Monday 15 June 2009

Did the Mahathir's Govt go against the people's wishes?

"Culture, is the effort to provide a coherent set of answers,
to the existentialist situations that confronts all human beings,
in the passage of their lives."
- Daniel Bell
[Yankelovich, Daniel. 1981 "New Rules in American Life:
Searching for self fulfillment in a world turned Upside Down", Psychology Today 15(4), 36]

* The above slide was "plagiarized" from Daniel Yankelovich's The New Pragmatism: Coping With America's Overwhelming Problems. For more on the "New Pragmatism," see his PowerPoint presentation, view the streaming video of the speech, or read the transcript of the speech, given as the kickoff to the Peter Drucker centennial celebrations Nov. 8, 2008, at the Drucker School of Management at Claremont.

Tidak membenarkan Chin Peng yang lahir di Sitiawan, Perak pulang ke tanah air adalah sama dengan pengkhianatan kerajaan Malaysia terhadap Rundingan Damai Haadyai pada 2 Disember 1989.
-Amin Iskandar

Information Department director-general Datuk Abdullah Morad said the result of a survey carried out on 10,000 respondents of various ethnic groups showed that 80% did not want Chin Peng to be allowed to return or to be granted citizenship.
Info Dept: People reject Chin Peng’s return, TNG
NewsFocus: Stopping the Red terror

Some time back, I had a short "discussion" with a certain blogger (who no longer wanted me as "friend" as a result - boo hoo!) on Facebook - and she claimed that Umno in learning real fast on how to correct their mistakes!! Of course I disgreed.

This issue about Chin Peng returning shows their ancient "modus operandi" - how Umno plays up their "Bogeyman" game, in the context of their "Ketuanan Melayu"/Social contract/ Racist ideology.

When one makes an agreement, it doesn't mean that we get all that we want - there are times when we give a little to gain more. That was what happened in Haadyai - we gave Chin Peng the right to return and take up Malaysian citizenship as long as he fulfilled the conditions of the accord.
It is not that we want him - we can live without him ..... but we cannot live without the honour and integrity that comes with keeping our word of honour.

For the DG therefore, to say that the people do not want Chin Peng to return is besides the point. Moreover, it is a slap in the face for the Mahathir Administration which signed the accord with Chin Peng. As a matter of fact, what he's saying is that the government of the day betrayed the rakyat of Malaysia in 1989!!

What did Najib do in 1987? A Government White Paper entitled “Towards Preserving National Security” tabled in Parliament on 23rd March 1988 recorded that in an Umno Youth rally led by Najib on 17th October 1987, banners bearing strong words were displayed, including one which said:
-In response to Najib’s denial in Parliament yesterday
This is precisely the illness that plagues the Malaysian political spectrum - an unblushing pride in their lack of honour and integrity. So much so, it has become the culture to renege on agreements or deal struck - not just in political circles (eg. the Perak coup d'etat), but also in business circles where piracy is the order of the day.

Anything and everything is done to reinforce the culture of ignorance and deceit, to perpetuate the ill-feeling and mutual suspicion in society for political expediency. That society is being polarized beyond redemption through their antics, is the least of their concerns.

That is the UMNO way ... Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya. To hope that they will learn anything about "ethics" is quite a long shot ......

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