Wednesday, 27 February 2008
The Price of Votes & Convictions.
- John W. Gardner
Before I start on matters at hand, allow me to wish my Dad, A Very Happy 77th Birthday - may the good Lord Bless You.
Pa, I apologize for the fact that your dreams for this nation have not materialized as yet, and it appears that it is slip-sliding into a very precarious position of uncertainty. I shall come however, to take Mummy and you to the voting centre on the 8th of March.
Let's move on now ....
There's nothing like a Sunday, sitting at a comfortable place with your "worries" put aside for some moments, and thinking or reading what you what you really enjoy, oblivious to the hustle and bustle around you.
As I sat in Starbucks yesterday, sipping my iced tea, listening to music and doing some reading, I received a text message. It was one of those messages that are meant to campaign for one party or other - in keeping with the Election season.
It went like this -
"Gerakan is contesting 12 Parliament seats and 31 State seats. All 43 of them r Chinese. No Ind. They say no capable Indians in Msia. This is what multi-racialism is all about, in BN. DAP is fielding a record 30 Inds - 10 for Parliament and 20 for State seats. Dear bros & sis, lets show that we can make an impact and we can deny BN 2/3 majority .. pls send to 10 Indians."
It must've been a message that started in Penang, where the "great battle" is supposed to take place - and it found its way south.
After an hour or so, the same message came from somebody else, then another. This morning, another one more came!
Pardon me for not applauding DAP's "achievement" - I found the message laughable at best .... and in a sense, actually degrading!
(but of course I did forward it to one, when the "message within" struck me as odd!)
Let us take stock of Gerakan first.
Gerakan is basically a party with a constitution that isn't racially exclusive, just as PPP. However, it is a known fact that in practise, one caters to the "Chinese" and the other, "Indians" - in line with the BN concept of political, racial segregation. They thus, are only practicing what they preach - i.e, racial exclusivity and fragmentation of the people's representation in the Parliament.
No doubt, Gerakan was established with noble ideals which were a real threat to the hegemony practised by the racist parties in power at that time - and as such, it was seduced into a "working formula" which in due time corrupted the membership, and was thus rendered impotent as a force to be reckoned with at national level politics. It has today been reduced to just another race-based party that has only a sprinkling of representation from "others". Yes - they too have been reduced to just another racist party, as their partners in this crime of RACISM and aparthied.
DAP on the other hand, while blowing the altruistic horn of multi-culturism and pluralism, is dominated by the "Chinese" with some "Indian" representation. It was odd that they don't seem to be able to find Malays in their midst to justify this claim.
After fifty years of blowing their horn of pluralism, intentionally or otherwise, they have failed in their mission to convince the people that they don't play the "race politics", in line with the ruling coalition.
Why then have they chosen to to ride on their moral high-horse of "pluralism"? They have failed to convince the Malay voters that they would be a viable alternative, and that they could be trusted to take care of their interests.
The campaign video on YouTube was pathetic at best- with the narrator (was it Mr. LKS?) speaking Malay with an obviously "Chinese" accent.
The sorry attempt at speaking good Malay, would only reach out to "Indians" and other communities that haven't really integrated themselves to Malaysian norms after half a century of calling themselves "MALAYSIAN".
A Malay wouldn't want to listen for more than 5 seconds to someone who "murders" the language, his mother-tongue and National Language.
Would it have been too difficult for Mr. LKS to hire a professional speaker to get his message across?
I don't think so - there are many people of various ethnicity who speak Malay fluently, and he's definitely not one of them.
The reason I mention the accent (alright, I admit ... that was a "cheap shot"), is the fact that for one to actually want to integrate into society at large, one has to be able to at least speak the language well. Language is the "key" to integration in any society.
Take USA for example - do you really think all these guys who shout out their "rights" like misfits in parliament, would or could do the same in US of A?
Definitely not.
Were it the US of A, I would bet that in 6 months, Mr. LKS, Semi Value and the others would've "acquired" the American accent through intensive training.
I call upon all MPs from all parties to seek professional assistance where speaking Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Melayu or whatever you call it is concerned. Let us not be too arrogant in claiming that it is our right to "be ourselves" and expect "tolerance", when we have not made an earnest attempt at speaking the National Language well, after half a century. One's ethnic heritage isn't a barrier - only the will, or rather, the lack of it.
