Saturday, 30 August 2008
"Merdeka" & The Haunting Spectre of May 13.
"A good constitution is infinitely better than the best despot."
- Thomas B. Macaulay
If the Constitution is worth anything, if the Declaration of Independence is worth anything, if the boys who died on the field of battle did not die in vain, fair employment practices are correct and necessary."
-Dennis Chavez (1888-1962)
Somehow, watching the video clip above, didn't quite get me "all misty eyed".
It actually gave me goose-bumps!
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Declaration of Malayan Independence - "Merdeka" was shouted out seven times by The Tunku, along with the crowds at Stadium Merdeka. It was an "independent" Malaya - at least, that's what it was supposed to mean.
At that time, Sabah & Sarawak didn't fit in the equation, and didn't matter at all. Six years on - on 16 September, 1963, Malaysia came to be, with the incorporation of Sabah & Sarawak.
It is rather odd that this day, when the nation came to exist isn't a National Holiday, but Merdeka Day or some other festivals are - I wonder why .....
Could it be becos Umno/BN wouldn't be able to take total credit for it, and indulge in its shameless narcissism? The absence of Parliamentary Opposition members in the "celebrations", despite being partners in nation building, is quite telling .....
Anyway, I do wish there would be more information about the pre-Malaysia Sabah/Sarawak politics and leadership, and terms of agreement with their counterparts in the Peninsular, is made available to the public to enhance national integration.
Although Tunku helmed the leadership, he was just the compassionate face of Umno. Tunku was the "happiest Prime Minister in the world" oblivious to the workings of Razak's Umno - just as required by the powers that be at the time.
The Malay leadership was however quite discontented with the lack of 'progress' on the part of the Alliance leadership (read, Tunku), which was made to be seen as "bourgeoisie".
Razak on the other hand, had decided that the time was ripe for 'change' - and what is perceived by many as a political coup.
He may have been (relatively) right to do what he did, considering the circumstances at that time - so as to realize the vision which he had for the future - although the foundation upon which he built, was flawed.
He possibly had to "trim" the divisive "chauvinism" that existed among certain quarters at that time.
He needed to prevent the perception that the "Malay identity" of Malaya would be lost, had Umno not asserted their "dominance" in Malaysian polity and Razak wasn't entirely wrong, nor was he to be blamed entirely for this scenario.
Without a doubt, there were "pirates" within Umno, who saw a "pie" in the hegemony. But then again, there were "capitalistic" elements in other parties as well which sought to disregard/look down upon the Malays (as being "Kampung/backward"), and dominate the economic sphere - they never really cared for the Malay sentiments or "nationhood", being absorbed in their immigrant industry and mindset of "survival/progress".
It resulted it May 13, 1969 - the day that lives in infamy in our minds and hearts.This was the "foundation" upon which Razak built, to reshape/re engineer society using the affirmative action of NEP, which was meant to be one of "compassion" (although discriminatory to a certain extent).It was meant to be an instrument to reassure the Malay stake in nation building - and not as an instrument of arrogance and pride.
It was why he always had learned men of calibre around him, who were by and large quite liberal by today's standards. The cabinet had many lawyers (I remember Tan Sri Kadir ...) who understood the law, unlike the many spin doctors and imbeciles of today. Razak himself made efforts to be called to the bar, despite being in power - couldn't say the same for anybody in the post-Hussein Onn era, though .... and at one time, we even had a Medical Doctor telling people he knew the law better than the best legal minds!
This "May 13" is however, used time and again by certain quarters to intimidate, threaten and rule, like it is a "feather in the Cap", an "achievement" to be proud of - when it should be a day of shame - to rally their unthinking followers into "asserting their rights" (which are actuality, only 'privileges' with an expiry date).
Merdeka Day as we know it, is "celebrated" as the achievement of one party, the BN/Umno/MCA/MIC - and not that of the people, which includes the Opposition.
I have my doubts that Tun Razak intended the politics of Malaysia to evolve into one, that is as today, dominated and corrupted by Pride, Arrogance, Piracy, Racism and Religiosity - under the guise of NEP. It is my belief, that although the NEP was well intentioned, in that it sought to "restructure society" towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and knowledge. It was never intended to go beyond what it was designed to do - i.e. to give the Malay populace a foothold in the economic sphere, beyond which they were expected to hold their own, and rise to the challenge of competition.
Beyond it's expiry date, although it was renamed by Mahathir (MDP, was it?), it set the stage for chauvinism, greed, corruption and "money politics". Umno Baru survived on the premise of its "Fascistic" ideas, although the idea of a "Bangsa Malaysia" as per wawasan 2020, was used to pull wool over our eyes.
A recent 'idealistic' post ("Affirmative Action") on made lots of sense - which I'm sure he knew during his time as a "political animal". It is sad that it was not put into practice, as it would have cost him plenty of "mileage", considering the hegemony that was perpetuated in his era.
Dr. Mahathir said, "There is a tendency among Malays to regard the discrimination in their favour as a privilege,
as a recognition of their superior status.
I think this is wrong....".
Well Dr. Mahathir, I've got news for you, Sir - You Think Wrong!
At best, it's an "inaccurate" description of the Umno Baru members' conviction/ psyche. It definitely was a privilege the Malays were accorded in the post-May 13 policies - but not a "right", as claimed by many an Umnoputra, Racist and crony capitalist.
For the truth of the matter, allow me to rephrase it -
"Many Malays do regard the discrimination in their favour as a RIGHT
("HAK bumiputra" , mind you - and not a "privilege"),
as a recognition of their superior status.
I think this is wrong...."
There's a big difference between what is claimed and what Mahathir says - privileges can be taken away, unlike "rights".
