The Mongolian Name of - AltanTUYA.....!!!

pic from "justice"
Altan's Mongolian Ghost must be haunting PDRM or is it ???!!!
Can't you just tear gas or water-cannon or maybe even ISA it?
Dang, man - It does hurt "somebody" sooo bad, doesn't it?
You can’t mention ... that woman, PKR told
TAIPING, March 31 – Campaigning for the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections has run into a bizarre roadblock, with the police stepping in to dictate what PKR cannot say or do in the intense battle to win votes.
They must not mention Altan … err, a certain Mongolian model, now deceased.
A PKR source said that was one of the conditions police imposed on the party when it applied for ceramah permits.
A certain Ruler’s decision, matters of race and religion and other “sensitive” issues are also forbidden.
In addition, PKR must also ensure that the crowd at its ceramah is confined to a specific area where the event is being held.
Perak PKR deputy chief Chan Lih Kang told a press conference that the party would not appeal against the restrictions but would defy them and face the consequences.
“They cannot stop us from exercising our freedom of expression,” he said.
The same restrictions do not apply, apparently, to Pas, who have only been told to stop their ceramah by 11pm.
The murder of Altan … err, she-who-cannot-be-named, has proven to be acutely embarrassing for Umno’s new president and prime minister-in-waiting Datuk Seri Najib Razak, whose aide was acquitted of murder.
Najib has repeatedly denied ever meeting the woman.