Friday, 31 July 2009

Death Dogs Najib!! Another By-Election!!

From MalaysiaKini:
Permatang Pasir state rep dies
Jul 31, 09 9:02am

Permatang Pasir state assemblyperson Mohd Hamdan Abdul Rahman from PAS has passed away this morning.

So Here we go Again!!!!

Thursday, 30 July 2009

The "Branding" of Malaysians - "No Racism here?".

For Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, the director of think-tank Centre for Public Policies Studies, he does not believe that Umno in general is racist. He feels much of the racial game comes from only the extremist elements of the party.
"I've known them long enough to know that racism is not their philosophy and tradition so the challenge for Najib now is to rid of the party of these elements," he told The Malaysian Insider.
-Malaysian Insider

We get Umno apologists coming in all colors these days apparently .... maybe it's the "!-Malaysia" virus/fever that's catching on in certain circles.
So now they have Ramon Navaratnam himself, saying that Umno isn't racist - it makes one wonder if he does that to "guard the kitty" or speaks out of sheer ignorance and denial. I've always held Mr. Ramon's opinions with high regard ..... until this one came to my attention. Never mind why he does this- lets just examine what has happened over the years, and who might the leaders of these "extremist elements" in the party were/are.

Firstly, we got to keep in mind that it is almost second nature to Umno to blame the "emasculation of the Malays" on their permanent bogeyman - the non-Malays/Muslim (more so, the "Chinese"). We could also consider the economic apartheid practiced, wherein non-Malays are out of favor when it comes to opportunities in education and business. Well, maybe the god Tan Sri and his ilk are exceptions to the rule ... especially if the spoils are shared among themselves. It is therefore no wonder that they are often "selected" to be sitting in prestigious offices which can shed some good light on the Umno minions.
Good or bad, it doesn't take a genius to know that partners in crime wouldn't kill off his "competition", when they have a common interest.

Mahathir, after having run the country like his fiefdom (with an iron grip) for 22 yrs, by saying that Chinese are the true masters, implied that they rule Malaysia by proxy - much like what he said about the Jews some time back. Now what we question are the policies that are practiced "on the ground", and not their personal inclinations/preferences or their political statements. We all know that "babi"/yak-eating china-dolls and Mongolians are equally welcome to certain "characters". So are single-malt and beer guzzling establishments, as long as they are there under "P&C" circumstances.

Before I go any further, I would like to pose a something to Mr. Ramon - take a good look around you - at your MyKad, Passport or any other official document where your biodata may be .....
- just like a cow, haven't you been "branded" as a second-class citizen, although not explicitly stated?
Have you been to the government schools where racism is taught to innocent children? How about reading it in the papers? How about reports of racists in high office getting away with threatening racist statements meant to rile up a sector of the citizenry? Probably not - after all, you come from the "privileged class of branded cows"! Scholarship for your children was probably a non-issue to you. They probably are brought up in the upmarket areas, and have not seen the Malaysia beyond 200km of urban settings or tourist spots.
Who knows you (or they) may even be making plans to migrate anyway.
However in Malaysia, when you fill in any form whatsoever - be it your children's birth certificate, buying equities, applying for licenses .... don't you have to "live up to your branding"?

So Ramon, sir- Don't you smell the all permeating stink? Don't you smell racism in the air, even as you walk the gardens of your palatial mansion?
Maybe not - as the smell of privileges accorded to you has probably overpowered your senses, that you no longer feel the pain of the society around which is reeling at a result.
Maybe you need to come down from the pedestal from which you speak for you to rejuvenate your senses, and see reality.
On the other hand, some do have a perverted sense of smell and they say that the sense of smell tends to adapt pretty fast to bad odors ..... and when the rot is felt on the streets, denial and ignorance is definitely sweet food for the privileged elite.

From Wikipedia:

Tan Sri Dr Ramon Navaratnam is a prominent Malaysian economist. He is the former Transport Ministry Secretary-General and current Sunway Group corporate advisor. He is of Sri Lankan Tamil descent.
Ramon is also currently a member of the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) and the president of Transparency International Malaysia. He is a member of the National Economic Action Council (NEAC) Globalisation Committee and Director of the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli).
There is a legend about this man in Sunway City- the Sun Shines in Sunway City is because Ramon's Mind Shines.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009


So now we have another controversial & half-baked idea from Mr. "!-Malaysia".
RELA a group of regular civil servants, "working" part-time as "enforcers", (who are apparently paid for each detention they make), are to be recruited to help the police combat crime.

The poll at Haris Ibrahim's website stood as above, at about 5pm today. What is wrong with our Mr. !-Malaysia?? Doesn't he know that these Rela fellas cannot be depended upon, to be APs(Auxiliary Policemen)? Why don't you train people specifically to be the Auxiliary Policemen that you require? Even a Form 5 kid knows the credibility of the Rela Corp - and believe me, they've got plenty of stories to tell!! One even told me that Mat Despatch/Rempits and what not are Rela members to make some easy money from foreign workers. Foreign workers have said that these guys are known to have extortion rackets that demand protection money!! Are these the guys Mr. "!-Malaysia" plans to entrust the security of the nation to? It might just be akin to handing the gun to robbers to guard your house!!!
Here's something from Jeff Ooi in 2006:
No conspiracy. But there were deaths, unexplained deaths.


Send Ah Kong .....

Got this video in my email - really nice production ....

Another One Bites the Dust!!



Why is Gunasegaran dead? Do you care?

Please send emails for contributions
(for a second autopsy)

Seeking Muslim "Progressives"?

The following is a comment I made on Farish Noor's article Does Progressive Islam Need a Genealogy? on Facebook.