These are the ideas we see blooming today, and it has led to the destruction of all sense of righteousness and goodwill among the Umno community.
It has stripped them of all conscience, and the sense of right and wrong. Money is all that matters. Umno believes that it is their right to "close one eye" to the corruption that has been eating the party from within.
It is apparently their right to award contracts to the highest bidders with inflated prices, so as to enrich themselves - not the most competitive prices. They believe that it is their right to be Ali Babas!
To question it, is to "question Malay Rights"! They do not see it as corruption or "haram".
Religion has to be observed, though - and they'd be quick to ban meetings of other faiths on their campuses in the IPTA, lest it doesn't reflect well on their religious credentials.
On the other end of the spectrum, we get the clueless who seek out antidotes in religion/"Arabism" and fascistic ideas, like as if, it is the panacea to cure all the ills brought on by the post May 13 politics, laws/justice & NEP crony-capitalism.
The post May 13 Laws are meant to be passed only if they are beneficial to the "crony" list of a "strong government" with a two-third majority in parliament, or if it serves to suppress dissent in a "strong, but toothless opposition" or the people.
Ali Baba's are unblushingly "advised" year-in year-out by drooling politicians, not to "sell their licences/APs", but are never prevented from doing so via legislation.
Such laws "aren't practical", as they don't give leaders any political mileage - so they never come to be.
The concept of "separation of powers" is scorned upon - instruments of state are meant to be used by the executive - so say the the wise leaders.
Instruments of state are used to deprive the people of their right to voice out opinions or have civil discussions.
That's why MCMC (SKMM) can pull the plug on Malaysia Today, "as and when it sees fit" under the governing Act, without explicit instructions from the Mr. Shaziman - they are now experts at ICT laws and have the right to do as they please ...... they are the cyber police, I guess (read ‘SKMM not ordered to block access to website’).
The Auditor General comes out with reports to show the level of corruption, for the sake of drama & hype, while bureaucrats laugh their way to the bank, or go on "lawatan sambil belajar" to Switzerland.
The Election Commission tells the contesting parties about the laws that govern elections - but who cares - "they" just see it as an opportunity to spend on "goodies", "scrap-metal licences", set a stage to demonize the opposition, and pocket monies with impunity at the same time.
The ACA goes on the occasional spurt of activity to justify their "role" in keeping the country free of corruption, but nothing really happens (unless of course, you've "crossed somebody's path") ..... everything is about "enriching yourself", and everything can be "Kowtim-ed" with an "envelope".
Come what may, it's business as usual, while the cost of living escalates exponentially for the common man, and the Govt get's to play the role of the "Good Samaritan" by dishing out 'goodies'.
Is it any wonder that we have record budgets year after year, which is praised ad nauseaum by every unthinking member of the ruling elite, as "compassionate" and a "people's budget"?
For what it is worth, "Happy Merdeka" to all West Malaysians.
No offense intended- but I shall include our Sabahan & Sarawakian brothers in my "Happy Malaysia Day" wishes, come 16 September.
This is the shadow of May 13, under which we live.
It is the flawed foundation/philosophy upon which our politics, economy and country was built, for the past 38 years.
If the foundations be flawed, is it too surprising to see Umno and its core BN allies become the schizophrenic Frankensteins that they are today?
I guess not.
I have little doubt that tomorrow, we would have been celebrating Merdeka for Malaya, and not Malaysia - had we engaged Sabah & Sarawak in 1963 with policies in existence today.
This is the "Merdeka" we celebrate - or is it actually "May 13" that we celebrate?
“You do not win races with money in your pocket but you win it with courage in your heart and a dream in your head.”
- Emil Zatopek, Czech 3 time gold-medallist at Helsinki Olympics
-Petronas Merdeka Ad
-Spirit of Merdeka Movement Declaration on Restoring Democracy and Advancing Freedom in Malaysia
-Where is the Spirit of Merdeka?
-Jalur Gemilang or Stars and Stripes?
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Politically Aligned Judiciary = FASCISM
Petisyen Kepada KeBawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong berkenaan pemulihan Badan Kehakiman
Let's get more signatures! Do it now!
"When a democracy is in decline, the increasingly illegal and immoral acts of its leaders will be justified by the same arguments used by the Nazis to justify their illegal and immoral acts."
- at-Largely, by Larisa Alexandrovna
“Where there is enough evidence to charge someone with a crime, we vigorously prosecute”.
“But not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime.”
—Attorney General Mukasey - in acknowledging the “Justice Department in the past few years failed to observe professional standards and violated civil laws ....”
- Malaysiakini
“In the name of freedom, these websites allow the broadcast of slander, lies and swearing, the use of harsh, degrading language and racial slurs without regard for the reader or those concerned”
- Najib Abdul Razak, Al jazeera
In the midst of UMNO's internal crisis in 1987, a rally by UMNO Youth led by Najib was held in Kampung Baru. Anti-Chinese sentiments were expressed openly during the rally with placard carrying slogans like "May 13 has begun", and "Soak (the kris) in Chinese blood". This precipitated existing ethnic tensions leading to fears of a repeat of inter-ethnic violence and eventually resulted in a security operation known as Operasi Lalang, where administrative detentions were made on hundreds of individuals [1].
- Wikipedia, Asia Times Online
Among the culprits of Ops Lalang left living and standing right in the power corridor today is none other than Najib.
- Screenshots
The Nuremberg Trials: The Justice Trial
"In the Justice trial, American prosecutors sought to demonstrate a pattern of judicial and prosecutorial support for Nazi programs of persecution, sterilization, extermination, and other gross violations of human rights....
Two features of German law combined to facilitate the Nazi's evil schemes.
