KUALA LUMPUR, July 5 ─ P. Balasubramaniam
─ the man behind the now infamous statutory declaration
─ and his family have gone missing.
"Don't we do something that can
destroy what we have done?!?!?!?"
After spending hours with Bala taking notes of his testimony previously and being familiar with his character, Americk said, ” I am very sceptical that he has signed the second statutory declaration of his own free will and I am convinced he has been intimidated to do so by either threats or promises, as I can think of no other reason.”
Bala then spoke to the ASP and left at around 4.45pm. Americk assumed he was going to meet the ASP at about 6.30pm as they had been talking about having
fishhead curry at Brickfields, said the lawyer.
He said Bala had signed the first declaration in front of a commissioner of oaths - someone whom Bala recognised as having grown up in the same Slim River neighbourhood as himself - on his own free will.
“I am therefore extremely surprised that Mr. Bala, in the space of 24 hours, has engaged the services of another lawyer and affirmed another statutory declaration swearing the first one was untrue and that he was forced to sign it,” said Americk.
"I mention this as a principle,
meaning if we love our country we must realise that
to build a country like Malaysia is not something easy.
Don't we do something that can destroy
what we have done."
- The Malaysian Insider
KUALA LUMPUR, July 5 ─ P. Balasubramaniam
─ the man behind the now infamous statutory declaration
─ and his family have gone missing.
"After retracting the declaration, Balasubramaniam snuck out without answering any questions from the press. His nephew, Kumaresan, said that the private investigator and his family have not been seen since yesterday.
This latest twist is going to make an already messy situation worse and give credence to claims by the Opposition that Balasubramaniam felt compelled to revise his statutory declaration because he and his family had been threatened."
- The Malaysian Insider
In another development, I thought the Quran Reading Competition was going on .....
Primetime News and "information" has taken a Religious twist with
Quran recitals and the Melaka History,
condemning "Fitnah" that can destroy Islam & civilization itself!
Somebody must be really shaken up and "under duress" with all the "fish head curry" and SDs in town......
Reminds me of what Russell Peter's dad used to tell him-
"Somebody's gonna get hurt real BAAAAD!