Without linguistic proficiency, to expect "acceptance" among the people, would be foolish, and very much desirable to the practitioners of "apartheid" - Malaysian style.
What I intend to say here, isn't so much as to run them down during this time of intense political campaigning.
On the contrary - I intend to appeal to all Malaysians to stop looking at ethnic representation in describing "achievements". It means nothing, if it isn't demeaning.
It only says that you cannot be trusted, unless you are of "my kind".
I call upon all groups/ communities to give due respect to the National Language and cut down their racist rhetoric during this campaign season.
All those of you who fight for "Bangsa Malaysia", ask yourselves if you could speak Malay as a person born and bred in Malaysia should. Or would you make the excuse that you opted for vernacular education, and only mingled with those "of your own kind", and are thus exempted from this necessity, in line with desires of the racists who have never really encouraged integration. Who are we to demand "acceptance" when we highlight our "difference" the moment we speak?
Dear friends, do not live under the impression that we did have a common identity at any one time in the past - we never had it. The Brit "masters" never did encourage it, and the post-independence governments simply perpetuated it in the name of "tolerance" under the much lauded "social contract", that practiced "separate development" as in the Pietr Botha regime of South Africa.
The "Indians" of SA in general, although denied equal rights, were adept at their business ventures and as such were economically self sufficient and had little to complain, except where "human rights" were concerned. They came into contact with "others" only when the need arose - just as it was in Malaysia during the time of the "White Tuans", and immediately after they left, to have their legacy perpetuated by the "New Tuans" and "Kapitans" - with each ethnic community "taking care of their own interests".
A problem was not perceived as that of national interest, but exclusive to that of only a particular community - just as illustrated by the "Hindraf Phenomenon".
While it may have been the tyranny of the minority in SA, it is just vice-versa in Malaysia. Yes - they too had a "social contract" - they only difference is, in Malaysia, it is apparently "in favour of the majority" (or so they would want to have you believe, to justify the "social contract").
The truth however is, that the minority bourgeoisie elite of each community are the ones who reap the harvest - lock, stock and barrel.
All these, while the commoner becomes the second-class workhorse in a rat-race, or the apparent beneficiaries are kept in psychological or socio-economic straightjackets, being blinded by sentiments of racial and/or religious chauvinism/prejudice, that dull the senses.
Dear friends and potential Members of Parliament,
Do justice to the citizenship of the country.
Speak the language of wisdom and reject "racial/ religious profiling".
Seek common ground, instead of highlighting differences in word and/ or deed.
Please refrain from playing to the gallery of racism and religiosity - it is the playing field of criminals. Be ashamed of the religious/ racial chauvinism and exclusivity.
Appeal to universal values that you would be proud of wherever you go.
Do not be drawn into competition in conflicts of ethnic/ religious exclusivity or supremacy and keep the interests of "Nationhood" at heart.
What we are experiencing as a Nation, is "teething problems" in integration- the fallout of the increasing awareness and contact among Malaysians from all walks of life, as a result of communication, and breakdown of the barriers that are upheld by the "social contract".
Many are intimidated by "perceived threats" of dispossession, and others, of reactionary prejudice, played up by unscrupulous politicians and religious zealots, for political mileage.
Conflicts are bound to surface with regard to the debate pertaining to the colonial formula of "separate development" that is practiced by the ruling coalition.
Let us not play along with it.
To the ruling coalition - I call upon you to seek intellectuals who can articulate their ideas of nationhood, instead of imbeciles and gangsters who further inflame sectarian politics in the interest of further consolidating political power that corrupts.
Do away with the uneducated and small-minded extremist elements that feed the rot in the party, and the nation at large.
Reject race based political initiatives and political dynasties.
Welcome intelligent debates in a civil manner and be bold enough to reprimand misbehaviour among party members.
Encourage freedom of thought, and do not expect representatives to "toe the party line", instead of keeping interests of the nation at heart.
Look upon your "adversaries" in the "opposition" as partners in nation building, as opposed to "enemies of state" - as currently practiced.
Break down the virtual walls of sectarian partisan politics, and cut out the racist rhetoric that is the root of all the problems that you face.
The political ghettos and national fragmentation that are testaments to your policies and achievements, will not serve to build a national identity. Resorting to "arabisation" in the name of "religiosity" would only serve to emasculate the rich heritage that has evolved over the centuries. The adoption and enforcement of cultural attributes from an alien land, would only serve to confuse the very ones you seek to uplift and thus, would become their Achilles Heel.