The first was that German law, unlike the law of the United States and many other nations, lacked "higher law" (constitutional or ethical standards) that might be resorted to by judges to avoid the harsh effects of discriminatory laws adopted by the Nazi regime.
The second difficulty was that there was no separation of powers between the executive and judicial branches of government.
Hitler declared, and the Reichstag agreed, had the power "to intervene in any case."
This was done, legally, through what was called "an extraordinary appeal for nullification of sentence."
The nullification invariably resulted in a sentence the Nazis thought was too light being replaced by a more severe sentence, often death.
If these features of German law weren't enough, the Nazis also assigned a member of the Security Service to each judge to funnel secret information about the judges back to Hitler and his henchmen.....
The excerpt from the decision of the tribunal (printed on this page) includes the judgments for two of the Justice trial defendants, Franz Schlegelberger and Oswald Rothaug.
Schlegelberger is the more sympathetic of the two defendants. He served in the Ministry of Justice from 1931-1942. For the last seventeen months of his service, Schlegelberger was Director of the Ministry of Justice.
He wrote several books on the law and was called at the time of his retirement, "the last of the German jurists." Schlegelberger argued in his defense that he was bound to follow the orders of Hitler, the "Supreme Judge" of Germany, but that he did so only reluctantly. Schlegelberger pointed out that he did not join the Nazis until 1938, and then only because he was ordered to do so by Hitler......
In its decision, the Justice trial tribunal considered what it called Schlegelberger's "hesitant injustices." The tribunal concluded that Schlegelberger "loathed the evil that he did" and that his real love was for the "life of the intellect, the work of the scholar."
Despite its obvious sympathy with Schlegelberger's plight, the tribunal finds him guilty.
It pointed out that the decision of a man of his stature to remain in office lent credibilty to the Nazi regime.
Indeed, once Schlegelberger did resign, brutality increased.
The tribunal found "no mitigating circumstances" in the case of Oswald Rothaug. In its decision, the tribunal calls Rothaug "a sadistic and evil man." Rothaug, unlike Schlegelberger, had no reservations about enthusiatically supporting the Nazi pattern of human rights abuses.......
In the special court, high-ranking Nazi officials--in uniform--took the stand to express their opinions that Katzenberger was guilty. Rothaug's real trick, however, was getting Katzenberger's punishment increased from life in prison (the normal punishment for violations of Article 2) to death.
This he did by a creative construction of a law that prescribed death for breaking certain laws "to take advantage of the war effort".
Most German judges over-identified with the Nazi regime.
They came to see themselves as fighters on the internal battlefront, with the responsibilty to punish "the enemy within."
-Doug Linder, A Commentary on the Justice Case, The Nuremberg Trials: The Justice Trial
Let's get more signatures! Do it now!
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
MT Blocked!!??
Malaysia Today is being blocked by TMNet.
I wonder why .... everybody know that they flunked out bigtime in Permatang Pauh!
Maybe they need a scapegoat to vent out their anger or frustration on?
With "these guys", anything ridiculous is possible, I guess ....
This was what I found from another blog:
takizo says:
Silly thing to see that MCMC instructed Malaysia’s ISP - TMNet to block off through DNS null routing. Below is the result we found through TMNET’s DNS Servers;
dig @
; <<>> DiG 9.4.2 <<>> @
; (1 server found)
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 55057 ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0;; QUESTION SECTION:
; IN A;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 3600 IN SOA ns1.blocked. 1 900 600 86400 3600
No censorship on internet? F*** ME.. It’s now happened in Malaysia. I strongly suggest user switch over to opendns for better surfing. Visit the website for more info.
Soon or later I think MCMC will block too
DO USE IT! It works real great!!
To access Malaysia Today please click on the following links for more info:
Alternatively, you may use or to get there!
But OpenDNS is still the best!!
(My Tor/Privoxy doesn't work with FF3.1 which I use, so I donno if it'll work .....)
BTW, to those who are paranoid about snoops coming to check on your PC,
if you guys want extra security on your PCs, I recommend "Sandboxie"
- check it out. It's cool.
Happy surfing guys ....
Down with Dictators & "Moral Guardians"!!!
Down with the Sore LOSERS!
Barisan Rakyat, RPK & MT forever!!!
Monday, 25 August 2008
Sunday, 24 August 2008
People, Politics & Philosophy - Bridging The Gap
Are these the subjects that padi farmers, food stall holders and hawkers, the rubber tappers, the Class F contractors talk in the coffee shops at "intellectual" levels? ....... Go down to the very "unintellectual" level of these ordinary voters and try talking to them about your ideas.
- Dr. Mahathir,
Characteristics of a popular politician:
a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.
One might wonder why any politician would despise the intellectual - until one takes a good look at the predicament of many a third world nations.
The restriction/ clampdown on intellectual discourse is endemic in these authoritarian kleptocratic states, and persecution of intellectuals, not unknown.
These nations are more often than not, plagued by corruption, mediocre education, a state-controlled religion, a lying mass media, an impotent parliament, "compliant" judiciary and "constipated" leaders.
Ben Jalloun, a Moroccan writer has said it all quite well, in that, there is a gulf between the masses and the intellectuals in the Arab world, that in turn has given rise to the mediocrity.
Even if one isn't too accurate in one's assessment, it isn't too far from the truth in saying the same about the state of our nation, Malaysia, today - relatively speaking.
Politicians who aren't intellectuals themselves, being true to their trade, seek the 'approval' of these intellectuals (be they religious or secular) for the sake of legitimacy and "image".