It all boils down to politics - equality, good governance and education in all the so called "Islamic" countries. Many people seek solace in religion, when life gets too tough to bear. It is the corruption within the system that makes people seek solace in religion and the religious "scholars" (who more often than not, aren't exactly the cream of the crop, and yet wield enormous "moral/divine" clout/authority). They also use it as a rallying call when they are lost for any viable philosophy to guide them politically, and unwittingly pander to the whims of clerics. It only gets worse, when they seek to emulate or compare themselves to each other while competing at producing primitive orthodoxy and religiosity, as a valid alternative to their lack of spirituality.

It is a misconception that ideas need to be justified using that which was pedaled by “state-sanctioned thinkers” of old. The clerics need to be adventurous enough to think for themselves, for today. Until the day comes when Muslims realize that religion "needs" to be divorced from governance/politics, this problem will persist. To a certain extent, I believe, that all religions need a form of “liberation theology” wherein the individual human rights of the faithful are truly recognized as being “god-ordained”. Progress can only come through preaching of freedom, and the recognition of the freedom to choose – which is seen in secular democracies. It must be kept in mind though that the “evils” of secularism (not “secularization of society”, mind you) is a price that that the “religious” have to pay, to achieve the progress that they seek.

History may give us some models and examples
of how this was attempted centuries ago

by Muslims who were regarded as modern and progressive then,
but history cannot win the struggle for us today.
-Farish Noor, Does Progressive Islam Need a Genealogy?

Until & unless the realms of freedom and secularism are explored by the scholars in "religious” of thought, “progressivism” is kind of doomed, and the “religious” will remain as it is now (or possibly, even regress). It is only through the development of this school of thought advocating freedom/ liberation as the cornerstone of one's philosophy, can progress be achieved.

As you said, it is not a phenomenon that's restricted to Islam alone - all religions would be subject to the same predicament, should they pander to the orthodoxy advocated by those deemed as leaders. The "christian/western" world broke out of the corruption and decadence of the “Holy” Roman Empire through the revolutionary defiance and courage of Martin Luther – a catholic cleric himself – which heralded “progressivism” in the form of Protestants. It was this same spirit of freedom and rebellion against tyranny, that led to the landing of the Pilgrims, on Plymouth Rock – thus building the foundations of USA that we know today. Maybe the “Muslim world” will soon find a Martin Luther in them to bring about their renaissance – and I believe that that time isn't too far off (maybe within the next century). Until then, they probably need to give up their bragging rights.


"I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance
or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others."
--Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, 28 July 2009


The following was my comment on MT in response to the article
"GUILTY: Barisan, Pakatan of too much politicking"
by Aoi Ling, Ho, Malaysian Mirror

Too much Politicking?
The problem isn't too much politicking, but the awakening of the public to the realities that they face. It's like a man waking from his slumber, and says that the sun is shining too bright.
You Aoi Ling, are guilty of the highest degree of apathy - and like most of us, are guilty of precipitating the arrogance depicted by Umno and their goons for the last 40 yrs.
You have allowed the festering boil on your back to remain, while you did your face - and now that you start feeling the pain, you say that it is too much!! The direction that the country has taken, with the leadership of unthinking imbeciles is due to the likes of you. The rampant racism and religious bigotry, is due to people like you who whine and expect the leadership to do what it takes, while you indulged in your "cari makan".
As BigJoe says above - "You ain't seen nothin' yet!!". There'll be more deaths to come, unless we make a stand for a better Malaysia.
Anyway, while you think of the evils that plague our nation, and consider the thinking skills of our "leaders" in high office, here's something for you to chew on:

"IN Islam, alcohol consumption is seen as "the mother of all sins",
says Islamic Development Department (Jakim)
director-general Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz."

Monday, 27 July 2009

How Dogs should muzzle the Men.

(Tun Dr. Mahatir does inspire a great many ideas in his writings.
The following is inspired by Tun Dr. Mahathir's latest post.
The "dogs" here, refer to those who do not know the meaning of the term "rule of law",
and believe that "rule by law" is just as good.

1. Politicians make mistakes and commit sins and immoral acts. These will be made political issues by the enemies. They will blow up this little "sins and immoralities" until you become very unpopular.

2. You wish they would die or go away. (Incidentally more people wish the same for you- especially if you're an octogenarian who is also a megalomaniac).
You wish you can shut their mouths, or charge them for sodomy.

3. But this is a free country and you just cannot shut them up - you have to charge them for sodomy, or throw them behind bars using kangaroo courts.

4. So what can you do? Her's a clue - you have OSA, ISA, PPPA, Police Act, Sedition Act, UUCA, and even deliberate misinterpretation of the Federal Constitution by duplicitous AGs on your side (not to mention the moron's in the syndicate, who'll stoop to kiss your boots at any time).

5. The answer: ISA them. ISA them for 100 times over.

6. The case will now never go to the court.

7. When there is no court, it makes them pee in their pants. And when they are in ISA, your critic and enemy and others also cannot talk about the issue anymore. Effectively you have muzzled them and you are safe.

8. The court will wait in vain to hear the case. You can prolong the time by signing the detention order, again and again. Any excuse will do.

9. And so the rots in jail for years without any case being heard. It remains top-secret and the critics will continue to be muzzled. You are safe.

10. Finally the victim will be released. If you classify everything under OSA - they now cannot bring up the matter anymore because you are now "covered" by law.

11. But if they still bring it up in other ways, then arrest them under ISA for their jeopardizing national security by bringing up "sensitive issues" or for their own protection, or buy them over with the help of towkays. If they refuse, sic 'em with the uniformed "dogs" at your disposal, blow them up, or just throw them out the window, so that they learn to fly.

12. A few more years would pass and you are safe from being subjected to attacks on the issue.

13. At the opposition ruled states, you do the same thing. If found that the person you screwed is not in the wrong, then blow them up or teach them how to fly.