Last but not least, cease from subverting the sanctity of the very constitution that's the cornerstone of the Nation- by amending the constitution at liberty and abusing the mandate of the people - symptomatic solutions that render the constitution meaningless, is nothing but a prescription for civil strife and discord, that doesn't augur well for the future.
Free the media and refrain from turning them into instruments of nonsensical propaganda to fool an ignorant public (which may be desirable, to the leeches of the nation).
Free our institutions of higher learning from the political stranglehold that they now drown in - what would result is, nothing but a generation of mindless adults who are but "educated into imbecility".
Do not perceive a vote for the "opposition" as unpatriotic, lest history casts you alongside Hitler's Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering who declared that "people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and attack the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger".
As for the Election Commission - do justice to the office that you hold, instead of being the handmaid for certain unsavoury characters.
Arbitrary rules that can be made and retracted at one's whim & fancy while you ignore the law, wouldn't help you make claims of "impartiality".
Do have a sense of shame, when you speak of "a level playing field", accountability, transparency and the desire for the authority to charge voters for libel in Kangaroo courts.
With this, I call upon all Malaysians to cast their votes wisely taking into consideration the evils that are prevalent in our political environment.
Let us not forget our human rights, and be like workhorses that only work so as to be given their fodder.
Cast your vote with a conscience and look before before you leap. It is what makes us superior to the lower life forms of the animal kingdom.
Forget not, that we owe it to the younger generation - to guide them through the trials of nationhood, for a better future.
Let us not seek honour in conformity - Together, we can make a difference.
"The human race's prospects of survival, were considerably better when we were defenceless against tigers, than they are today, when we have become defenceless against ourselves."
- Arnold J. Toynbee
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Hafiz Noor Shams said...
Sorry if this comes as an intrusion but there is an effort to get as many bloggers as possible to blog about bloggers whom are running for public offices on one particular day. One blogger candidate per day.
Below is the list:
1. Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad (Friday, February 29)
2. Tony Pua (Saturday, March 1)
3. Elizabeth Wong (Sunday, March 2)
4. Jeff Ooi (Monday, March 3)
5. che’GuBard (Tuesday, March 4)
Please join! For more information, visit
23/02/08 15:05
Monday, 18 February 2008
A Curse in the Malaysians' Embrace.
When the painting was completed, young Dorian became so enraptured by his own looks that he wistfully intoned how wonderful it would be if he could live any way he pleased but that no disfigurement of a lawless lifestyle would mar the picture of his own countenance. If only the portrait would grow old and he himself could remain unscathed by time and way of life. In Faustian style he was willing to trade his soul for that wish.
One day, alone and pensive, Dorian went up to the attic and uncovered the portrait that he had kept hidden for so many years, only to be shocked by what he saw. Horror, hideousness, and blood marred the portrait. The charade came to an end when the artist himself saw the picture.
It told the story. He pleaded with Dorian to come clean, saying, "Does it not say somewhere, 'Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow'?"
But in a fit of rage to silence this voice of conscience, Dorian grabbed a knife and killed the artist.
There was now only one thing left for him to do; he took the knife to remove the only visible reminder of his wicked life. But the moment he thrust the blade into the canvas, the portrait returned to its pristine beauty, while Dorian lay stabbed to death on the floor.
The ravages that had marred the picture now so disfigured him that even his servants could no longer recognize him.
What a brilliant illustration of how a soul, though invisible, can nonetheless be tarnished. I wonder, if there were to be a portrait of my soul or your soul, how would it best be depicted? Does not the conscience sting, when we think in these terms? Though we have engineered many ways of avoiding physical consequences, how does one cleanse the soul? Today we find a limitless capacity to raise the question of evil as we see it outside ourselves, but often hold an equal unwillingness to address the evil within us." "What do we do when we have committed a wrong that we are ashamed of? What can we do with those wrongful deeds that we can’t seem to erase from our consciences? One way that many people deal with guilt is to cover it up.
This can seem almost instinctive at times, as if something inside us says, “Hide it. Forget about it. No one can know.” But this puts us in a very precarious position, for not only are we dealing with guilt, but now we are dealing with the fear of being “found out.”