[That would explain the desire for some politicians (or their wives) to clamour for "honorary doctorates" and fake PhDs (did most recent incident involve that Permatang Pauh UMNO candidate?)- not to mention the "kangkung academics/political appointee VCs" created on the platform of "Ketuanan Melayu" at the local IPTAs. This of course doesn't mean that all products of local IPTAs are such - I've known quite a few "geniuses"]
In their hunger for "publicity and glory", they tend to desire to be the representatives of all and sundry, - although they only represent the 'masses', and cannot speak for the academics.
Unfortunately (for the politicians), true intellectuals will be true intellectuals - they do not seek to be represented, and only represent themselves.
This however, is something that is intolerable in the eyes of despots and dictators.
Woe unto any among the intelligentsia who do not subscribe to or sell their soul, to the despotic politician of a primitive third-world regime - the wrath of the powers that be, will be his prize.
Of course the "Intellectual talk" of people like Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Machiavelli, Descarte, Kant, Nietzsche, Voltaire, Ravi Zacharias, Azly Rahman, RPK, and Haris Ibrahim (even the intellectual side of Anwar Ibrahim), would be too much gibberish to the Class F contractor (that's why they are Class F - Duh!) and many a man on the street.
In fact even many "educated" people I know cannot stomach such things - they prefer things simple ......
However, many a "gutter" politician don't know or rather- resent, the role of intellectuals in nation building - for fear of losing some of the limelight, or capacity to influence public opinion - maybe simply due to an inferiority complex.
Don't these politicians know that it is not the job of intellectuals to suck-up to politicians or the establishment?
That they, are the foundations upon which the philosophy of the "pillars of state & nationhood" is built. They provide for discussions/ dissent through civilized debate of ideas.
That it is not their job to make themselves understood by the masses at the Kopi-tiam.
Theirs, is a job that provides avenue for expression of ideas, that can challenge the people to rise above the differences - which result in petty squabbles, fights, wars politicians and unthinking masses are prone to.
It is definitely not their job to explain high-flung ideas of philosophical ideals, ethics, aesthetics and morality to the masses at ceramahs - that part is to be fulfilled by the politicians, who are representatives of the people.
It is their job to guide the politicians towards understanding their role in society.
It is their job to educate the politicians who can communicate with the masses through simple language as is the function of "the arts".
Politicians who despise, ridicule and persecute intellectuals set the stage for a corrupt regime that cannot put up with dissent. Their strength lies in their ability to use the instruments of state to suppress the intellectuals, and effectively silence dissent - not justice and righteousness.
If we take a look at the 22yr Mahathir era, it was a virtual desert where the arts and academia is concerned, camouflaged with all the trappings of "modernity. We will see the disregard for intellectualism and meritocracy.
There was a total disregard for a viable philosophy that would translate into good morality, ethics, justice, accountability, quality and true nationhood - which was replaced with a mysterious UMNO "creed".
All we get to see are numerous white-elephants and concrete structures that serve as icons that simple-minded men would gawk at.

The degeneration in the quality of politicians and the civil service during this period (exemplified by the infamous hand gestures of Bung Mokhtar and Adnan), speak volumes about the regard that Mahathir had for intellectuals in his administration.
It is therefore not too surprising to have Mahathir pour scorn upon the intellectuals in Malaysia in his Blog entry entitled - "2008 Elections". Maybe the adulation from the "kangkung & pseudo-intellectuals" (cooked up the mass kitchens of our IPTAs) and the unthinking followers, aren't quite so satisfying to the ego ......
In pouring out his scorn , he has effectively articulated the reasons for his "Asian Values" style of governance and concept of nationhood.
In the process, he also dismisses the role of the intellectuals in nation building.
Is it any wonder that he had three DPMs and left behind a legacy of unthinking 'Little Napoleons" out to C4 the nation into oblivion by playing up politics of race and religion?
The loss of the 2/3 majority in parliament isn't actually something that one should fear, if one was truly legitimate and faultless. In fact, it is actually something that the people should be proud of, so as to give rise to decent debate before committing the sacrilege of raping the Constitution - which was of course conveniently done at liberty during the earlier days.
The reason for the apparent weakness in the Govt today is not because of the smaller majority in parliament, but because of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy, that was bred under the Mahathir regime.
The rape of the Constitution, emasculation of the Institutional Monarchy, Judiciary, Universities, Civil Service and the Arts which we have had thus far, appear to be due to this very reason.
This reason is brought on by none other than the disdain for intellectuals, personified by you-know-who .... who today "cries wolf.
Should a wise leader want to rectify the malady that the nation is afflicted with, he should first and foremost give due respect to the deserving intellectuals who can guide politicians on proper conduct, so as to understand their roles in society. He should have the wisdom to decide on the sound progressive ideas which would guide him in making far sighted laws and policies which benefit the nation as a whole.
The nation cannot prosper, until and unless the politicians are wise enough to give due respect to the role of intellectuals (and vice versa), in forging nationhood.
Keeping them on the longer leash of an amended AUKU, simply will not do.
"We have no Arab intellectuals of international stature
because we live in a state of generalized mediocrity. In the Arab world,
there is no link between the cultural habits of peoples
and the ways of thinking and creating of modern intellectuals.
There is a gulf between the Arab peoples and Arab intellectuals. They are two separate worlds." - Tahar Ben Jelloun
Friday, 22 August 2008
The Malaysian Fear & Apathy v2.0.
- Voltaire
March 8, definitely produced results, after great efforts on part of the patriots who are intent on saving the nation from the pirates of the constitution. Many of them feel that they actually "sacrificed" a great deal to vote for Pakatan Rakyat, and against Mahathir's Frankenstein - Umno Baru.