14. You can do the same at the Parliament.

15. By then the people would have forgotten your little sin, and it would become a non-issue.

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Gani's Freudian Slip?

Our AG appears to have problems with the English language .....
Is it any wonder as to why our leaders don't understand
and pervert the law/ Federal Constitution?

This is what he said:
“We must adhere to the laws of the country. Please don't take (political) advantage of the case. Our intention is to find out the truth.....
“holding a similar inquiry by the royal commission
would be duplicitous in such instance

-Gani Patail

(d-pls-ts, dy-)adj.
Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.

du·plic'i·tous·ly adv.
du·plic'i·tous·ness n.
ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
duplicitousduplicitous - marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; "she was a deceitful scheming little thing"- Israel Zangwill; "a double-dealing double agent"; "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"- W.M.Thackeray
dishonest, dishonorable - deceptive or fraudulent; disposed to cheat or defraud or deceive

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Is He Racist or just a low-down Ingrate & Pirate?

“At that time the official name for the country was the Federation of Malay States (Semenanjung Tanah Melayu) but when it was joined with Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak it became Malaysia. “With that, the identity of the Malays in their own country was lost,”
...... “with this article I am sure to be branded a racist by the non-Malay racists”.
- Mahathir
Jibby isn't all so popular in Umno as the propaganda indicates. Moreover, all isn't well with with the old man's lobby group in Umno (which includes Toyol). Jibby is trying very hard to topple S'ngor & Penang to boost his stature.... and get rid of Toyol at the same time. That's probably why he did not get much support when he walked out of the S'ngor DUN- Muhyidin told him to get used to being out of power. Istana Toyol issue came up during the Umno elections, but was hushed up (probably during horse-trading)... and now brought up again.

This old man is definitely knowledgeable .....
- and among the things he knows is the fact that he's a twisted liar, who lies to his own people.
This old man knows that he's talking crap - he knows that the reason the nons that are successful, are where they are, is simply worked twice(or more) as hard, built on what they had & created wealth. He knows that Umno policies are neither "adil" nor "saksama" as he claims it to be. He knows that many "nons" have sacrificed far more than people like him for the country - and people like him are plain ingrates who wish to be ignorant of that fact.
He also knows that the reason "his people" are left out is becos he & his cronies cleaned out the coffers, and were stagnant or at a loss as to how to really make wealth. What a shame - after appropriating all the white man left behind in the 70s & 80s, after piratizing all profitable businesses, after all the legalized robbery, they still claim to play catch up.

What he also neglects to say is the fact that,
it is in his (and Umno elites'/cronies) interest to keep the Malays at a disadvantage
and handicapped, so that they can prolong the "Ketuanan" ideologies,
and plunder the nation's resources thru the NEP
(the shelf-life of which, has expired long ago) ...

What he's doing now is just trying to whip up that fear & siege mentality, so to shore up support Umno after the MACC/ Umno screw-up recently - he wants people to look at this issue as a race issue, and train their guns on the chinese. He hopes that he can help Jibby get the goldmine called S'ngor, and share the spoils this way (and hide the dirt that lies hidden as yet).
They're trying very hard to turn it into a racial conflict, so as to destabilize Selangor. They're also getting frustrated that the game isn't gaining any currency.

He does this when a man DIED at the hands of MACC ... and they say, "Don't politicize" it, and "don't turn it into a race issue"!!

What a low-down dirty shame, from a dirty old man.....

“When the Malays and their leaders
reject racism and fascist thinking

then only can Malaysia be saved”
-Zaid Ibrahim

Monday, 20 July 2009

OMG! Solutions in a Fatwa, anyone?

Yesterday I got a on my earlier post of a statement from "Prof Dr" from a Maslid Al Mujahideen, who implies that a fatwa would solve all our problems. Apparently techniques used by MACC are those of the "godless Western" people!!!
So here it goes:

novice101 said...

Nazri, Muyhiddin, Zainul Arffin and Selangor UMNO Youth, please read this :

Monday July 20, 2009
Fatwa needed on MACC procedures

OUR nation is shocked by the death of a young man after he had undergone an interrogation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). It saddened us more as he was only a witness to assist the investigation and not even the accused.

As a practising Muslim, my heart cried for justice as prescribed by our Holy Book of Islam, the Quran. Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) taught us strict principles to imagine what would we feel if such a tragedy were to happen to our own son, brother or close relative.

All Malaysians should extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to the family of the deceased.

At the same time, it is a sin to let such an incident happen without a thorough revamp of the investigative procedures.

The investigative procedures used by MACC were professionally taught by Westerners. And it is a fact that these Westerners are godless people. They do not believe in the existence of Almighty Allah nor do they ever accept that there is a day of judgment after death.

Therefore, their ways of working are based on the ends justifying the means.

To them there is no meaning of sin. They are not afraid of accountability to Almighty Allah. This clearly is in contrast to the teachings of Islam.

I would like to humbly request the National Fatwa Council to play an active role here. The Fatwa Council should scrutinise all the procedures used by MACC and give a verdict according to the Islamic ruling. This is a huge responsibility but the nation is in need of such prompt action.



Deputy Nazir,

Masjid Al-Mujahideen,

Damansara Utama,

Petaling Jaya.

This was my reply:

Thanks for the post, novice 101 - there sure is no monopoly on idiocy, I should say.
Who the hell is this moron to say that "Western" people are godless, and thus their methods "ungodly"? Doesn't this moron know that our civilization is based on science and technology?
Maybe he needs a dose of "godly" arabic justice ....
Freakin' morons - like as if a fatwa is the cure for all the ills of our society!!

Back to School for the Clueless ....