When we add fear to our feelings of guilt we are adding apprehension to the remorse we are struggling to conceal. Just as a blackmailer is never satisfied, so the one who lives in fear with guilt ends up blackmailing his or her own heart to pay the mind. But the heart is never consoled, for the mind is never sufficiently paid.
Guilt that is concealed seldom stops with the one who harbors that hurt. Sooner or later that pain of fear and guilt is spread to others, particularly to those closest to us. “Victimless” crimes are an illusion, for deceit is a monster that needs constant feeding. It would be foolish for us to think that we can deal with guilt by somehow covering it up.
The moment that we cover our guilt we escalate the tension in our lives by adding the dimension of fear. We may then become people who seem okay on the outside, but inside we are struggling to maintain the facade."
-Ravi Zacharias
[For those who remember seeing a photo entitled "Priceless" in (of all people, the "tattoo-comedian") MENJ's online album, the grey-haired Indian guy in the jacket is the man himself.]
Let us turn not opt for the same fate as Dorian Gray, who chose to destroy the hideousness of the painting (of himself) that he saw, and had unwittingly stabbed himself.
"It will not do to cling to the cause and wish the result away. Reality does not play mind games. What is more, to anesthetize the mind in order to abort what comes to birth when wrong ideas are conceived and borne in the womb of culture, will only kill the very life-giving force of the nation that nurtures the idea. We must learn, in the words of one cultural commenter, to live as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves." -Ravi Zacharias
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Religious Politics - Seeds of Fascism?
"The more the two sides try and call attention to their religious differences by slaughtering each other, the less there is to distinguish them from one another. They worship at the same altar. They're both apostles of the same murderous god, whoever he is .........
Right now we're sipping from a poisoned chalice: a flawed democracy laced with religious fascism. Pure arsenic.
What shall we do? What can we do?
We have a ruling party that's haemorrhaging”.
- (Arundhati Roy, Democracy and Religious Fascism)
Most people go about their daily lives actually just interested in “making a living” or simply enjoying “life” in a society. They actually don't “believe” in any ideology.
In fact many of them are simply “good people” who don't care much for all the indoctrination that is provided for by religious institutions or political establishments.
For most, it is just a matter of “fitting in” with the ruling sentiments, and nothing more They just play along with the mass psychosis that grips the “silent majority” at the behest of the bold and vocal minority. They don't really care, and would just want to move on with life - make a living, make babies, provide for the family, have some fun, have grand-children, grow old and die happily .....
These groups - and this means the "virtuous, silent majority" are the ones who unwittingly partake in the success of any idea that would actually determine the fate of the nation. These "virtuous and silent majority", who are apparently innocent when the vociferous and bold minority shame their faith, are the ones who are actually to be blamed for allowing evils to be perpetrated in the name of "God", by the politicians who seek to consolidate their power.
Of late, one of the most potent tools for fomenting division, sectarianism, distrust and insecurity that has been used is religion, politicised. Words like Christo-Fascism, Islamo-Fascism, Hindutva and many more are becoming increasingly common.
This is quite obvious with the high-handedness of many a religious bodies and ridiculous court decisions (in Malaysia, and also worldwide), that have been quite controversial to say the least, sparking debate in the international media.
While the relevant Christian institutions insist on “values” and often stop short of calling for a theocracy, many Muslim groups don't mince their words in demanding for it.
Some scholars consider Christian Reconstructionism a quasi-fascist movement because it is explicitly opposed to religious liberty and human rights. Berlet and Lyons have witten that the movement is a "new form of clerical fascist politics."(Right-Wing Populism in America, p. 249) Karen Armstrong sees a potential for fascism in Christian Reconstructionism, and claims that the system of dominion envisaged by Christian Reconstructionist theologians R. J. Rushdoony and Gary North is totalitarian: "There is no room for any other view or policy, no democratic tolerance for rival parties, no individual freedom." (Armstrong, Battle for God, pp. 361-362).
The creation of a centralized authoritarian state to enforce blanket obedience to a reactionary, all-encompassing ideology — fits well the aims of contemporary Islamism that openly demands implementation of sharia law and the return to a Pan-Islamic and theocratic caliphate. In addition, Islamists, as is true of all fascists, privilege their own particular creed of true believers by harkening back to a lost, pristine past, in which the devout were once uncorrupted by modernism.
The same goes for the advocates of the Hindutva/ Sangh Parivar movements.