It was definitely a step in the right direction on part of the citizens - although a small one. Many actually expect miracles to happen as a result of that constipated effort - they feel they've done their part, and would do no more. The Karaokes, their parties, the hot dates, "making money", planning for Hari Raya, praying and the pimples on their faces are more important and need more attention!
Malaysia Today is "exciting", and provides spicy stories for idle gossip - "we need to see who the next scapegoat of the system is for gossip over a drink ...."
Some time back Haris Ibrahim (The People's Parliament) started a Petition to HRH YDPA on the state of the Judiciary.
After an initial spurt of 3000 signatures, it kinda fizzled.
Then RPK puts up a post and it touches 9000 - a second post gets it to 12000 - a third, got it crossing 15,000.
Considering the enthusiasm that Malaysians show with regard to the well being of Malaysia, at best, they are PATHETIC!
One would be surprised if one were to hear the excuses they give when asked to read about it - too long to read, politics not my cup of tea, I leave it to leaders, I've got better things to do, don't want any trouble, and what not ...
The best was - "Do you know what ISA is? They can lock you up for Nothing, buddy!"
These guys think that this campaign, Permatang Pauh, Pakatan Rakyat - and the whole thing is about Anwar Ibrahim!!
Dear Sirs/Madams,
- Anwar is the symbol of an awakening.
A symbol of the change which you want!
He's the cheer leader, a driving force, a leader
- Nothing more.
It's the legacy he leaves behind that matters!
Those of you who haven't signed and are ambivalent about it, please do it for your children's sake, for your own sakes, for Gottsakes!
To you who haven't signed, I dedicate the following repost (first published on 17/12/2007) - hope it helps you decide on the right course of action:-
A Malaysian Disease of Fear and Apathy
“So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannise will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men.”
- Voltaire
There have been many “unsettling events “ of late in Malaysia. All events are attributed to the “weak leadership” of the person in authority, ie the PM, AAB. Many whack him with glee so as to give vent to the anger and frustration that they feel. They curse him, call him all sorts of names, belittle him, smear his family/ wife, laugh at his “ideas” or at him sleeping, cry foul with the projects he launches or actions he takes and what not.
Some even go so far as to belittle the Raja-raja Melayu for not doing anything to improve the state of the nation!
IMHO, he's not to blame for his incompetence, idiocy or corruption (as those who accuse him) – the ones who are to be blamed are people like me, the citizens of this nation, for putting him there. He is simply exercising the powers bestowed upon him – just as we have surrendered it to his office with chest-thumping “patriotism”, during the time of his predecessor.
Yes – we asked for it, and he's simply handing it to us on a silver platter. I'm not writing this to defend or criticise him . This is just attempt to illustrate an attitude that has been prevalent in Malaysia, for the past few decades. It is more of “introspection” on my part, after reading what RPK has written in Heal Thyself. What he said is indeed very true – Malaysians are a shameless and thankless lot who just love to complain about a system that deprives them of their rights, but don't wish to do anything about it, except whine. Malaysians are still in slumberland like suckling babies, where their human rights are concerned. Malaysians are still consumed by their own selfish desires, which helps the agendas of the tyrants and exploiters. Malaysians are quite an ignorant and gutless lot (and that includes me, to a debatable extent). Malaysians are only interested in “cari makan” and having fun while the going is good. Malaysians are generally “morally corrupt”, so much so, they do not believe in standing up for their rights – more so among the Bumiputras of a very dominant political party.
It is because “we” do not see the need for the people to assert their rights and do not see the need for counter-checks on the government, for fear of dispossession – a fear that is exploited by those in power.
It is this fear, the fear of being labeled as anarchists, seditious and a traitor, the fear of losing their “rice bowl”, the fear of retribution and persecution that is instrumental in “keeping them in place” for the benefit of despots.
Lenin once said: "I think we must stick the convict's badge on anyone and everyone who tries to undermine Marxism ... even if we don't go onto examining his case". (It makes me wonder if our “leaders” seek to emulate Lenin).
It is these fears that actually rule the minds and hearts of all Malaysians today, to varying degrees (including me!), save a few (like Raja Petra, Bakri Musa, Kadir Jasin, Anwar Ibrahim, LKS, Hadi etc) who are courageous enough to stand up in the face of threats of “pantang dicabar” and being called “monyet” by some colorful characters.
This was quite evident from the many people who came forward to complain about the recent rallies by Bersih and Hindraf. (Even though I support their right to march/ rally/ protest, I do not however approve of Hindrafian ideas or methods, although there are legitimate concerns that they wish to highlight – but that is a different story).
We even had a coalition of (apparently) hundreds of NGOs called DAMAI that materialized out of the blue, in support of the high-handedness of the “system”!
They who condemn the rallies are the kinds of people who set the stage for tyranny, despotism, cronyism and corruption (at least, I believe in the freedom of expression, albeit peacefully, whether right or wrong).
These guys come out shamelessly (in fact, proudly) to run down the idea of “freedom of expression”, desiring or preferring the idea of “peace, prosperity and order” as defined by their masters. In fact, these guys would meekly do anything at the bidding of their masters, as Pavlov's experimental dog.
The leaders of these organisations are either totally ignorant of the principles of Democracy, or are aware, but knowingly choose to ignore their moral duties in return for financial or other forms of rewards/ awards. They have sold-out their moral duties of being a counter-check mechanism to the authorities.
Allow me to quote Dr. Cooray in his very interesting thesis, The Australian Achievement: From Bondage To Freedom:
“All persons (individuals, institutions and government) are subject to law.