Here's something of a confession of ignorance from UMNO - published on NSTOnline:

Back to 'school' for Umno leaders


By B. Suresh Ram

SHAH ALAM: Umno leaders and members from all levels will attend a training and motivation programme in stages beginning next month.

Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the move was part of measures to strengthen and revitalise the party leadership in facing the ever-changing political landscape.

He said members of the party's supreme council would be the first participants at the Umno Empowerment Training Institute in Janda Baik.

The programme, endorsed by the party's management committee and the supreme council, will be held throughout the country for divisional and branch leaders.

"The programme will involve all levels of leaders because they are the prime movers who will guide party members and we want to project a new image," said Muhyiddin, who is also deputy prime minister.

Speaking after opening the Shah Alam Umno division meeting here yesterday, he said the training would also incorporate modules on being people-friendly and on resolving the people's grouses effectively.

Earlier, Muhyiddin said following the 12th general election, which saw Barisan Nasional losing its two-thirds majority in Parliament and the loss of several states, political analysts said BN would have a hard time winning back the people's support.

"It is a challenging scenario for Umno and the Malays," he said, adding that the challenge was to ensure that the party's struggle in the past 50 years was not wasted.

He acknowledged that the party faced a daunting task in the present political climate and landscape.

Muhyiddin was confident that if party members and leaders were united in their task to strengthen the party as well as changing the perception of the people towards Umno and BN, both would regain lost ground.

Changes which needed to take place in the party must not only satisfy party members but also be perceived as good enough by the people.

He said the prime minister's 1Malaysia concept and economic liberalisation were just some of the changes.

A Pendatang In Kay El ....

The following song has to be sung to the tune of
Sting's "An Englishman In New York".

I don't eat tempe but take “babi”, my dear
I like my whisky on the side
And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
I'm a Pendatang in Bolehsia

See me walking down Bukit Bintang
A haram dog here at my side
I could be found dead anywhere I walk
I'm a Pendatang in Kay El

Wooh – oh …..
I'm an alien I'm a legal citizen
I'm an Pendatang in Kay El
Wooh – oh ….....
I'm an alien I'm a legal citizen
I'm a Pendatang in Kay El

If, "Melayu maketh man" as Umno said
Then he's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say

Wooh – oh ….....
I'm an alien I'm a legal citizen
I'm an Pendatang in Kay El
Wooh – oh ….....
I'm an alien I'm a legal citizen
I'm a Pendatang in Kay El

Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety
You could end up as the only one
Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society
At night a candle's brighter than the sun

Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your pendatang, avoid them when you can
An Umno man will run but never walk

If, "Melayu maketh man" as Umno said
Then he's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say

Wooh – oh ….....
I'm an alien I'm a legal citizen
I'm an Pendatang in Kay El
Wooh – oh ….....
I'm an alien I'm a legal citizen
I'm a Pendatang in Kay El

R.I.P. Captain Sir .... We'll Miss You !

I was shocked to read this message just now, on FB from Tony:

"Tony Yew salutes the ole sea dog Capt Ancient Mariner. Bon Voyage mon ami. May he rest in peace. We will all miss him on MRT"
I requested verification ...... and the reply was:

"Tony Yew
CD, yes, sadly allaryaham Capt Yusof a.k.a Ancient Mariner passed away in the morning of the 19th of July. He was laid to rest presumably in Linggi, his hometown. May he rest in peace."

His main concern despite taking up on other matters, was the issue of PKFZ - it was what prompted him to start blogging. He also mentioned as much when I met him a couple of times.
A real jolly good man he was - and spoke like a real sailor.
The high seas will miss him.
I'll miss him and his blog .....

May God Bless his soul.
Rest in Peace, Captain, Sir.
His last post was on the death of his Mother:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Al Fatihah

I lost my dear mother Hjh Latifah bt Hj Md Hussain, at about 3.30 a.m. yesterday. She has been on a life support system at the Seremban GH for the past week and doctors have listed the cause of demise as Type II respiratory failure 2dary to severe community acquired pneumonia.

We laid her to rest in the afternoon after zohor prayers, near my father's grave at our kampung in Linggi, Negeri Sembilan. She had outlived him by about nine years.

Many kith and kin came from near and far for the funeral, including my blogger buddies Nuraina Samad and Ahirudin Attan a.k.a. Rocky's Bru. We thank them most copiously, also to those who sent condolences and salam takziah. Due to the very short time frame we had for making funeral arrangements, I must have missed informing many. To them, my very sincere apologies.

Al fatihah.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Spin-drying the Blood of Teoh ...

According to certain quarters, MACC cannot be held responsible. To say so is to "POLITICIZE" the issue!!! All BN parties seem to refuse to implicate the role of MACC in this death, for no apparent reason.
They wouldn't accept the fact that the MACC should be responsible for all those called in to their premises ...... until they leave!!!

They appear to probably presume, that Teoh wasn't quite right in the head (despite interrogating him as a "witness" for over 10 hrs), dreaded his marriage today, and so decided to "jump-off" a skyscraper ... specifically targeting the MACC headquarters - just to implicate MACC- after accepting MACC's gracious hospitality, having had a snooze in the "visitors room". Perhaps they also believe that Beng Hock was just so heartbroken that he tore his pants across the back in the crapper after the snooze, and was too ashamed and afraid to go home with his undies showing - lest he gets killed for it?