Marxist critics have used the political epithets of "Indian fascism" and "Hindu fascism" to describe the ideology of the Sangh Parivar. For example, Marxist social scientist Prabhat Patnaik has written that the Hindutva movement as it has emerged is "classically fascist in class support, methods and programme".
Envy and false grievances, as in the past with Italian, German, or Japanese whining, are always imprinted deeply within the fascist mind. After all, it can never quite figure out why the morally pure, the politically zealous, the ever more obedient are losing out to corrupt and decadent democracies — where “mixing,” either in the racial or religious sense, should instead have enervated the people.
In all these groups there is an element of insecurity – real or imagined - imposed upon their indoctrinated followers. Most of these groups tend to gravitate towards ideas that are repressive, ethnic and nationalistic under an authoritarian rule, oblivious to its consequences on their civil liberties. Many find it quite convenient to give up their “faculties” and rights to the wiser men of the cloth (or corporations), who would in turn tell them what God has ordained!
According to Wikipaedia,
Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers the individual subordinate to the interests of the state, party or society as a whole. Fascists seek to forge a type of national unity, usually based on (but not limited to) ethnic, cultural, racial, religious attributes. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, autocracy and opposition to political and economic liberalism .
Dr. Lawrence Britt having examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes, found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
- 3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
- 4. Supremacy of the Military
- 5. Rampant Sexism
- 6. Controlled Mass Media
- 7. Obsession with National Security
- 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
- 9. Corporate Power is Protected
- 10. Labor Power is Suppressed
- 11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
- 12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
- 13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
- 14. Fraudulent Elections
Fascism feeds on ignorance and fear. These are two very prominent characteristics seen in many insecure, fearful, conservative, orthodox, religious and cloistered societies that are often deprived of civil liberties.
Hitler's Reichmarshall Hermann Goering declared that "people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and attack the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."
On the religion side of things apocalyptic theology is booming, leading to the “fear factor” that draws the gullible faithful to their pastors, gurus and mullahs, giving rise to many a pseudo-religious revival that appeals to the “emotional emptiness” of the faithful sheep – many a time with devastating consequences. This theology of despair "fits" our current culture of powerlessness and fear.
In Muslim nations worldwide, there is a significant amount of unrest created by Jihadi ideologies that advocate injustice and atrocities in order to bring about “God's Will” on earth. Where they are minorities, many resort to religion inspired insurgency, in order to make their presence felt, leading to devastation. Any injustice is legitimized in the name of Islam, so as to advance the agendas of the relevant groups that seek political dominance.
In America, we see a very powerful Christian Evangelical lobby that have influences many a policy that the government makes.
A top Bush aide actually told the New York Times' Ron Suskind that administration officials disparagingly dismiss what they call "the reality-based community"---specifically, people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality" as irrelevant. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he declared. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality---judiciously, as you will---we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors. . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
In other words, truth is for wimps; forget about it. We are the champions, the powerful, we make it up as we go along and if you want a piece of it, embrace the delusion. (Gary Leupp, Everybody's Talkin' About Christian Fascism)
This article is mainly a "cut and paste" job from numerous other articles. It is regretted that references cannot be made available.
Friday, 8 February 2008



2008 Lantern Festival of Year of Rat
Year 2008 is a Chinese Brown Earth (Soil) Rat Year. Why did the Chinese name the year 2008 as the Brown Earth Rat Year? Chinese calendar used the Stem-Branch system to count the days, months and years. There are 10 Stems and 12 Branches in this system. Stems are named by the Yin-Yang and Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth). The Stem sequence order is
Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yang Metal, Yin Metal, Yang Water and Yin Water. Branches use the animal names.
The Branch sequence order is Rat, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog and Pig. Stem and Branch are used together to form a cycle of 60 counting systems which begin with
Wooden Rat and end with
Water Pig. You can see the entire sequence from the Chinese New Year's page. From 1924 to 1983 is a complete cycle. Year 2008 is Female Earth Rat
the 25th of the Stem-Branch in the system. Because Earth is equivalent to the color Brown in the Five-Element system, Year 2008 is also called the Brown Rat year.
Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year day is on February 7th, 2008. This day is a new moon day, it is the first day of the first Chinese lunar month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar system. The exact new moon time is at 11:44 on 07-Feb-08 in China time zone.