Supremacy of the law is a fundamental concept in the western democratic order. The rule of law requires both citizens and governments to be subject to known and standing laws. The supremacy of law also requires generality in the law. This principle is a further development of the principle of equality before the law. Laws should not be made in respect of particular persons. As Dicey postulated, the rule of law presupposes the absence of wide discretionary authority in the rulers, so that they cannot make their own laws but must govern according to the established laws. Those laws ought not to be too easily changeable. Stable laws are a prerequisite of the certainty and confidence which form an essential part of individual freedom and security. Therefore, laws ought to be rooted in moral principles, which cannot be achieved if they are framed in too detailed a manner.
The idea of the supremacy of law requires a definition of law (to which the above principles may go some way). This must include a distinction between law and executive administration and prerogative decree. A failure to maintain the formal differences between these things must lead to a conception of law as nothing more than authorisation for power, rather than the guarantee of liberty, equally to all.
The rule of law ensures that individuals have a secure area of autonomy and have settled expectations by having their rights and duties pre-established and enforced by law.”
The “troubles” that we face today, is the consequence of events that began a couple of decades ago- it has drained the coffers and it has begun “hurting”. As TDM said, “The people deserve the Govt that they have/ get” - I don't know if he borrowed the quote, but that is definitely the truth.
Malaysians deserve the plunder that they bargained for, as they sold their souls for peanuts. So much so, some newer “leaders” actually believe that the people are monkeys who should be spanked, should they speak up!
“The people” have chosen an elite that has no respect for the law, to run the country. These elite have manipulated the law to suit their interests, and in return, have “paid-off” their supporters, using policies, projects and financial “incentives” that feed and inflate their (the supporters') egos to bursting point.
This has been a fact of life for the “chosen ones” for the past three decades, and has resulted in them being politically subservient to their “masters”.
As a result, what we have today, is a tyranny that uses (abuses, rather) methods and principles of democracy, in order to subvert democracy itself – it is the tyranny of the elite using the majority, to subjugate the minority.
The very principles and spirit of the constitution is subverted by numerous amendments and newer laws, to facilitate the elites' grip on power. As a result, the highest body or authority in the land is the executive, and not the law – the law is there to protect the the executive, and not the people.
The law is subject to the executive as in a dictatorship, and not vice versa, as in a democracy. The people, bribed into submission, have willingly given up their rights to the elite “group of rulers”, for pittance in return, as what happened in UMNO Baru during its formation.
Then there is another group of people, (I refer to my earlier post) who give accolades upon accolades to the “wise, patient, and benevolent” leadership for a the momentary “glory” of seeing their names or photographs being published in the mainstream tabloids/ media.
It really beats me as to what they could possibly gain from such an endeavor.
Understandable, it may be, if these guys get paid by the thousands for betraying the constitution and the idea of freedom.
But these guys do it for absolutely nothing at all!! It really beats me as to what the driving factor may be.
With guys like these around, is it any wonder, as to why the country is the way it is?
These guys have effectively given up their rights as individuals, as citizens and as human beings with a moral code, in order to suck up to the ruling powers!
They forget that it is the ruling powers who are the ones that should be sucking-up to them, as it was they who put the government there.
The law is there to protect the people, and not the ruler – if it were to be vice versa, what we get is an autocracy, where the executive dictates the law.
If it were vice versa, what we would have is a bunch of thugs, out to rape the nation.
Men who wield power aren't angels – and therefore, we need law and rules to keep them in check.
It would be unwise of the people, to give too much power to the executive.
Sadly, this is what many Malaysians subscribe to, in their ignorance of their rights as citizens of a democratic nation – this is what is lauded as “Asian Values”. This was what led to the downfall of every known civilisation (asian or not) – and yet, it is what they have chosen to have.
Someone once said, “It would take the 'devil in you' to succeed in anything that you seek to achieve”. One thing is for sure – this “devil” has been effectively suppressed by the “rulers” through various forms of gratification that have been declared legal.
It would definitely take a lot more than what is being dished out by the system, for the Malaysians to awaken the “devil” within.
Although still quite silent, the "devil" has definitely begun to stir, with the help of some angels......
Thursday, 21 August 2008
"Anti- Intellectualism" to the fore!!
Wondering what it was all about, I went to the link he provided - it went to a Blog entry by our ex-PM -
So the email was from a "pirate", plagiarising - my humble apologies to those with offended "sensitivities" .....
A truly sad entry it was - raving and ranting about "intellectuals", while playing the apologist for the uncultured.
It probably reflects how much he despised this group of people who can potentially educate the masses on civilized conduct. He appears disheartened that there are efforts towards intellectual discourse, although with resistance from unthinking groups/individuals/moles.
It is amazing that one should delight in the ignorance of the masses, instead of educating them on proper conduct through civil behaviour.
As it has been written, so it is - that those who suffer from "insecurity" and a severe inferiority complex, need to "paint others black, in order to appear to be white" ....
It started with a self centered - "I was amazed..." - well, so was I, with his rationale!!
(Those who are interested may find your own way there, or use the link in the blog roll if it works ..... I keep the link on my bookmarks, 'cos I try to understand the man's mindset/logic in his winter years)
Anyway, I don't wish to go on about apologists for Neanderthals - so here goes the email ... (truly I say - it wasn't my job!)
2008 General "Erections".
1.I am amazed that there are still people in this country who think that the racist parties "won" the general elections because they promised a more sectarian society with racism, religious bigots and whatnots, including of course doing away with the “Kuttyism Acts” (KA).
2. Do they think that the swing; the mass desertion of the Malay villagers from the Kuttyists, the Chinese from KataNothing/Sukun parties and the Indians from Semi Value in order to vote for the opposition parties, was due to their wish to see the abolition of the KA or to seek for greater corruption, or desire for greater repression, for gag orders and closed discussions at illiterate levels?