Anyway, other quarters wish to conveniently play the old "bogeyman game" and try to draw parallels with the 1-Malaysian eternal bogeyman - 513 .... to play up fears of retaliation by "certain quarters"!!! No sense of shock or bewilderment - just a defensive attitude .....
Here is a reaction to Teoh's death at MACC premises apparently "upon release"- from an "aligned" blogger:

"This is typically Pakatan Rakyat tactics, especially the DAP. They conveniently blame authorities for misfortunes and conivingly soar hatred against people like the Police. The death of a Chinese youth in Kepong post 1969 elections was capitalised by the DAP to soar anger amongst the predominantly urban KLite Chinese against the Police, especially the majority in service were Malay officers and constable. After three days of inciting and instigation, a bloody racial riot broke on the afternoon of 13 May 1969."
- Bigdogdotcom

Here's another possible scenario, published on "The writing Was Already on the Wall So Long Ago" on "Corridors of Power" (MalaysiaToday):

He tried to explain that he is not being stubborn. He tried to explain that no crime had been committed. He tried to explain that he could not possibly implicate his comrades in the opposition for various crimes if these crimes are merely a figment of the MACC’s imagination.

So they continued to torture him. And he could no longer stand the torture. After all, he is not the macho type of man. He is but a gentle man who only wanted to get married this weekend. That was all that he wanted.

They threatened to kill him if he refuses to talk. With tears running down his cheeks he begged for mercy and pleaded with them not to harm him. They threatened to throw him off the top floor if he refuses to talk. Sobbing like a baby he went down on his knees and begged for his life.

They dragged him across the room and opened the window. Then something went terribly wrong. It was supposed to be just a threat. They just wanted to put fear in him. They did not really want to throw him off the top floor. They just wanted him to see what the ground floor looks like from the top floor.

The unfortunate young man panicked. He went ballistic when he saw the distance he would have to travel before hitting the ground floor. He struggled. They could not hold onto him. Gravity took over and the life of this young man was prematurely snuffed out.

The MACC then announced that they had released him the night before. They failed to announce that they had not released him from custody but released him from this world. Then they suddenly found his body the day after. He jumped. He committed suicide. He took his own life. He was never tortured. He was not dragged to the window with the threat that they would teach him how to fly.

MI latest ... Mike & Xavier Arrested!!


  1. MACC - Klang MP Charles Santiago says total 8 arrested by police, including two lawmakers.
  2. MACC - Police have also arrested Selangor exco Dr Xavier Jeyakumar together with Kapar MP Manickavasagam.
  3. MACC - Anwar says planning rally at Kelana Jaya at 4.30pm on Sunday July 19 for Teoh's death.
  4. MACC - Anwar tells crowd to disperse, says have met MACC officials to condemn action.
  5. MACC - Anwar says Pakatan condemns MACC's investigation methods, backs call for Royal Commission of Inquiry.

There will be more BLOOD, unless ....


"Today, we can call that statement and the MACC, "old whine in new bottle" as we did seven weeks after it was created when The Malaysian Insider declared MACC dead on arrival."

Ever since 0308, the administration has been dogged by blood-curdling (and spilling) scandals, involving our "enforcement agencies". Despite plenty of whitewash to improve the image of the BN administration, it appears that they only get worse. Of late, there are allegedly some efforts at undermining the administration of PR led states, which started with the coup d'etat in Perak.

It appears that there are efforts to grab the goldmine of Selangor is well underway, using state sponsored agencies under the guise of "stamping out corruption" - all these, while questions on Police brutality, Underworld involvement in various matters, smuggling, the endemic corruption, MAS, OPV, PKFZ, Kugan, Adi Mansor, Altantuya, Bakun Dam, Proton, timber concessions, and many more remain unanswered, like a disgustingly festering boil on their faces.
After the issues of Altantuya, Kugan, Adi Mansor (and who knows -probably many more), we now have one more death for a 1-Malaysia. One more event that can be used by the administration to claim its prowess at solving crimes, and efficiency by declaring "no foul play" and NFA.

Questions implicating certain quarters abound - but we have the likes of Nazri the Taximan, warning all and sundry, not to "politicize the issue" and accuse the MACC!!! Not one BN MP has come out to ask for an independent investigation. I wonder if the MACC HQ has been barricaded as a Crime Scene - and all employees within premises asked to vacate. It appears that, it is the MACC themselves who might investigate themselves!!! They'll probably be "assisted" in their investigation by none other than our "incorruptible" PDRM.
Through all these, we have an indifferent attitude among our electorate, who are probably more concerned about getting laid or drunk for the weekend!! It is precisely this attitude of apathy among Malaysians that begs for more blood to be spilled by certain quarters- ironically, in the name of "keeping the peace".

Here's a comment from "Bong" on Facebook:-
Poppycock spins over Teoh Beng Hock's death. WTF?
WTF with all this media poppycock spins. I am extremely disgusted and angry with what's happening in this country now. They are treating us like idiots, and let's not go about clueless 'tidak apa' Malaysians..

A lot of things just don't make sense. Strictly looking at the 'official' version of the Teoh Beng Hock's death at MACC. (Yes TV2, keep spinning by conveniently not mentioning it's MACC headquarters but instead mentioned 'Plaza Massalam')

1. Released at 3.45am but stayed around to rest? His car was parked there! Not forgetting, MACC officers working around the clock not following normal office hours? An outsider is allowed to stay in the building after office hour to sleep? !&*(@(!@!__+!)!+!~~!!

2. Look at the body. Too clean and 'perfect' pose for a fall from 14th floor. Why the trouser is torn that way? Somebody hang him upside down from the trouser? What? I'm just saying!

3. Guy is going to get married today. Suicide?

4. He was released after such long hours of interrogation. He didn't bother to call anyone? His lawyers? Family? Boss? He's too 'tired' to make any call?

5. 10 hours interrogation for a WITNESS? I shudder to think what would happen to suspects.

6. Released 3.45am, then checked on him at 6am. Found the body at 1.45pm. In between, what happened? Nobody checked on him? Nobody bothered to make calls to find out what happened to him? How about his mobile phone? No sms? No missed calls? He was 'missing' for more than 20 hours since he was brought in to 'assist' the investigation. I doubt that nobody tried to reach him.