If we apply Chinese lunar calendar system on the USA time zones, we find something interesting here. In the US Pacific Standard Time (PST), the new moon time is at 19:44 of 2-06-08. In the US Eastern Standard Time (EST), the new moon time is at 22:44 of 2-06-08. Therefore, the Chinese New Year day for USA time zones is on February 6th, 2008.
The new moon time is at 03:44 on 2-07-08 of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and at 04:44 on 2-07-08 of Time Zone GMT+1. That means Chinese New Year day is on February 7th, 2008 for European countries.
The Year 2008 (Brown Rat) is the 4705th Chinese year. The Chinese believe that the first king of China was the Yellow King (he was not the first emperor of China). The Yellow King became king in 2697 B.C., therefore China will enter the 4705th year on February 4th, 2008. Also, the Chinese Year uses the cycle of 60 Stem-Branch counting systems and the Brown Rat is the 25th Stem-Branch in the cycle. Since 4705 = (60 *78) + 25, therefore this Brown Rat Year is the 4705th Chinese Year.
Some web sites say the year 2008 is the 4706th Chinese year. If you cannot find the explanation, here is a possible answer for you: The Yellow King's inauguration was held in the spring of 2697 B.C. But the day that was used as the first day of the year was the winter solstice, which was around December 23rd, 2698 B.C. Today's January 1st meant nothing to the Yellow King. If we count that extra eight days in 2698 B.C., then year 2008 is the 4706th Chinese year.
The First Day of Brown Rat Astrology Year
In China's time zone, the first day of the Brow Rat Year is February 4th, 2008, because February 4th, 2008 is the first day of Tiger month and the Tiger month is the first month of the year in Chinese Fortune-Telling Calendar system.
In the Chinese Fortune-Telling calendar, the first day of the first month, Tiger month, is called "Start of Spring", which is when the sun enters the 315th degree on the tropical zodiac. In the China's time zone, the time of the Start of Spring is at Feb-04 19:00. So the first day of the Brown Rat year 2008 is on 04-Feb-08.
The time of the Start of Spring is on Feb-04 at 06:00 for US EST zone and on Feb-04 at 03:00 for US PST zone. So the first day of Brown Rat Year in USA is same in China's time zone.
People born in late January or early February may be confused about their birth year Chinese astrology animal signs. This is because it is a common misconception that the astrology animal signs begin on the Chinese New Year day. Actually, Astrology animal signs are base on the Start of Spring, the first day of astrology year. For example, if a baby was born on Feb-05 2008 before the Chinese New Year Day, then its animal sign is the Rat because the birthday is after the Start of Spring. If you are still confused about your animal sign, we have an Animal Sign page for people to verify their Chinese birth year animal signs.
Rat is Number One
The sequence of 12 astrology animals is
. Rat ranks number 1 in the 12 calendar animals. There is a related story for children. Once the God of Heaven wanted to choose 12 animal names as the sequence of the calendar. He announced to hold an animal racing to determine the order. When the racing date is closing, Cat forgot the time and asked Rat the schedule. Alert Rat gave Cat the wrong time on purpose. Smart Rat stayed on the horn of Ox while crossing the river, then jumped over the bank to reach the final line to win the champion. Cat missed the racing time and swear to kill Rat for generations. That's why Cat always chase Rat forever.
The odd number is Yang and the even number is Yin. Therefore, Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse Monkey, Dog are Yang (Male) Animals. Cow, Rabbit, Snake, Sheep, Chicken and Pig are Yin (Female) animals. The one saying about the animal sequence is something to do with animal toes and paws.
Tiger, Dragon, Monkey and Dog have five toes or paws. Horse has a single toe. Cow, Rabbit, Sheep, Chicken and Pig have four toes or paws. Snake has no toes, but it has fork-like tongue. Rat has 4-toe in the front legs and 5-toe in the back legs.
Half-Yin and Half-Yang Animal
The front leg of Rat has 4 toes and back leg has 5 toes. The Rat hour is from 23:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M., which cover late night and early morning. Rat is rank number one, which is Yang (odd) number. But contains Female Water, according to Chinese astrology calendar. Water in Chinese astrology represents cold, black, wisdom and lust.
Rat is a very alert, coward, quick, sly, ambitious and smart animal. Human still learn something from rats. When all rats run away from a building with no reason, we should run and leave the building soon too. Ancient Chinese won't get on a ship without rats, because that's not normal.