3. Are these the subjects that "Little Napoleons", entreprenuers and pirates, the Ali Babas, the S-Class contractors talk about in the karaokes at "stuporous" levels?
5.If they, the imbeciles think or believe that these high-flying people, pirates and Ali Babas voted for the opposition because of these ideals, because they have become very mature, because they want to see change, then think again. Go down to the very "gutter" level of these Jet-set voters and try talking to them about your ideas.
6. You will find that their concerns are about their pockets, the price of Dom Perignom, contracts for them and their children, some of whom are dropouts, their mega-businesses, the scam-development for their cronies and political slums, their dissatisfaction with their treatment by Ano-retentive officers and their Prostitutes not visiting them etc.
7. Whom do they blame? They blame pre-existing UNMO Baru and its leaders and the kowtow-ing KataNothing, Sukun, SemiValue. In particular they blame the Prime Minister, Dolawi's predecessor.
8. Why did they blame Dol's predecessor? Their reasoning was simple. Under the previous Prime Minister they were very much better off with borrowed monies; the prices of goods did not go up too high, their incomes had increased through corruption, the officials were more attentive to side-income and so were their wakils – which could be kept under wraps, etc etc.
9. Besides these there were no other changes. The Kuttyist Pirates were all still there just like before, being led at the local and national level by unthinking politicians concerned with holding posts which gave them opportunities to enrich themselves, getting JPs (Justice of Peace), Datuk-ship, Tan Sri-ship, TUNships, NUTships and other sinking ships, kissing the PM's @$$ in order to win his favour. They cared more for what they could get from him than what they could do for the people. And his response was to favour these nincompoops and not the pirates. These nincompoops and party animals would keep him as their President and therefore his Premiership. For the people he proposed more Racism and repression in the future.
10. The people did not object too much to the corruption then. It would be good if they got a piece of the goodies themselves. But the ex-Prime Minister did not bother. Comfortable with the support of his party people he saw the need to bribe the people, so the people owed him everything.
11. They regarded him as being responsible for all their misfortunes simply because all these misfortunes were planted during his time, or more crudely it came from him. So it seems to them.
12. One of the things that the Ali Babas did not like was a lack of gratefulness shown by these Racists. They, the Ali Babas were too scared to protest over this show of ungratefulness on the part of the ex-Prime Minister and his minions. But they felt strongly about Kutty's lack of gratefulness, especially as he let his minions show crudely their ungratefulness- calling for Sodomists, Anti- Semitism, Chinese blood, Al-Maunah, KMM, Project M, cursing and condemning the people who had been responsible for their exalted position as Ministers etc.
13. The people feared the reaction of the then Government and did not voice their disgust at such uncouth behaviour. But that did not mean that they were prepared to overlook such displays of ungratefulness. And so the first time they felt free to express their views without fear they did - by voting against the Barisan Nasional, after the dictator was gone.
14. And so the BN lost. But the Kuttyists did not win, certainly not because the Ali Babas liked the Kuttyists. They won by default because that was the only way the erstwhile Ali Baba supporters could show their dislike for the lack of contracts, which they blame for their problems. The Ali Babas lost, the Racists and Kuttyists really did not win.
15. The idiotic Racists should be able to see this. But they wanted so much to believe that they had convinced the Kuttyists and the voters about their ideals of liberal Racism, their imbecility, negotiated deals under OSA etc etc. that they took the apparent success of the people as being due to their cheating and the electorate being convinced of the kind of politics the Pirates preach.
16. And so when recently neo-Kuttyist party members behaved in the Kutty ways, reverting to good old racism and religious intolerance, to disliking sensitive issues to be openly discussed, to regarding those of their own kind joining the liberals as betrayers, they became unhappy at what they consider to be treachery on the part of the neo-Kuttyists.
17. But the neo-Kuttyists led by the wily master of spin, (Mr. Kutty), only made a show of being liberal- being advocates of Racism, being above equality, being against justice and being all the way with the nincompoops. They have every intention of being all these. But it was good politics and a good way to hoodwink the naive intellectuals and their even more naive followers.
18. The “Sodomists” and the nincompoops had allowed themselves to be led by the arse, up the anal path. The hard nosed real pirates, especially of the world, are laughing.
19. It is time the nincompoops realise they were being duped by the Master of Spin, the pious Mamak who is also the bosom pal of Mugabe, the neo con-artist Fascist, the killer of conscience, the supporter of Racists, Pirates and of the Brainwashing schools etc. etc.
20. But idiots will not admit they have made a grave mistake. They never see. Carry on dreaming. Hold your muzakarah, discuss what you like. You are driving the people nuts, pushing them back to their good old Kuttyists racialism. You are helping to hold up a regime that is incompetent and thoroughly corrupt. You are helping to destroy this country – the Kutty way.
Monday, 18 August 2008
Bolstering Credentials using 'Samaritans'.
The division had recently issued a show-cause letter to the Herald, .... had breached its permit conditions.

-The Star Online, Wednesday August 13, 2008
"Guilt that is expressed in irreverence is unliveable,
Guilt smothered by pride is unjustifiable and,
Guilt smothered by fear is unbearable"
- Ravi Zacharias, "The Haunting Spectre of Guilt"
Waking up on time last Sunday for church, was definitely worthwhile - the Pastor's homily was quite interesting (putting it mildly).
He spoke of racism practiced by the Jews who looked down on the Samaritans (which is incidentally mentioned quite subtly in the bible on numerous occasions) - The Jews regarded the Samaritans as "impure" and a mongrel race, and would avoid and discriminate against them in all sectors of society, even if they worshiped the same God.
Taking that into consideration, it appears that our society don't seem to be any better from the Jews who lived 2000 yrs ago - that too, encouraged by some illustrious characters - past and present.