7. We are not making accusation, (KJ and MP Kota Belud lambasted LKS saying he's casting aspersions, making this a political issue in their tweets). We are asking VALID questions. Asking whether MACC did it is not the same with saying MACC did it. (HA HA HA!) Not political my ass. Starting with Perak, then Kedah, then Penang now Selangor. Why not come and investigate warlords in Sarawak? How about MCA bigshots involved in PKFZ? Reports already out, freaking clear the names are there. Where's MACC? Penang government lodged a report against the developer in Kampung Pala, Nusmetro. What happened? Any follow up from MACC? Don't say it not political. IT IS POLITICAL!!! It a ploy to wipe of Pakatan states, that somehow went wrong with Teoh's death.

To those who wouldn't care less about what's happening around you, FU.

Vincent: "Malaysian generally will only move their asses when death occurs."

How did anybody come to the conclusion that -
he "fell", specifically from the 14th floor?

Did someone see him?
If so, why wasn't it reported immediately?

Thursday, 16 July 2009

LKS's Twitter on the 1-Dead Malaysia!!!!

  1. An instant peaceful multiracial demonstrations by hundreds against unusual death of TeoBengHock at MACC going on now at Shah Alam MACC hqrs
  2. Nazri said don't blame MACC for TeoBengHock's death at MACC. Should blame b directed at Nazri as Minister in charge or PM Najib himself?
  3. Will MACC Chief Commissioner Ahmad Said visit TeohLengHwee family 2explain how BengHock died in MACC? Can MACC disclaim responsibility?
  4. Arrogant MACC officer on TV said innocent will be freed n wrongdoers charged. Why not 1 BN Minister Dy Min, MB, CM, Exco treated this way?
  5. Spoke 2 aggrieved father,TeohLeongHwee taxidriver in shock He wants to know what actually happened - like all Malaysians.Blackday 4Malaysia
  6. As 1st MACC n unusual death, acid test 4 MACC, Police n PM Najib. Will Najib order public inquiry inline with "People 1st. Performance Now"?
  7. BenHock family/relatives demand justice which is the demand of all justice-loving Malaysians regardless of race/religion. MACC in the dock
  8. Kerk in Alor Gajah w BengHock's parents. BengHock's mother crying non-stop since told of his death at 5 pm. Family n relatives in shock
  9. Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo phoned from MACC Shah Alam. Police have brought in second forensic team. We r asking 4independent forensic exam
  10. Ronnie Liu still at Selangor MACC hqrs.4 3 hrs Selangor DAP Excos MPs Speaker SAs n BengHock's brother not allowed 2have sight of body.
  11. Kerk Kim Hock, exDAP SG n MP is related to BengHock. Phoned n expressed his disbelief n shock. Nationwide outrage. How come MACC!
  12. Spoke 2BengHock elder brother BengKee 33 who rushed over from his workplace in ShahAlam. BengHock from Alor Gajah is 2register 4wedding tmr
  13. Imagine MACC investigating "corruption" over cars n cows n a death in MACC custody takes place! Is this acceptable?Let there be no cover up!
  14. Anwar n other Pakatan Rakyat leaders will also be at Selangor MACC Shah Alam hqrs at 10 am MACC must prove it has not become another monster
  15. Will take 1st flight from Penang tmr n be at Selangor MACC Shah Alam hqrs 10 am to find out more about TeoBengHock's death in MACC custody
  16. What was MACC investigating 2 take a life? RM12.5b PKFZ scandal?No. Alleged state assembly rep constituency allocations!
  17. How did Sel Exco/Serdang SA Ean Yong Hian Wah’s political secretary Teo Beng Hock in custody at 14th fl Sel MACC Hqrs died from fall?
  18. At Shah Alam MACC now are Sel. Exco Auyong, Ronnie Liu, Speaker Teng Assemblyman Swee Lin. Is MACC acting outside the law?

Death at MACC HQ!!! (1-Dead-Malaysia)

Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdul said Teoh was questioned from 5pm yesterday to 3.45am and was released soon after.
However, Teoh apparently said he was tired and so he rested on a settee in the lobby. He was seen sleeping on the settee at 6am.
At about 1.30pm, Shukri said, they heard that a body had been found on the 5th floor of the adjacent building and when one of the MACC officers went to investigate, he realised it was one of their witnesses.

Teoh (right) with Ean Yong and an MACC officer at the executive councillor's office yesterday.
By Neville Spykerman -MalaysianInsider

SHAH ALAM, July 16 – The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) controversial probe into several DAP assemblymen’s activities was thrown into more turmoil today with the death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock at the anti-graft authority’s Selangor headquarters.

The 30-year-old’s death will put more pressure on the MACC, which has been accused by the opposition of conducting selective investigations.

Teoh, the political secretary of Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah, was taken in for questioning by the MACC yesterday at its 14th floor office in Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam.

MACC said he was freed but his body was later found sprawled on the roof of a five-storey building next door.

It is unclear if Teoh, a former journalist with Chinese daily Sin Chew Jit Poh, fell or jumped from the MACC office.

Ean Yong and several other DAP lawmakers are at the scene now, including M. Manoharan, Gan Pei Nee and Teresa Kok.

DAP’s Ronnie Liu said the police has confirmed that the body is that of Teoh. He added that he does not understand how this could have happened.

Forensic investigators examine the body of Teoh Boon Hock for clues. Teoh was found dead next to the MACC’s office today, after being taken in for questioning yesterday.

At a press conference, the MACC director of investigations Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdul said Teoh was questioned from 5pm yesterday to 3.45am and was released soon after.

However, Teoh apparently said he was tired and so he rested on a settee in the lobby. He was seen sleeping on the settee at 6am.