Rat is in the Water group. Snake and Horse are in the Fire group. Fire is afraid of Water. They said Horse will die after eating the waste of Rat. Weasel like Rat can fight and kill Snake.
Rat is in Chinese.
is derived from the pictographic character
. The head is on the top. The body shows the toes and the tail. So
doesn't mean Rat in Chinese. it just a symbol for the Chinese astrology calendar. It comes from the meaning of the cycle of the year base on Yin and Yang energy on the Earth.
Rat personality traits
People born in the Year of the Rat are one of the most industrious and hardest working in the zodiac.
Forever busy in pursuit of an ambitous personal goal, at times they may become difficult to work with since they are born perfectionists. Rats must ensure that every "i" is dotted before completing an assigned task. As a result, they are often successful financially, and are good providers for their family and those they cherish most dearly.
Loyal and loving, Rat people inspire loyalty in others who are close to them. They are essentially honest individuals and loath to betray a confidence. However, their quick wit and restlessness can sometimes lead to chattiness, and they can often be relied upon at large social gatherings for a good story or a juicy bit of gossip.
Their energy levels and expert organizational talents are such that it is a rare thing to see a Rat person sitting idly by with nothing to do.
They may even sometimes be viewed as opportunists who cajole others into helping them accomplish a great ambition. In their careers, Rat people can find much success as business leaders or politicians.
Rats are most compatible with : Dragon, Monkey, Ox
Famous people born in the Year of the Rat : Charlotte Bronte, Truman Capote, Catherine I, Prince Charles, Sasha Cohen, Eminem, Peter the Great, Mata Hari, Scarlett Johansson, Wolfgang Mozart, Plato, William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, George Washington
------------(Let's see what it says about my Zodiac .....)
Chinese Fortune-Telling Calendar |
The following is your simple birth chart. You are Green Dog, born in the year of Green Dragon. The first character in DAY represents you. We can say you are a Wood Dog, too.
Day (you) | Month | Year |
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The Five Element Weights and Personality Chart
Personality | Kind | Polite | Trustful | Righteous | Smart |
Five Elements | ![]() Wood | ![]() Fire | ![]() Earth | ![]() Metal | ![]() Water |
Weight | 21% | 15% | 56% | 6% | 1% |
People have different Five Element weights in their Birth Chart. Each element implies one kind of personality. The Wood-type personality is kind, the Fire-type personality is polite, the Earth-type personality is trustful, the Metal-type person is righteous and the Water-type personality is smart. Because a person's Birth Chart usually contains five elements, there will always be mixed personalities. This Male Wood-Type person, basically, shows Earth-type personality in the daily life. 56% Earth-Type Personality People with Earth-type personality are trustful, steady, loyal and responsible. They are honest, religious, reliable, and keep their promises. The characteristics of Earth are standing still, being slow and steady, and stationary. Therefore the Earth people don't like to move their body and change their mind too often. They are honest, trustworthy, and responsible. They also have good faith. They can sit in one position for a long time. They accept religion since they like rumination and meditation. They are slow to react. They like to collect things, and enjoy their collectables at home, but not outdoors. People with excess Earth are stubborn, inflexible, cheap, lonely, plain and simple. They cannot keep their word either. 21% Wood-Type Personality People with Wood-type personality are kind, steady, sympathy-sharing, understanding and gentle. They like to help people and make donations. The essence of Wood is a tree. The force inside the tree is like growing upward to the sky. Trees often compete with each other aggressively when growing up. Because of the characteristics of trees, Wood-type people are steadfast, organized, logical, practical, innovative, unique, assertive, fortitudinous, independent, challenging and direct. They like to plan things, take action, and go on adventures and challenges. They are perfectionists who tend to push themselves to the limit and seek out the best, and take first place in competition. When their ambition and optimism is overwhelming, Wood-types can become upset, nervous, unstable, impatient, intolerant, and lose their humor by the frustration of many obstacles. 15% Fire-Type Personality People with Firer-type personality are courteous, eloquent, polite and expressive. They are good at compliments in speech. Fire people are energetic, artistic, passionate, easily excitable, and have a tendency to rapidly change emotional states as well as become aggressive. They love sensation, drama and sentiment. They seek joy, gratification and the attention of others. They like to be invited to a party and dislike being alone. 6% Metal-Type Personality People with Metal-type personality are righteous, faithful, gallant and chivalrous. They like to know and help people. Metal is the substance in which internal particles squeeze and condense together. There is a force from the outside to the inside that keeps Metal hard. Metal reflects light, so it is shiny. It may have a clear sound when it's hit. Therefore, a Metal-type person has great strength, discipline and enough courage to aid needy people, which may make them famous. People that lack Metal are quiet, cautious and nervous. They tend to think too much, and cannot make quick decisions. They do not express what is on their minds in public, but will complain about something afterwards. 1% Water-Type Personality People with Water-type personality are smart, wise, frank, and resourceful. They have good memories and think before they leap. There are two types of Water: Floating Water and Still Water. Floating Water makes people active and restless and feel like traveling. Still Water makes people clam and peaceful. People lacking Water are unstable, cowardly, narrow-minded, and have no stamina. They lack intellect, good sense, understanding, and foresight. They also tend to keep changing their mind. |
General Information for Male Wood-type people born in Snake Month
The general description about this person is growing, tender, impulsive, confident, reputable, prudent, stubborn and responsible.
