may pass.

(2) Any person intending to convene or collect any assembly
or meeting or to form a procession in any public place aforesaid,
shall before convening, collecting or forming such assembly, meeting
or procession make to the Officer in Charge of the Police District
in which such assembly, meeting or procession is to be held an
application for a licence in that behalf, and if such police officer
is satisfied that the assembly, meeting or procession is not likely
to be prejudicial to the interest of the security of Malaysia or any
part thereof or to excite a disturbance of the peace, he shall issue
a licence in such form as may be prescribed specifying the name
of the licensee and defining the conditions upon which such assembly,
meeting or procession is permitted:
Provided that such police officer may at any time on any ground
for which the issue of a licence under this subsection may be
refused, cancel such licence.

(2A) An application for a licence under subsection (2) shall be
made by an organization or jointly by three individuals.
Police 25

(2B) Where an application is made jointly by three individuals,
the police officer to whom the application is made shall refuse the
application if he is satisfied that the assembly, meeting or procession
for which a licence is applied is in actual fact intended to be
convened, collected or formed by an organization.

(2C) Where an application is made jointly by three individuals,
the police officer issuing the licence shall specify in the licence
the names of those persons as licensees.

(2D) No licence shall be issued under subsection (2) on the
application of an organization which is not registered or otherwise
recognized under any law in force in Malaysia.

(3) Any police officer may stop any assembly, meeting or
procession in respect of which a licence has not been issued or
having been issued was subsequently cancelled under subsection
(2) or which contravenes any of the conditions of any licence
issued in respect thereof under that subsection; and any such police
officer may order the persons comprising such assembly, meeting
or procession to disperse.

(4) Any person who disobeys any order given under subsection
(1) or subsection (3) shall be guilty of an offence.

(4A) Where any condition of a licence issued under subsection
(2) is contravened, the licensees shall be guilty of an offence.

(5) Any assembly, meeting or procession—
(a) which takes place without a licence issued under subsection
(2); or
(b) in which three or more persons taking part neglect or
refuse to obey any order given under subsection (1) or
subsection (3),
shall be deemed to be an unlawful assembly, and all persons attending, found at or taking part in such assembly, meeting or procession and, in the case of an assembly,
meeting or procession for which no licence has been
issued, all persons attending, found at or taking part or
concerned in convening, collecting or directing such
assembly, meeting or procession, shall be guilty of an offence.

(5A) In any prosecution for an offence under subsection (5) of
attending, being found at or taking part in an assembly, meeting or procession which is an unlawful assembly, it shall not be a defence that the person charged did not know that the assembly, meeting or procession was an unlawful assembly or did not know of the facts or circumstances which made the assembly, meeting or procession an unlawful assembly.

(5B) In any prosecution for an offence under subsection (5) of
attending or being found at an assembly, meeting or procession
which is an unlawful assembly, it shall be a defence that the presence of the person charged came about through innocent circumstances and that he had no intention to be otherwise associated with the assembly, meeting or procession.

(5C) For the purposes of subsection (5), where it appears from
all the circumstances relating to an assembly, meeting or procession
that it was convened, collected or directed by or with the involvement,
participation, aid, encouragement, support or connivance of an
organization, every member of the governing body of the organization
shall be deemed to have taken part or been concerned in convening,
collecting or directing the assembly, meeting or procession unless
he proves that he did not know nor had any reason to believe or
suspect that the assembly, meeting or procession was going to take
place or, if he knew or had reason to believe or suspect as aforesaid,
he had taken all reasonable steps to prevent the assembly, meeting
or procession from taking place or, if it was not reasonably within
his power to so prevent, he had publicly objected to or dissociated
himself from the convening, collecting or directing of the assembly,
meeting or procession.

(6) Any police officer may, without warrant, arrest any person reasonably suspected of committing any offence under this section.

(7) Any person aggrieved by the refusal of the Officer in Charge of a Police District to issue a licence under subsection (2) may within forty-eight hours of such refusal appeal in writing to the Commissioner or Chief Police Officer; and the decision of the said Commissioner or Chief Police Officer thereon shall be final.

(8) Any person who is guilty of an offence under this section
shall be liable on conviction to a fine of not less than two thousand
ringgit and not more than ten thousand ringgit and imprisonment
for a term not exceeding one year.

(8A) Sections 173A and 294 of the Criminal Procedure Code
[Act 593] shall not apply in respect of an offence under this section.
Power to stop certain activities which take place other than in
a public place

27A. (1) Where any activity takes place on or in any land or
premises which do not constitute a public place and—
(a) the activity is directed to, or is intended to be witnessed
or heard or participated in by, persons outside the land
or premises, or is capable from all the circumstances of
being understood as being so directed or intended; or
(b) the activity attracts the presence of twenty persons or
more outside the land or premises; or
(c) the activity is likely to be prejudicial to the interest of
the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to excite
a disturbance of the peace,
any police officer may order the persons involved in the activity
to stop the activity and may order all persons found on or in or
outside the land or premises to disperse.

(2) Any person who disobeys any order given under subsection
(1) shall be guilty of an offence.

(3) Where three or more persons neglect or refuse to obey any
order given under subsection (1), the activity concerned shall be
deemed to be an unlawful activity, and all persons taking part or
concerned in the activity, or in organizing or directing the activity,
shall be guilty of an offence.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), where it appears from
all the circumstances relating to an activity that it was organized
or directed by or with the involvement, participation, aid,
encouragement, support or connivance of an organization, every
member of the governing body of the organization shall be deemed
to have taken part or been concerned in organizing or directing the
activity unless he proves that he did not know nor had any reason
to believe or suspect that the activity was going to take place or,
if he knew or had reason to believe or suspect as aforesaid, he had
taken all reasonable steps to prevent the activity from taking place
or, if it was not reasonably within his power to so prevent, he had
publicly objected to or dissociated himself from the organizing or
directing of the activity.

(5) Any police officer may, without warrant, arrest any person
reasonably suspected of committing any offence under this section.

(6) Any person who is guilty of an offence under this section
shall be liable on conviction to a fine of not less than two thousand
ringgit and not more than ten thousand ringgit and imprisonment
for a term not exceeding one year.

(7) Sections 173A and 294 of the Criminal Procedure Code shall
not apply in respect of an offence under this section.
Use of force in dispersing or arresting persons pursuant to
section 27 or 27A

27B. If persons are ordered to disperse pursuant to subsection

27(3) or 27A(1) and do not disperse, any police officer or any other
person acting in aid of a police officer may do all things necessary
for dispersing them and for arresting them or any of them pursuant
to subsection 27(6) or 27A(5), and, if any person makes resistance,
may use such force as is reasonably necessary for overcoming
Consent to prosecute offences under section 27 or 27A

27C. (1) A prosecution for an offence under section 27 or 27A
shall not be instituted except with the consent in writing of the
Public Prosecutor, but a person who is to be charged with the
offence may be arrested, or a warrant for his arrest may be issued
and executed, and he may be remanded in custody or released on
bail, notwithstanding that the consent of the Public Prosecutor to
the institution of prosecution for the offence has not been obtained,
but the case shall not be further prosecuted until the consent has
been obtained.

(2) When a person is brought before a court on a charge under
section 27 or 27A before the Public Prosecutor has consented to
the prosecution, the charge shall be read and explained to him but
he shall not be called upon to plead thereto, and the Criminal
Procedure Code shall be modified accordingly.