At about 1.30pm, Shukri said, they heard that a body had been found on the 5th floor of the adjacent building and when one of the MACC officers went to investigate, he realised it was one of their witnesses.

Shukri said Teoh was not a suspect but was questioned as part of their investigations into the misuse of state allocations.

Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said the deceased was found lying in a pool of blood clad in a white shirt, black pants and jacket.

Police have not allowed anyone to view Teoh’s body, which has still not been removed at 6.30pm, when his brother was at the scene.

In an immediate reaction, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang expressed shock and asked in his twitter account, “Is there now the first case of death in custody, not police but MACC? If so, heads must roll!”

The DAP leader is in Penang and said he was waiting for a full report about the tragedy.

“What has this country come to?” he asked, adding later he and other Pakatan Rakyat leaders will meet the MACC on Friday for an explanation.

According to Kit Siang, Teoh, an Alor Gajah boy, was to register his marriage tomorrow.

Kit Siang also confirmed he and Anwar will meet reporters at the MACC building in Shah Alam at 10am Friday.

Teoh was taken in for questioning yesterday after MACC officers raided Ean Yong’s office in the State Secretariat as they were investigating complaints about the failure of state allocations to reach the people.

Selangor State Assembly Speaker Teng Chang Khim weighed in by saying the MACC is responsible for the incident.

His lawyer M Manoharan, who accompanied Teo to the MACC office yesterday, said the deceased looked normal and showed no signs of being under stress.

“He was happy and looked composed. I had advised him how to handle the interrogation as I was not allowed in during questioning,” he said.

Manoharan, who is the Kota Alam Shah assemblyperson, last saw Teo at around 7pm yesterday.

Ean Yong said it was highly unlikely Teoh took his own life since he was due to register his marriage tomorrow.

"Furthermore, there was no reason for him to linger (after the interrogation) because his car was here," he added.

Selangor executive councillor Elizabeth Wong expressed shock over Teoh’s death and added to the chorus that MACC was responsible for it.

“This tragic incident is another reminder of the recklessness of supposedly public institutions like the MACC in pursuing the goals of their political masters,” she said in a statement.

Wong said MACC investigations director Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdul’s explanation flew in the face of logic, adding that the authority should operate within acceptable guidelines when conducting interrogations.

“Even the police stops interrogating suspects at 6pm. Did the MACC think it holds powers greater than the PDRM when it interrogated Teoh from 5pm to 4am the next day?” she asked.

She said the incident has prompted her not to allow her staff to be questioned by the MACC unless accompanied by legal counsel, adding the police should also seal the office for investigations.

“ Datuk Mohd Shukri … should save whatever honour he and the MACC have left by resigning,” said the Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman.

In a statement, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the MACC must bear full responsibility for this death as Teoh was in their custody at the time.

“MACC should stop its political persecution of PR, especially DAP leaders and members, that does not serve the interest of fighting corruption or justice,” he said. “Such political games have caused the loss of life of a bright young idealistic DAP member.”

“There must be a full investigation on how he died. Unless MACC can clear its name, the public may suspect that Teoh was mistreated and MACC had a hand in his sudden death. There must be full transparency and accountability.

“DAP extends its condolences to Teoh’s family for this tragic loss and assures them that all steps will be taken to ensure that the culprits or those responsible be punished.”

Sekinchan assemblyman Ng Swee Lim, who was weeping openly at the press conference, said he had wanted to take Teoh for seafood yesterday.

Meanwhile, PKR vice president K. Sivarasa calls this a “death in suspicious circumstances.”

PKR assemblyman Xavier Jeyakumar is questioning why a normal young man would want to kill himself over being questioned about state allocations. A vigil is now being organised for Teoh outside the MACC office from 8.30pm tonight.

Beautiful Greenery on MRR2.......

Monday, 13 July 2009

PPSMI- A Pro Choice Argument.

The people, in whom the supreme power resides,
ought to have the management of everything within their reach:
that which exceeds their abilities must be conducted by their ministers.

-Montesquieu, Spirit of Laws, bk. 2, CH. 2
(Of the Republican Government, and the Laws in relation to Democracy)

The Govt has once again flip-flopped, so "suffer the children" now. Muhyiddin was conveniently made to be the fall-guy for this predetermined decision to bring about this populist decision - while Mr. PM's cousin, Mr. Chris, sits pretty with the HM and his "reformist" rhetoric.

What I don't understand is why we need to be so rigid in our ways - every aspect of our life seems to be decided by the Govt who insists on a "Nanny State". Why can't they provide us with an option? What have they got against dual streaming in National schools? Is it the same rhetoric that they used against the noble La Salle teaching tradition/schools?
They appear not to recognize the need for the freedom to choose as individuals, and we are dictated to on every matter. They people are regarded as incapable of making decisions for themselves, and treated as such. This allows them to control the masses with great ease, and indoctrinate the masses to their liking. It is this creeping paralysis of thought that the Govt desires, so that they can impose their will upon the people through a dictatorship that masquerades as a democracy.

The Govt conveniently absolves itself of the duty to provide for the quality education for the general public - as that which was accorded to them in their (the politicians) days as students. It in turn transfers that role to the mushrooming private sector, who now cater to only those who can pay premium fees for quality, world-class education (read "International Schools").

What could go so terribly wrong if we had an English-medium as a safety-net, to ascertain that we aren't left behind, together with Malay-medium for those who intend to protect the viability and progress of BM as a language for communication, science and technology? Just as they intend to enhance the teaching of English in the currently Malay-medium schools, they could do the same with the English-medium which we could have.
Nobody loses, and everybody is happy - and market forces will determine that the less competitive schools become less popular, while those obsessed with their cultural heritage have that option to indulge themselves.