Recently, in defending himself, Mahathir (on said, "Sensitivities of people differ...... But supposing we ignore their sensitivities and we talk loudly about them. They would not like it. They may reply in kind, perhaps more insultingly".
How very convenient for one to sit on the moral high-horse, speak of "sensitivities" and claim "innocence" when one's "education minister" is permitted call for "chinese blood", or feign ignorance when zealots scream profanities!

The police reports also alleged that the teacher had said that Indians were the `children of prostitutes' and the community's Youths `did not have testicles' on July 17 and 22, and had also purportedly beaten up some Indians students.
The teacher was "transfered".]
The silence of the "aggrieved party" who accuse others of "insensitivity" when "Samaritans" are called mongrels and discriminated against by the "defenders of race & religion", (just like the Jews of two millenia ago) speaks volumes in itself.
As such, had he been in church with me, Mahathir would've have certainly been disappointed when the Pastor said, "This 'Babi' will not Balik Cina....! ", to the applause of an amused congregation- instead of replying as expected, more insultingly.
What is displayed here by some "leaders" is nothing short of what we may consider - "the expulsion of guilt through irreverence, pride and fear"- wherein the wrongs are justified through lies and misinformation, to hide the very sins which they preach against - and nothing is held sacred anymore (not even God or Religion).
They often choose to be blind to their own (or that of their kind's) doings, but are quick to get defensive about their "senseless sensitivities", when their potential scapegoat indulges in intellectual discourse/debate, using reason.
But of course, you don't need reason (or an axe to grind) to condemn your scapegoat- only ignorant pride, intoxication, denial and moral bankrupcy.
Hamid Albar says, "If you start to interpret, everything can be broadened. It is a relative and subjective situation.
If you are to write on religion, then you are supposed to touch on matters pertaining to questions on rituals, adherence to God, followers and anything related to your divine mission....
But I think if you mix religion with politics, then you can create a lot of misunderstandings" (sun2surf), in justifying the harassment that The Catholic Herald is subjected to ....
(Okay - So he's become an expert on "divine missions" now- that too, without even knowing what the controversy is all about!).
Separating Church from State is the mantra of modern democracies , and as usual, our politicians are quick to capitalize on 'the cliche' for cover, when it suits them best - but "beware the cliche", dear sir.....
It is one thing to separate Church and state, or prevent the "politicization" of religion. It is however quite another, to deny that religion encompasses politics or vice versa.
How does one separate Church and politics, when one needs to speak of ethics and morality, dear sir?
When one needs a "point of reference" so as to advise one's flock on morality and ethics/philosophy, does one not need the "divine" or "spiritual"?
Is "religion" not a "way of life" ("deen" as you may call it in Arabic), which encompasses everything in our daily life (including politics)?
How does the a vote for the corrupt not come under "spiritual/ social obligation" or "fardu kifayah" of "amal makruf, nahi mungkar"?
Pardon my ignorance, but where is it in the law/ constitution stated that it is an offence to advice one's own flock?
Or is it only permitted for Muslims in this country, to seek spiritual guidance, in making morally sound political choices?
Or is this freedom valid only when it is to be for political mileage, in giving tin-cans and titles as 'awards' for church leaders?
Why is it that you allow "other races", but not "other religions" in politics?
It is my conviction that, it's necessary for church leaders execute their moral duty in guiding their flock on matters of "spirituality", as opposed to the narrow "religiosity" which Hamid uses to define "divine missions".
He obviously ignorant of the difference between "religiosity" and "spirituality"!
To these wise guys who pretend to be experts on "divine missions", I have only one thing to say,
- "You speak as such, out of your spiritual emptiness & intellectual bankruptcy!
What you speak of is none other than the death of your conscience and the guilt within- as you lie to yourself and the people you represent, dear sir."
Allow me to quote what was written in Where is the Spirit of Merdeka?:
Having failed in its shortcut to an economic miracle, the advocates of the system (clamouring for issues and a new agenda to perpetuate their greed and envy) the now choose to preach intolerance, “arabisation”, and religiosity in the name of God, to further isolate, and “drug into a stupor” a beautiful people that was once open to change.
Even if we aren't too accurate in our assessment, much of what has passed off for Islamisation by the govt was nothing more than frothy God-talk, mindless, thoughtless, and in its exploitation of people, heartless.
The “one upmanship” practised by the various institutions that espouse religious chauvinism, is in fact a pathetic display of their failures and insecurities.
They need to feel that they are “winning” and wish to gloat about their “success” in being the defenders of their misplaced priorities, while hiding the enemies within, behind a cloak( turban or beard) of religiosity."
But of course - certain political circles badly need to built and bolster their "Religious Credentials" to perpetuate their hegemony, after wallowing in corruption for 25 years. What better way to appeal to the unthinking masses, than through being cheerleaders to the persecution of those considered "Samaritans" - like the biblical Jews of old.
Having failed in their attempt to polarize the people based on race, the new "divine mission" would most likely be to use religion as a flashpoint in the near future, so as to hoodwink their unthinking followers and arouse the unthinking passions.
It wouldn't be surprising should some of these "hadhari" politicians soon grow beards and don skullcaps or robes so as to project a new image of piety.
On the other hand, a new religious "splinter" political party may appear out of the blue, in order to bolster the "just" image of certain corrupt political parties.
Let's just wait and see .....
Herald issue: Why all the fuss now, asks Dompok
- The Star Online, August 15 2008, MYT 4:18:20 pm

- Malaysia Today, Perak Gerakan mulls calling for party to leave BN,
Monday, 18 August 2008 08:40
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Religion - The Politician's Playground
Political Rhetoric and the National Conscience