One word for people born in this month is sentimental.
This type of person has powerful ambition and great energy for pursuing their goals. They are very active in seeking opportunities. Once they decide that they want to pursue something, they go after it enthusiastically and persistently. These people do not give up or satisfied easily; their expectations are high due to their sensitivity to beauty. They are very impractical in love. They are very sentimental and unable to express their feelings effectively. Their statement is too straightforward. They have a great desire for exclusive possession and strong attachment. In business, they are usually very flexible and ambitious which often lead them to success. They are hardworking, talented and intelligent. They have the ability to observe other people objectively, which helps them develop a good social life and successful future.
1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Dragon personality traits
Seemingly born under a lucky star, the dragon is the most vital and powerful of any in the Chinese zodiac, although with an infamous reputation for being a hothead - and possessing a sharp tongue!
At any social gathering, you know a Dragon has entered the room as the air starts to tingle with the energy they exhude. Enthusiastic, and confident sometimes to the point of swaggering, Dragon people inspire confidence in others with their honesty and quick wit.
Natural "movers and shakers", Dragons can sometimes be overbearing to lesser mortals who do not share the their natural self-perception as absolute rulers of all they survey. However, their great popularity stems from a soft and sensitive heart, which the Dragon only reveals to trusted friends and loved ones who delight in their tender concern.
Not shy in the least about going after what they want, Dragons can be their own worst enemies - aggressive to the point of tyrannical, and may be heard running off at the mouth without thinking.
However, after having made a foolhardy decision, Dragon people often recover quickly and admirably continue on to follow their hearts' desire with dauntless determination. Gifted with innate courage, tenacity and intelligence, those born under this sign are most often a shining success at whatever field they choose.
Dragons are most compatible with : Rat, Snake, Monkey, Rooster
Famous people born in the Year of the Dragon: Susan B. Anthony, Joan of Arc, Orlando Bloom, Sigmund Freud, John Lennon, Florence Nightingale, Keanu Reeves, Ronaldo, Mae West.
Analyze Your Five Elements in Year 2008
You were born on x/xx/19xx, which was a Green Wood Dog Day. The Day Mater is
Wood, therefore you are a Wood-type person.
Year 2008 is a year of Brown Earth Rat. The major elements in this year are Earth and Water.
When will these events happen?

Water is your Parent Star. When the Parent Star appears in your cycle, you will feel too much restrain from parents, teachers or boss, because you will get their attention. You might have opportunity to become close to the wise, sophisticated people or learn something from them, even in religion area. You become more conservative, patient and gain endurance. Sometimes, you lack of some confidence, cannot express your opinions well like before and then damage your fame or reputation. You might have to stay with parents or close to them often. If you are in school or doing the research, you will learn useful knowledge during this period. You should pay attention to your health as well, because you might have to take medicine for your body. So you need more exercise and outdoor activities.
When will these events happen?

Me says: All these things were downloaded from the internet. Maybe I'll check out the Indian version and probably even those of other cultures later.
Very interesting, but I just can't make head or tail of it all .....
Though I like to read and listen to all this mumbo-jumbo (just as much as I like reading about religion, philosophy, history, politics, medicine and what not), I seriously doubt that I actually give a rat's @$$ about it!
Whatever it stands for, I just like to welcome it, nevertheless.