The freedom to shoose is an essential component of a democracy.
"Choice", however is a word alien to the ruling powers in Malaysia. They appear to believe that statecraft entails the removal of this element of choice from the books - in all facets of life .... from the area of expression, to clothing, gathering, to entertainment. From religion, to politics, to business, to jobs, to education - the people are denied this element of "Choice" in one way or other. This has led to the malaise that afflicts the nation.

To this demand for "Choice" in the matter of PPSMI - they have my vote. The people have a right to Choice, in deciding their future.
This element of choice is essential if we want to create a progressive civil society.

How about you?

If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual,
it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master.
The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects
a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual.

- Frank Herbert

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Clinging to the Cause & Wishing the Results Away.

"Guilt that is concealed seldom stops with the one who harbors that hurt. Sooner or later that pain of fear and guilt is spread to others, particularly to those closest to us. “Victimless” crimes are an illusion, for deceit is a monster that needs constant feeding. It would be foolish for us to think that we can deal with guilt by somehow covering it up.
The moment that we cover our guilt we escalate the tension in our lives by adding the dimension of fear. We may then become people who seem okay on the outside, but inside we are struggling to maintain the facade.......
Carried to a different level, this same tendency underlies all our national preoccupation with one social or economic crisis after another. No one seems willing to admit that at the heart of our malady is a mangled spirituality."

-Ravi Zacharias

For a small nation that should by right be striving for unity in pluralism and held fast by the secular spirit and principles of the constitution of 1957, Malaysia is a nation that is struggling silently through a turbulent time of social reconstruction - albeit in the wrong direction.

Indeed, what Ravi said rings very true if we were to reflect on his words against the backdrop of our woes, at the heart of which lies the greed and sectarian politics practised by our political masters. Here we do not have the luxury of "whacking" the usual bogeyman, the Government or BN (aka UMNO Baru).

No - all of them in the opposition too, practice the very same evil by embracing "race or religion" based politics - this has been the curse that has been handed down to us by those who refused to accept and thus betrayed the the ideals that Dato' Onn Jaafar, the Father of UMNO, stood for.
They instead killed every opportunity to build a nation based on "Values and Principles".
They preferred to play the race game that would be a short cut to power consolidated upon those politically "victorious", ie the Muslim Malay race.
That being the case, all the "others" also joined the bandwagon of the most primitive "race/ religion" political game.
YES - This is the curse that we inherited from certain idolized "leaders", who were actually the perpetrators of cardinal sins that would one day spell the doom of this nation (unless it is undone).

Political parties in Malaysia were never forged out of principles of the democracy that they all swore to protect and nurture - they were there simply to fight for the rights and "interests" of specific races/ religions.

Would it not serve Malaysian interests well if our politicians seek to emulate their selfless struggle against injustice under tyrants and religious extremists?
How I wish I could hear the music of politicians shouting out against the subtle persecutions against the all Malaysians be they Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhists or Animists, be they of BN or the Opposition.

But No - they only do it so long as it serves their greedy, sectarian or racist political agenda. Listen to the sound of silence among members of one "party", when rights of the the other is trampled upon - it is so deafening, that you are tempted to doubt the legitimacy of your rights!
They believe that it isn't their struggle, unless it involves their "own people". Politicians fear "breaking ranks" with party bosses, even if it means betraying fellow Malaysians that they have sworn to speak for - all in the interest of "party unity".
How low can politicians go - they prefer to appeal to the lowest possible denominator, toe the party line and be subservient to "great leaders" and be slaves of the party, rather than stand up for noble values/principles of humanity, truth and righteousness.

Dear friends, it is a grave sin indeed for one to dance to the tune of divisive and sectarian politics that caters to primitive, selfish and narrow interests of only certain communities. We need to change our mindset to support leaders who aren't slaves to the dictatorial party leadership, but to principles of humanity.
For that to happen we need to make a concerted effort to change the mindset of all Malaysians, so as to be able to regard his neighbour as a brother/ sister first - race , religion, beliefs, creed, class and whatever divisive factor shouldn't figure in the equation.
For that to happen, the small-minded "leaders" who bark in Parliament need to realize that all parties need to "overhaul" their constitutions so as to be inclusive, and practice it in word and deed.

G.K Chesterton once said - "What we need is a Leadership that is not only right where we are right, but right where we are wrong". So then, let us make up for the betrayal that our forefathers meted out to the Founding Fathers of the Nation. Break down the walls of our insecurities, pride, prejudice - and embrace instead principles of humanity, so that we may not live in fear, but in hope.
Let us turn not opt for the same fate as Dorian Gray, who chose to destroy the hideousness of the painting (of himself) that he saw, and had stabbed himself in reaction.

Many of you might say that it is just a pipe-dream - maybe so - but we must have hope in this dream.
Until and unless this can be done, Malaysia is headed for further conflict among the various groups/communities.
This may of course be conveniently averted through the use of "Rule by Draconian laws" by a dictator, wherein every citizen has to give up his/ her rights, in the interest of "maintaining law and order", with the interest of society at large - which is incidentally the "Asian Values", sold to us by some "great leaders".
Advocate not denial, and grasp at straws so as to prop up the evil that plagues the nation, for our own selfish interests. Let us take the nation back from the politicians, and make it ours - for once.

"It will not do to cling to the cause and wish the result away.
Reality does not play mind games.
What is more, to anesthetize the mind in order to abort what comes to birth when wrong ideas are conceived and borne in the womb of culture, will only kill the very life-giving force of the nation that nurtures the idea.
We must learn, in the words of one cultural commenter, to live as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."

-Ravi Zacharias


The above is an edited version of "A Curse in the Malaysian's Embrace" on CruzinThots (18/2/2008).
It was inspired by Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and Ravi Zacharias's lovely take on it which appears as the preface at